22988765? ago

fefe can also mean fear and panic.

22977810? ago

love it

22974045? ago

covfefe is an Arabic term that means "I will rise up" or "I will stand up."

goddamn yall are retarded.

22974915? ago


22969873? ago

Adenochrome is made in Wuhan...

Ferritin, the iron-containing protein, oxidizes adrenaline to adrenochrome at pH 4.5 by a free-radical mechanism.


22968308? ago

I thought it was Arabic for I will stand up?

22968367? ago

I've never found anything to back that up besides one person's claim, so idk.

22965968? ago

damn it this show is getting WEIRDER every day!!

kind of love it, don't even know why!

22965868? ago

Can someone help me out?

I'm having trouble figuring out how you jump from ID-19 to Adrenochrome, and then from C9H9NO3 to Fe2.

22965560? ago

The meaning of covfefe i understand is "i will stand" from arabic.

"Despite the negative press coverage,....covfefe"

22965610? ago

Ive not found anything to back that up besides one persons claim. Maybe you have more info?

22965660? ago


22965508? ago

22965541? ago

Except that introduced was after the tweet. Lol.

22965468? ago

That fucking white rabbit again

22965337? ago

Adrenochrome is adrenaline oxidized by ferritin which contains iron. Adrenochrome is not ferritin + iron.

22965283? ago

Wasn't that the password on the Comet Ping Pong server? Why should they use the operation Corona as a password? Maybe kinda mirrored game to use their own words against them.

22965229? ago

There's no fe in adrenochrome silly rabbit

22965190? ago

Reminds me of BA AL, as in the barium and aluminium that are used for weather controlling/cloud-seeding/ rogue geo-engineering projects.

Makes BAAL, like the Canaanite god. Might just be trivial, but all of these associations are also possible, because we have learned how intelligent our enemy is, but moreso how much we have been dumbed down.

22964759? ago

Carbon Oxygen Vanadium Iron2?

22964557? ago

sigh Guys, we gotta stop chasing windmills.

Ferritin is just a protein. Fe2 is the elemental symbol for Iron. Neither the protein nor the element are present in Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a compound comprised of Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Carbon.

Please folks, think critically. Every time Q goes away for a while, it's like a vacuum was created and people seem to feel the need to fill that void. Think carefully and critically. People are seeing connections and codes that don't exist because they WANT to see them.

And to those of you saying this is related because "adrenochrome use causes iron deficiency", I can find no medical papers or journals that back up that claim. If you want to know why Trump said covfefe, listen to an interview with the Google whisleblower, Zack Voorhies.

22964654? ago

Downvoted for sighing like a fag. Why people cant just contribute without insults and snark faggotry I dont know. Smart boy cringe.

Nothing wrong with discussing theories at all and you wont stop it here, at all, ever.

22964543? ago

Put that with the Adrenochrome Rabbit symbol, Wow.

22964411? ago

That was on here about the same time.

22964255? ago

This is maximum coping, holy shit, lmao!!!

22964094? ago

I have an alternative theory. The President dictates his tweets using voice recognition software. This was the last tweet late at night. Melania kissed him to get him to shut up and go to bed which obscured what every he was trying to say.

22964089? ago

of the cabal pre-flood and the search engines erased it from digital memory to try to make DJT look stupid. Obviously in our world "words have two meanings", aka Led Zeppelin & 'Q'; but l will let you numerology people dissect this to oblivion.

22964059? ago

“Despite the constant negative press coronavirus, ferritin and iron.”

Yep, you’ve solved it.

22963990? ago

I’ll admit I thought it might elude to a covenant of lesbian Iron Maidens but later I leaned towards the phonetically similar name of a beautiful island of Thailand called Ko Phi Phi. Dig Au tists Dig!

22963731? ago

Epinephrine (like an EpiPen) + silver oxide = adrenochrome

22963660? ago

Went from autistic to retard.

22963618? ago

I wish I was this autistic

22963671? ago

Whoever it is must be on some good drugs.

22963443? ago

Oh my god this shit is way over my head you guys are fucking brilliant

Just kidding this shit is retarded. Keep putting together connections that don't exist faggots

22963257? ago

There was a thread a couple of days ago that detailed this. Check it out here,


22963178? ago


22963163? ago

Trump tweeted it on May 31st 2017 which is the start of the 2300 sacrifices or 1150 days of Daniel. The 2265 contained within the word "covfefe" also represents 2/9/2017, 6 years before completion of 1260 days. 2265 is an important Pi code.

22963088? ago

I encourage the effort, but I dont think this is "it". It seems like a giant stretch (insert joke about Chrissy Tiegen's ~pussy~ resume here).

22962958? ago

Well, consider me entertained and call me Caesar.

22962881? ago

LOL to all the nigger faggot shills in this thread preaching Q is fake...

Your side is about to receive a tectonic teabag of the millennium... maybe you can get it right next life...

Adios babyfuckers !!!!

22962848? ago

Negative. You're a bunch of dumb niggers.

22962709? ago


I don't know jack about chemistry but I found this paper which talks about Adrenochrome and Fe++, Fe+++, Ferritin, Iron, and so on. Talking about oxidizing adrenaline into adrenochrome. Paper from 1955.


22966250? ago

interesting that you said fe++ and fe+++ Q has used those + signs a few times now no idea if anythings there or not just spitballing

22968695? ago

There are no coincidences, this is clearly another proof.

22966713? ago

Humans are designed, for whatever reason, to see patterns. I thought the same as you. A plus means one electron has been removed from an element. Not sure of that helps.

22962579? ago


22962522? ago

no it's an arabic word

22962488? ago

No....they didn't. More nonesense.

22962478? ago

Wouldn't Fe2 be Fee? Not FeFe?

22962564? ago

Fe times 2 = fefe

22962426? ago

This is the dumbest theory.

Yeh white hats can't stop them from harvesting adrenochrome, but can poison it with a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

22962941? ago

Maybe they did stop them from harvesting more and thats why they used that stockpile which is all they had left.

And these people are sick, doesnt mean dead. Made weak to round them up nice and easy.

22962389? ago

‎C9H9NO3 they did not!

22962955? ago

Well played

22962353? ago

No they didn't, it's just nonsense that doesn't make sense chemically or medically.

22962272? ago

Holy shit

22962250? ago

You people are saying that Trump has so far killed 9000 people. Youre all insane.

22963212? ago

Here. It's free: '

22962469? ago

Let us say some innocent nursing home residents are whacked for optics by the Deep State. Because a whole bunch of Pedovores have been fed a virus that eats their brain. Oh, you did not hear about that yet? Too soon I guess.

22966738? ago

No names have been released except celebrities and politicians. It's possible that no citizens have died. I've been checking obituaries, can't find the 40 something people that have allegedly died in Kirkland. It might be a cover story by the elite so it's not obvious that only pedophiles are getting this virus.

22963241? ago

Are you saying that evil people don't make it to the nursing home? Do pedovores provide in-home care for their elders?

22963589? ago

Most of those deaths are murders done to blackmail the government from doing mass arrest. It is called terrorism for a reason, child.

22962928? ago

Lets kill some innocent old people to own the libs?

Fucking psychopathic cultists you qtards are.

22966750? ago

Show me one name that has died.

22970610? ago

Show me one cabal member that has been arrested.

22963391? ago

TDS is much much worse than coromuhvirus

22963870? ago

You guys are the ones saying its perfectly fine that Trump is going to kill millions for 'The Plan'...

But I'm the one with TDS?

For the record, Trump had nothing to do with COVID and covfefe has nothing to do with it you absolute retarded sperg autists.

KYS please. all of you. We don't need more mental patients.

22963892? ago

Enjoy the show!

22967624? ago

Indeed! Stay at home and do nothing! All your enemies will face justice; someday!

Whatever you do, DO NOT take matters into your own hands, like your forefathers! Let agents of the state fix it, PAYtriot!

22967734? ago

Except the great awakening truth movement is doing all of the work of the research, sharing, redpilling snd motivating and you are the one on the sidelines doing jack fucking shit.

22970589? ago

none of that matters if nobody gets arrested/executed. people will just accept that the other class gets away with everything, and laws only apply to us lowly serfs. this is exactly what QAnon is all about; makes people stay home and not water the tree of liberty; because big daddy Q will take care of all his mindless, lazy kids' problems, just keep watcing the movie and trusting the plan, goyim!

22963095? ago

You ignorant low life swamp dwelling groomer of a retard.

This is WAR. We are being attacked with military grade bio-weapons.

They are called collateral damage because war sucks! Are you slow or just stupid?

Oh, and have a beautiful day while sucking on your (((Adrenochrome))).

22963838? ago

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what pure schizophrenia looks like.

Clean your trailerhouse.

22962505? ago

If they even really tested positive.

22962623? ago

Remmember the test strip recall? They shipped them already at 20% positive. Some "contaminated" at 80% on "clean" swabs.

Can we say inside job?

22962589? ago

Ton Hanx just admitted he didn't have it.

22962226? ago

Holy Looking Glass Batman!

22962207? ago

smart people lurking about...dang..

22962109? ago

It dosent mattter now. we have been rejected as PATRIOTS> @Q

22962065? ago

Put the airlines to good use. Load 'em up with all of the Chinese and send them back. Racist? Hell yeah. I am sick and tired of hearing "China stole this technology, China implanted this hidden chip, China undercut American workers, and on and on." They are, as my deceased grandfather used to say, the proverbial spook in the woodpile. If the folks from India etc don't buy into the American dream, send them back too. This country used to be a melting pot, now it's a multi-tray crockpot.

22962141? ago

send niggers back, higher priority.

22962523? ago

Niggers mess with GOD all the time.

22962056? ago


22962036? ago

It's more likely to be this:


22962067? ago

That was introduced after the covfefe tweet.

22962541? ago

So you're saying......Mike Quigley...a Democrat....introduced a bill: The "The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act)" on 21st July 2017.....using the acronym COVFEFE as a way of covering for Trump's "mistake/typo" on 31st May 2017 ?

22963028? ago

The bill was to prevent Trump from deleting tweets, it was named that way to reference the deleted covfefe tweet.

22962025? ago

This is what I thought when I saw the chemical name of adrenochrome the day google became uncensored. Glad someone else thinks the same, I'm not much of a Q researcher so it was nice to catch a 'coincidence' myself for once

22962038? ago


22962007? ago

Highly plausable IMHO! #MeLikeAlot

22962003? ago


22961917? ago

If this was true then China would have grounds for a Grievance.

22962551? ago

Eliminating Pedovores is a civic duty of every breathing adult on Earth. This is not a Chinese cleansing. It is aimed at the Pedovores who have made collateral damage a justified tactical necessity.

This is WAR! The sides have been drawn up.

Are you for the Pedovores? Or our future children?

They are eating CHILDREN for crying out loud!

22961892? ago

No, but I bet Evergreen is Evergreen Point Road where Gates, Bezos, and others live.

22961876? ago

All hail the age of the Techautists

22961872? ago

I was reading somewhere that adrenochrome overuse can causes a buildup of ferritin and iron to fatal levels. True? I have no idea, it was only in the last couple of days. 8kun wearethene.ws notables I think.

22966600? ago

Excessive blood transfusions do. The adrenochrome has nothing to do with it. it can be mixed in or not.

22962293? ago


No, it's not.

22966586? ago


There is Adrenochrome straight.

There are plain Blood Transfusions (youthful blood) replacing your blood..

There is a delivery method for adrenochrome into your own bloodstream involving taking your own stored blood, injecting the adrenochrome into it, then delivering back to you.

22973520? ago

That's nonsense. There's no reason to want adrenochrome in your blood, it doesn't cause any sort of interesting high or health benefits.

Even if you did want it in your blood, there are much easier ways.

22966638? ago

Agree. What was in Al Gores briefcase when stopped in an airport? - 2 pints of his own blood and several vials of pure adrenochrome.

22962910? ago

That is incorrect. Adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline. That is like saying iron is the same thing as rust.

22963013? ago

Yes, it is just like that. For many purposes iron and rust the same. Biochemically adrenochrome doesn't act significantly differently from regular adrenaline.

22963410? ago

Lol, wut? Sauce?

22963686? ago

What exactly would you like sauce for? The medical literature is pretty clear. There are also multiple first hand accounts of people who have tried it because they had heard the old urban legends about it.

22966120? ago

What exactly would you like sauce for? The medical literature is pretty clear.

Um... perhaps a link to this medical literature you speak of?

22964237? ago

Notice how you have to provide proof, but the whole "muh Adrenochrome!" is free of that burden. These guys need to come up for some fucking air.

22964369? ago

People get mad when you point out their little pet theories might be wrong. It seems like the less informed and less fact-based their pet theory is the madder they get.

22964488? ago

It's the exact same mindless behaviour the left has. Gobble up the nonsense or be crushed for not conforming to our group think.

Its infuriating as fuck how some of them act.

22962396? ago

I disagree for a 1000 points of light.

22962483? ago

It's not a matter of opinion, it's simple facts.

22962553? ago

I disagree. We choose truth over your “simple facts.”

22962597? ago

You don't get to choose truth, only whether to understand it not. If you want to choose ignorance that's up to you.

22963173? ago

While you choose emotionally charged fact are real? Idiot.

22963640? ago

I'm not the one just making up or spreading bullshit friend.

Adrenochrome is a red herring. There's no black market for it as it has no use. There is however a black market for organs and stem cells, you should be more worried about those.

22963658? ago

OK Groomer.

22963708? ago

So you can't rebut with facts, just resort to sad attempts at comebacks?

OK dumbass

22963796? ago

OK Pedovore, groom me some more. You almost had me there.

22963814? ago

"anyone who hurts my fee fees with facts is a pedovore!"

22962474? ago

Upgoat, you're cool.

22961985? ago

It was in the original thread, called hemochromatosis https://voat.co/v/QRV/comments/3712148

22961860? ago

lol I posted this as my shower thought this morning and the thread died. I'm glad the autists picked it up. https://voat.co/v/QRV/comments/3712148

22961922? ago

Nice job anon, take more showers.

22961811? ago

We used to call some pussy a fefe.

22962562? ago

A homemade pussy = fifi

22962766? ago

In my days Fifi was a dog.

22962794? ago


22962266? ago

Ahhhhhh. Look to the wives! Think about it.

22961801? ago

Thats nuts

22961771? ago

How bout dis: Iron is a chemical element with symbol Fe (from Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26.

Covfefe = Cov2626.

26 times 26 = 676.

6+7+6= 19.

Covfefe = Cov19.


22972985? ago


22970847? ago

To all the haters: Bakers gonna Bake!

22967532? ago

If you want to do an epic fail at red-pilling, use this on a normie and see how it works out.

Obviously you can make any word into anything you want by doing shit like this.

22966439? ago

Good work Patriot! Ignore the naysayers.

22963651? ago

The mental gymnastics and contortions you are using are fucking staggering.

Making these silly connections fail in so many ways, and the fact that it has to be pointed out to you as pointless, silly and destructive to the legitimacy of the anons is telling and sad.

Please, for the love of God...Stop.

22978544? ago

boomers love this shit.

Remember Nostradamus, back in the 80's/90's?

boomer christcucks couldn't shut the fuck up about that nonsense.

22967993? ago

Yea considering this isn't a problem to me. What is a problem is people would rather go this far to believe it rather that use deductive reasoning to recall Google translate censored covfefe translation after Trump posted it from his trip to Saudi teaching him it means press on

22968304? ago

Google has had its fingers in too many social and political pies with obvious censorship and manipulating people thru its search results. They're another facet of the DS machine, that's pretty obvious.

22967797? ago

another meltdown against truth

22966057? ago

I think it's just satire.

22965926? ago

You kikes are still here?

You'll be dead or awakened soon enough. No grey areas in this matter.

22968302? ago

Yep. Gas them all. Jews gotta go.

22967831? ago

Awakened to what?

All I saw was that "decoded" is implying President Trump Green lighted releasing a world wide virus and - because THAT'S such a subtle plan - he also tweeted out a secret code (why?) that can only be "deciphered" by substituting some letters for elements, then to numbers, then arbitrarily added, multiplied, etc... until they reach a presupposed amount? In what fucking world would that serve a purpose or make sense? That you can't see how breathlessly, feverishly stupid that idea is is simply, mind blowingly ASTOUNDING! It doesn't make any sense, nor does it serve any utility or purposeful use. Its way more likely that the original "decoder" is either wrong, stupid or a top tier shill trying to spread horseshit in the anon community in hopes people parrot out this crap (mission accomplished!), making us all look like fucking low browed morons.

22972638? ago

Take a breath shill. Sounds like PANIC to me.

22978560? ago

The stupidity of you people is astounding to behold.

Boomer Remover incoming.

22973202? ago

So just pointing out the Holland tunnel sized holes in that reasoning is panicked shilling? You're a hoot.

22968411? ago

It doesn't make any sense

To YOU you solipsistic fucking reject.

Everything about your fucking diatribe involves the sheer lunacy of others for daring to offer an idea that YOU YOU, ONE SCUM SUCKING FAGGOTINI FUCKING ANON, finds dubious. You Fucking Dense Irritating Beast of Burden.

22969674? ago

Aren't you a touchy kike? Shalom faggot.

22965353? ago

It's entertainment to these folks.

22967549? ago

If it was only that I'd be fine, but they're operating under the delusion that if someone's not in 100 percent lockstep agreement...well, then you're a DS pedovore Satan worshipper sowing discord in the ranks of the white hats, not someone just making the observation that maybe, juuuust maybe that mental exercise of letter/number swapping and math isn't the secret code they think it is.

22965206? ago

Especially considering Bill Gates is wanting to chip everyone: http://archive.is/IVQkU

It sounds absurd. Just check out Bill Gate’s own words: https://i.imgur.com/BTZBgas_d.jpg

22967473? ago

No doubt that there are a whole host of evil shits engaged in nefarious activities.

22964780? ago

Exactly. Every time they do that makes me think of this: Sea for Catwoman

22964578? ago

Agreed. fuckin joke that this even gets so many upvotes.

22965646? ago

Non-autist struggles ^^^^

22965706? ago


22965711? ago


22964693? ago

Cry about moar.

22963803? ago

you are no fun

22963392? ago

The longer I follow Q, the more humbled I become in terms of my own estimate of my IQ.

22970349? ago

It has nothing to do with IQ. It's the willingness to take random leaps of logic. If you're not coming up with bs justifications like this, your iq is probably ok. And I'm a top1% of mensa guy, tested multiple, multiple times. These are reaches by those desperate to cling on to delusions (not the Q thing, but their interpretation of it)

22971157? ago

Top 1% of Mensa guy? What’s that mean

22966863? ago

Dude, no need to not be proud of who you are. You are here arny you. You found something most people don't even know about.

Q is a team of people who are probably all genius level. No need to feel bad.

22971179? ago

Oh no I don’t feel bad. Proud to be apart of it. I do my part by sharing, explaining in depth in comments to make sure people know. Can’t assume everyone knows what you know, ya know!?

22964810? ago

Don’t be too hard on yourself. “Followers” simply do not think for themselves. It doesn’t mean you are stupid. Your intelligence being turned off is the natural reaction to being infused into a cult.

22965649? ago

Try harder faggot

22965443? ago


22965655? ago

Stop replying to yourself

22965667? ago



22965685? ago

No you.

22965733? ago


22963452? ago

Research the Bible code. It heavily uses numerology and using the Bible like a crossword puzzle of sorts. Fantastic for identify events of all types after they happen, and at 0% for predicting events before they happen.

22968312? ago

Research how to gas jews instead.

22966787? ago

You dont read the bible much do you? Predictions about the life of Christ and more in the hundreds. I wont bore you with the facts as you probably wouldnt be able to keep up. Have you ever read the bible all.the.way.through. Don't lie, your mom might see your reply.

22968422? ago

You're a special kind of retarded.

22962449? ago

Fe2 would be Fe+Fe. Not FexFe.

You guys are seriously trying to interpret a typo for coffee to fit your gay narrative.

22963230? ago

These things make no sense. Why multiply as they did? Why not add first, or subtract first, or divide first? Why not muliply 2x6x2x6 rather than multiplying 26x26?

So much wild imagination being passed off as 'discoveries' or 'proofs'.

What will happen will happen. That will be the proof that awakens the world, not dumb shit like this.

22963490? ago

These fucking "decoder" dumb fucks are making the normal, inquisitive people of Qanon look bad. These faggots are worse than flat earthers, and I'm beginning to wonder if they're some shill assholes.

22964701? ago

Cry about it moar, maybe you can still change anything at all about it.

22962580? ago

Lack of Adrenochrome making you irritable?

22963283? ago

Your perceptions are seriously flawed.

22963006? ago

Obviously they need cranberry juice. (things I learned in The Departed)

22962193? ago

How bout dis: Q is fake.

22962359? ago

How about you go put your chin on a curb.

22962520? ago

17 letters, foo.

22962454? ago

And then?

22961828? ago

Good one. Me like.

22962534? ago

I’m guessing you’re incapable of comprehending the fakeness that Q bestows.

22963496? ago

How do you do, fellow kids?

22963176? ago

Using "bestows" does not give you credibility. Try again.

22964762? ago

Was that too big a word for you?

22963033? ago

Especially when the math works.

22961724? ago

These people are sick!

22961937? ago

This would imply Trump was sick

22961698? ago

Ho-Lee Fuk!!!

22961871? ago


22961893? ago

Sum Ting Wong

22962172? ago

I tell you walasse ting

22962276? ago

Sum dum fuk

22961977? ago

Bang ding ow

22962111? ago

Hoo Flung Poo?

22964646? ago

Chinese Coronavirus!

22964711? ago

Sum dum guy.

22961563? ago

COV = Corona Virus

FeFe = House Party (Chicago Slang)