stellarcorpse ago

it is my deep suspicion that Caris is now under the ownership of Alefantis. That he has been grooming her since infancy. I am trying to express this in posts here but I have some moderator up my ass that seems to be protecting James Alefantis. To bad for him/.her. I am rather OCD.

Freecaris ago

Report concern to Portland FBI! Caris' parents are located in Lake Oswego, OR. Maybe enough tips will get them to investigate :( This little girl haunts my dreams.

quantokitty ago

This is so disturbing. WTH AREN'T THE AUTHORITIES ALL OVER THIS?!!!! This is really disgusting. They could at least go over and check on these kids with obvious signs of abuse.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah all those kids have the dark circles under their eyes. When added to all the other info we know, it really is necessary to have these kids checked on.

kaptklok ago

When Alefantis went to London with Caris, did he go alone? Or did the parents go too?

redditsuckz ago

Is there a link showing Caris in london?...and Parents Scott Cummings and Cory Woolman seemed to have vanished off facebook. They are the only ones with multiple instagram usernames and all private or deleted.