25890724? ago

Where the fuck do you people pull this shit out of?? He's speaking to the children?? WTF? No wonder Q is getting mocked and ridiculed - because of idiots like you!

25896028? ago

lol you should go forward with the suicide

25889318? ago

He helped with the psyop.

25889015? ago

Try explaining this to a liberal-pussy...they're virtue signaling to everyone that walks and talks. Including the children, which would be damaging.

A child is now thinking, "I wont die, but if I have it I might be the cause for someone else's death...I'll just stay home today mom."

25887671? ago

WRONG! everyone dies from convid.

Motorcycle accident - convid

Gaping chest wound - convid

Fentanyl overdosed - convid

99yr old heart failure - convid

25887240? ago

I recently asked a couple of youngsters (age 11-13) in our community what percentage of people with COVID they thought died of it. One thought 4-5% and the other thought 15%. When I told them it was less than half a percent and much lower for people their age, they were really taken aback. Small wonder these kids are petrified.

25886752? ago

Children. So like 99% of humanity.

25886735? ago

The sick fuckers will kill them from something else then say it is Covid.

25886695? ago

Not globalists. Satanists under leadership of jews.

25886748? ago

we'll get to that.. however, it's very easy to identify the Satanists by connecting them to their Globalist Organizations and Agenda

just shouting 'Satanists' every time, or correcting posts with your language control is not needed

25886323? ago

Shut up. You don't know who he's "speaking to". He's speaking to everyone. Little kids don't watch the news.

25886472? ago

POTUS is not 'the news'

the news is kikes, you kike

25886273? ago

My parents in their 80s had covid and are doing fine!!!!

25887397? ago

there is no covid19 test

they had the seasonal flu

25887296? ago

Was it any different from having the flu? Would they have known they had anything other than the flu if it weren't for covid testing?

25887454? ago

i had it as well. loss of taste smell was different. no, covid symptoms were mild-medium flu. Nobody had a fever, just some cold sweats. My temp NEVER cracked above 98. For parents it was just wearing them down like flu and hung on longer, mine was 2 days of symptoms, they had lingering flu symptoms for a couple weeks and general tiredness. My father had very slight touch of pneumonia. Mother a cough. Covid did cause confusion for father, a common occurrence for elderly. He is bouncing back from that.

They are obviously in high risk group but decent general health for their age so that tells me covid really is a major problem for those who have other serious conditions even in elderly.

Also, the importance of family as health advocates is crucial for elderly. Had my father been left in hosp or long term care he could have easily lost the will to live. We kept him active and engaged and pulled him out of recovery care after 2 days, they basically left him isolated. He is back mostly to normal for his age once we got him home and engaged mentally in his passions and fired up will to live. That is a biiiiig factor. I see how elderly just give up when they are isolated in long term care facilities.

25886435? ago

What treatments?

25886595? ago

zero for Mother, stay at home tough it out. Father 2 hospital stays of 4 days. fluids monitoring, normal symptomatic treatments. NONE of any special covid treatments.

25886654? ago


25886024? ago

The elderly are safe too... because before the Jew Covid-19 hysteria, pneumonia was considered the old person's friend because it is a quick and painless way to die when their immune system fails.

Old people die. It's what they do... and most old people die from the sniffles.

This is the natural way of things.

25887311? ago

Oh my god it's full of stars!