@Chiefpacman made a thread about the name of the [Voat Goat](https://voat.co/v/whatever/comments/931851) This made me curious because QT seemed an odd name for the goat, but the original Whoaverse mascot was a cat, QT Cat made sense. So I went poking and searching.
[This](https://voat.co/v/WhoaverseMascot/comments/48976) would appear to be the origin of the goat created by @Genial. And as far as I can tell it has no official name.
Cynabuns ago
@Atko - did you ever give the Voat Goat created by /u/Genial an official name?
pornhub_katie ago
huh, i guess i never realized the goat doesn't have a name. i usually just hear it called "voat goat".
Arotaes_Forgehammer ago
His name is Baphomet. Get it right.
MrPim ago
Yes, I've seen you say that in one of the threads from the past. But so far I can't find anything official. I have no problem w that name, and I understand why some call it that. But I was looking for something from the Admins calling him/her that or any other name.