Dfens ago

I need to retract an earlier statement. I found that there is some tie between Pentecostals and Mormons, much to my surprise:

I also spent many years in ministry in Pentecostal, Charismatic and Assembly of God churches. Each church taught me more about the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of praise and worship ministry teams at Charismatic and Pentecostal Spirit-filled Churches. But only at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) did I receive the blessings of the Restoration, with the deeper Gift of the Holy Spirit. -- https://www.mormon.org/me/6m0t

Apparently the Mormons are directly going after then Pentecostal Christians and trying to convert them with a sect that has that fundamentalist Christian flavor to it. My apologies.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hey, @Dfens, no need to apologize. We make progress by looking into things, making course corrections when we find we were off-track, and everybody closes in on the goal. Keep up the good work BTW.

BTW, I wasn't aware that the CDAN site is Mormon. Is Enty or the Himmmm writers Mormon?

Dfens ago

I’m not sure who of their posters are Mormon. I saw links to Mormon sites there earlier, but they seem to be gone now. Even so, when they refer to “the church” there they are referring to the Mormon church. I have no idea what sort of splinter group they represent. As I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t make their information wrong, but it’s good to keep their perspective in mind as much as that can be done.

kazza64 ago

geffen and spielberg are best mates

ReddittRefugee ago

Yes, the links go way back. With Katzenberg also.

zunar ago

Phenomenal research! Thank you.

Dfens ago

It's a little ironic that you cite Crazy Day's and Nights for this since it is a very Mormon site. That's not to say all Mormon's are pedophiles, but there is an obvious risk that the information is tainted. Also I do not know of any tie between Mormons and Pentecostals or between Mormons and the Assembly of God churches. In fact, they tend to be very distrustful of one another. This is probably a good time to bring up the fact that the Mormon Church now acknowledges the long suspected tie between themselves and the Masons (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry)) and the fact that Joseph Smith was a high ranking Freemason. Freemasons are sect of Gnosticism.

ReddittRefugee ago

and here's a great summary:

THE CHURCH: Dream City Church (founded 2 years ago when two ASSEMBLY of God megachurches combined in PHX AZ.

---sister church is Dream City LA. ---has 160 locations worldwide ---operates 2 female only sex trafficking rehabs (1 in Short Creek AZ) ---operates many other drug/alc/sex rehabs "Dream centers" ---founder Tommy Barnett has history of cult associations and hiring sex abusers as pastors in church ministry

Secret Funding source is David Geffen who owns Dream City Records, a Christian label imprint that's a part of DreamWorks SKG

"Trinity" referenced in original blind is TRINITY Broadcasting Network.

"Dream Center" in Romania is the source of EASTERN EUROPEAN teens

"Religious worker visas" (i-360) are the immigration loopholes that allow churches to import "pastors"/slave labor

I-360 program has been repeatedly renewed due to congressional amendments introduced by UT senator, FLDS apologist and LDS member ORRIN HATCH
