kestrel9 ago

Contrary to the claims of the "planet friendly" genicidalists:

Rainforest destruction from gold mining hits all-time high in Peru

“In 2013, the first comprehensive look at Peruvian rainforest lost from mining showed 50,000 hectares. Five years later, we have found nearly 100,000 hectares of deforested landscape.”

Gold isn't the only thing elites have profited off of in Peru:

Peru’s National Police Chief Arrested in International Baby Trafficking Ring Bust

Genicidalists use US taxpayer money:

Forced Sterilizations In Peru - Paid For By US Taxpayers

mainstream media outlets have been highlighting the rarely-mentioned forced sterilizations that took place during the Alberto Fujimori years. Part of the renewed interest is due to the fact that Fujimori, who is 79-years-old, and back in prison after a failed attempt at a pardon, now faces charges for his part in the sterilization program. The program is said to have lead to the forced sterilization of over 200,000 women in the late 1990s.