UglyTruth ago

Buck The name of you're creepy next door nieghboor, most likely a child pedofile and rapist. Has long greasy hair, rarely showers or shaves, and has a tendancy to stare at young children for long periods of time, can offten be found in the McDonalds play pen area. When I was young, Buck my neighboor tried to shove a toothbrush up my ass!

buck #toothbrush #rapists #creepy #nieghboor

by ziggy_kid23 December 27, 2008

ThorTheWonderful ago

kCUB's go camping and the cub masters go fishing cuz they A'lefante ASS19><PIZZA

Blacksmith21 ago

Think "Cub Scouts"...

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah I see that connection. The logo on the Queen's Vernacular book is a boy scout too. I was also just seeing in that 1981 pedo documentary that researcher said there was a huge ring in New Orleans literally running out of the boy scouts. I cant find anything online about that tho. Makes me wonder how many huge scandals have happened in the past and been scrubbed

Blacksmith21 ago

You have no idea. I have personal connections to another related and notable scandals that I am still trying to unravel. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are fertile breeding grounds.

NerdyNoodle ago

Fishing for what, exactly? Children, perhaps?  

And camping, well, maybe they provide a place to camp the children between... uses.  

think_whatif ago

Fishing for teen. Maybe ask John Podesta? Fish and 14?

ThorTheWonderful ago

I've mentioned this one before but I'll bring it up again.. "PIZZA" "ASS19"

UglyTruth ago

MeatballPizza ago

7 fishing A. A sport which involves catching fish. This is usually done with a net or pole.

B. An act preformed in jailhouses. Fishing happens when the current fish (a new inmate in prision, the bitch) either leaves, gets transfered, or is just plain used up. Fishing is teh process of selecting a new fish for the jail. Once fishing is complete the newly deemed fish is raped by the other inmates as they chant "fish........ fish....... fish...." A. Me and my friend Winston went fishing off the pier. Then we played some wiffle ball

B. Peter, the current fish was dry and used up so the jailhouse went fishing and selected Tom as their new fish. Then they pulled the cords and had a seizure.

MeatballPizza ago

Always thought that was a weird damn name for a restaurant.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Weirdest name ive ever seen