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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/oneangrygamer comment by @fightknightHERO.

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AloisManas ago

Important update: Apparently the person who translated the interview may have made a mistake and the part "themes of racism, politics, citizenship" is actually referring to Game of Thrones, not Elden Ring. If somebody here can speak Japanese maybe you can shed some light on this.

PogotheClan ago

For Fucks Sake! Can't anyone maintain some testicular fortitude. I guess bringing on that fat barrel of fem-nigger bootlickery GRRM ensured a massive dose of kyke-vermin influence.

Dr_Dreem ago

It's not sounding good... >.>

fightknightHERO ago

I had feeling FROMSOFT would've (((fallen))) sooner or later but goddamn, that's the last non-pozzed developer in the market

I know it's probably a B-team production but goddamnit

It's only gonna get worse after this

AloisManas ago

This is definitely the biggest game From is working on right now, so I'm sure this is not a B-team team production.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

I haven't followed anything regarding this game because the genre isn't my thing. Had no idea that faggot Miyazaki was involved. If I knew that I could have told you it'd be trash from day 1.

Bludvarg ago

I'm so fucking sick of that word. It's almost to the point where, were you to ask somebody what the most common word in the English language is, the answer would no longer be "the", it'd be fucking "racism".

I'm also fucking sick of politics being shoved into everything. It wasn't all that long ago that we had things that DIDN'T have a connection to politics, but the SJW infection has made sure that that's no longer the case. Even goddamn toddler shows like Sesame Street aren't safe from pozz. Gotsta make sure them 3-year-olds ain't lynching any niglets!

Fucking hell, I just want it to end already!

correctus ago

This does not bode well at all... Everyone knows that these aforementioned "themes" can be depicted in only one way, in the (((current year)))... Too early to say anything concrete, they need to show more.

25705914? ago

We have known for some time the fat hack George Martin was involved. At least as of 2019, Miyazaki is stated as responsible for the main story, and the useless shit was putting his "efforts" on the mythology.

I expect Elden Ring to be pozzed by Japanese standards, just like how the Witcher games became more and more pozzed by Polish standards. As much as I enjoy Witcher 3, some dialogue and quest lines were pure left wing cringe.

LoP-MkIV ago

"We have known for some time the fat hack George Martin was involved."

I've expected it to suck since that was announced.

Mystiker ago

Note that George Martin did not create the Game of Thrones TV series, the people who made the TV series basically made up things from season 4 to 8. So you can't blame George Martin for the woke shit.

25706185? ago

The woke shit was in the novels.


Dany's entire character development of being sold off as a bride, raped, and then falling in love with the not-Saracen. And that was in book one.

Blondes being evil, incestuous bastards incarnate.

I can and will blame Martin for woke shit. Same as I blame Sapkowski for the woke shit in the Witcher novels.

Mystiker ago

Fair enough, I agree there were some odd choices that George made in the novels, though obviously not as egregious as the TV series.

RocklinBatty ago

Game of Thrones participating in development and themes of racism, politics, citizenship...

Going to pozzed themes of racism and citizenship will be "BLM Niggers can be Japanese to!" just like the shit in with mass migration black people are European you bigot!

Strum ago

Think I'm going to skip on this dogshittu. Don't need any videogame to remind me of life in present day Europe/Weimerica.

It's like the woke Swede mantra of nothing in existence is really Swedish but simultaneously even more important than oxygen that subhumans who come here feel like they are.

Besides that, I could never get into the GoT books and the show was just gross.

derram ago

https://invidio.usk_T_2LMf6m4t=2320 :

エンターテインメント部門 受賞者トーク「『SEKIRO』のゲームシステムについて」 - YouTube

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NameXD ago

Hey,who are you actually ? Are you a bot ?

derram ago

Little from column A, little from column B.