I live in Southern California in a small unincorporated part of Los Angeles county. Near City of Industry California. City of Industry is an odd city that is not very transparent as far as governance is concerned. It is home of many warehouses and very few actual residents. Last night at around 4 am many explosions and flashes were witnessed by some of my relatives. One of them drive to the site and it was closed off and he could clearly hear automatic weapons firing. He could not get close to the sounds as law enforcement closed off the street. When he called the station to inquire what happened, he was told they could not tell him what happened. I am going to drive by the area to take a look later on as to what businesses could have been raided by US Military.
MongolianPaellaFish ago
Just good honest citizens exercising their 2nd amendment rights.
WokeazfuQ ago
You know we make movies here, right?
PepeLovesPandas ago
Isn't that the land of Cartel stash wharehouses?
jthun2 ago
Could also be one of those urban warfare training exercises.
FreedBy45 ago
Never. I read through plenty of military threads after the LA helicopters/extracton in hazmat suits incident. They ALL said military would never do urban warfare training in an area where civilians could be hurt or killed. They have specific locations around the country for that training - one not far from LA.
Paladin_Diver ago
I know the area well. What he describes makes a ton of sense given the endless miles of warehouses. It truly is a very odd place.
GutterTrash ago
I have also been hearing unusual explosion sounds. They sound nothing like the usual gun shots and fireworks. I always wondered what was going on.
Lagmonster ago
I saw two Apache helicopters fly down the coast towards LA the other day. I hope they were on the way to take out some jews.
LeeDoverwood ago
Thanks for keeping us informed about shit that will never be on the news, (maybe)
It could easily be automatic weapons held by both SWAT teams and bad guys. The bangs and flashes you heard may have been those fancy flash bang grenades.
Just thinking this through and realizing Industry is a sort of murky city of warehouses and questionable enterprises, it occurs to me this could be a raid on a drug warehouse? Makes sense to me....
I'm about 45 minutes to an hour south of you. Boring community and getting more paranoid by the day. People were starting to relax on masks but we had our second alert so now more people are scared again. Such sheep, right? By the way, I think we should organize no mask raids on local grocery stores. Sort of like maskless flash mobs.
petevoat ago
Sounds interesting.
Picturing Pelosi hiding up guns blazing.
gimpyoldman ago
Movie being made?
WokeazfuQ ago
25,000 indictments for California
PacaGoat ago
So I wonder how many outpost the chinese have on our soil.
tjay ago
Yea stuff was happening. City of Industry had a fire.
SkyIsFalling ago
My first thought is they went after LA Mayor's warehouses known to stockpile munitions. The guy is a bought and paid for agent of the CCP.
suave200 ago
supposedly there is a stash of weapons in sacramento somewhere in a warehouse. Newsome involved.
Hibby ago
Can you FOIA request bodycams from that night?
GoodGodKirk ago
Military do not wear body cams.
Chantebo52 ago
For what it's worth, here's my advice for CA from a gun totin' Texas Patriot! Gather up all the conservatives, bikers, anti-gov pot growers and other salt of the earth Patriots and take on the Crazywood soy boy cunts, trannies and ped's who've destroyed your great state and welcome back to the Union!! MCGA!!
GoodGodKirk ago
The pot growers today are mostly soy boys...
Confucious ago
Lot of Chinese money gets funneled thru the San Gabriel Valley. Nearby Rose Hills cemetary has the largest Bhuddist pagoda in the country I believe.
Any publicly accessible CCTV cameras in the area?
fnbs010 ago
Illegal weapons/explosives being fired off at 4am?... probably just niggerism
Wise2TheLies ago
LA, it would more likely be illegals from south america
Shvonce ago
Movie scene shots? Or filming of the next big democratic hoax perhaps? They like doing shit like that.
Is English your second language?
lord_nougat ago
Perhaps third?
akilyoung ago
FatFreddiesCat ago
Filming a movie most likely
Clubbooradley ago
When this person called the cops then why wouldn’t they say, “Don’t worry Mr. Concerned Citizen, it’s just a movie being filmed”?
lord_nougat ago
Because they are never helpful or friendly in any way. Unless you're a politician there.
Trizzle1 ago
Maybe they are lighting up AS and rescuing little boys. Is it anywhere near Ed Buck's residence?
moderator99 ago
He's in prison.
Mind_Games ago
Lol the LARP’ING here is deep in ludacrisville
NinaSparrow ago
@richardinho hey, I used to live in Rowland Heights & recently moved about 26miles east of there.
Anyhow, if u use Facebook, check out "Rowland Heights Buzz" ... a LOT of people heard the same thing last night, too.
Wow this is crazy. Keep us posted & let us know what u find out!
Stay safe.
Commahorror ago
Take screenshots of the convos for us that, can’t see it!
NinaSparrow ago
I dont know how to post pics here. Can anyone help out with some instructions, pls?
GoodGodKirk ago
It's a private chat. Ha e to be a resident and invited.
NinaSparrow ago
Shoot, let me take some screenshots. I just don't know how to post pics here..
angel187 ago
Sounds like Ninasparrow is already in there. Post up the sauce.
GoodGodKirk ago
Sauce posting of images on 8kun is easy. Difficult here on voat, we don’t have an image hosting service.
TSE ago
Are the Crips and Bloods still going at each other?
moderator99 ago
CIA crack cocaine distributors from the 80s. Many went on to get record deals and moved into the Hollywood limelight for a chance at success there. Snoop Dog and Chris Rock come to mind.
Mayhawk ago
Freeway Rick aka the original Rick Ross, not the fake rapper of the same name.
moderator99 ago
Yup...they held him in east Tx in lockdown back in the day.
Must've rolled or not rolled on some alphabets..
Ricardinho ago
I drove on the street close to the location I was given and the properties in question were in Don Julian Road close to Seventh Avenue. Most of the warehouses were for major Chinese food companies And close by were large 1+ acre properties. Some looked abandoned. Btw it's close to where Al Gore took money from China. Btw I was told people heard flash bang grenades over many minutes giving me the impression that it was a large operation in which many rooms were taken.
acloud ago
That may explain the bloody dog coms yesterday
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
NYE is coming, some warehouse workers were dickin around with fireworks
Cat-hax ago
Front compines
LoveOurCountry ago
Ricardinho, which side of Don Julian Road? Closer to 6th Ave or closer to 9th Ave? Google Map Don Julian Road
Ricardinho ago
Between 4th and 6th avenue
PhilKDick ago
"It's Chinatown."
PacaGoat ago
I hope the chinese were vanquished with prejudice!
Paladin_Diver ago
Why did this seem so damn poetic to me? Must be the martini(s).
Rahav ago
There was a complete power outage in several towns at the same time just a couple days ago at 530 PM in the Southern California mountains. ( Check socal mountain news )
No reason was given for the outage. Strange considering there were no weather problems and power went out all over here at the same time.
Fried-Laptop ago
Loud booms & power loss could just be a transformer blowing up. It does happen, and even when the smaller step-down220V goes boom it does it loudly. Sometimetimes with flaming oil evertwhere
Rahav ago
My neighbor heard loud booms not me.
( I asked if it was a transformer and he said no )
The thing that seemed odd to me was that the outage was widespread, no weather problems and no explanation.
However, there may be a legitimate one I'm just not aware of yet.
Fried-Laptop ago
Had a house fire a couple miles away, utility pole went up too about 9sq miles lost power for half a day
Rahav ago
That's disturbing .
Hope no one got hurt
Fried-Laptop ago
Either a space heater or cooking dope.
2 most common causes of fires here
Paladin_Diver ago
If you don't mind, can you be more specific on your location. I'm a SoCal resident and know the mountain areas reasonably well.
Rahav ago
Check socal mountain news. They talk about it there.
Paladin_Diver ago
Thank you.
Rahav ago
Just sent you a PM
1scm ago
Great dig! I am in Santa barbara county, very quiet here as always. It is good to know the military is active. You're to first one rally to confirm it. I think the big roundup has begun.
crazycloud2 ago
40 yrs ago Santa Barbara was thick with pedos
1scm ago
I wouldn't doubt that, just like any place that has connections to pedowood and SB has more than a fair share. No surprise that oprah has a big mansion here, which is for sale. Ellen nearly became a neighbor, but I did not go through with the deal. All the pedowood crowd here, keep a super low profile. The days when Greg Allman used to come to town and beat up Cher when they were doing drugs, are long since gone. SB Police no longer gets those 911 calls.
Paladin_Diver ago
My business partner is in Santa Barbara. I spend a bit of time there. Some real players in this big game reside in your lovely county. I doubt it will remain quiet indefinitely.
1scm ago
Well, then you know, this place hasn't changed in the 40 years I lived here. I used to go once a week to LA, LAX, Simi, San Fernando valley, encino, hollywood, but haven't in ages. Interesting times. Trump will clean up CA quickly, newsom is history. The Military will fix any trouble and then it will become civilized again. Goons like Garcetti will join GN in gitmo. The numbers how Cox beat GN in mid terms. I wonder if this will be addressed in Trump term 2.
Paladin_Diver ago
Yeah, we are on the same page. This is the first year in awhile I've not been invited to a Christmas party up there where I've been introduced to several people with whom I'd never trust with anything. Santa Barbara is a quiet center of real power and real players.
Hope the rest of your prediction comes true.
Lagmonster ago
If it was I chinese food company I bet many dogs were saved that day.
2infinity ago
What? No more won ton bow wow!!
mismacheta ago
Dim Sum clazy craims
ThAssOfHats ago
...and horses and rats and...
RogerWilco73 ago
I worked with a chinaman years ago and he told me he ate rat from a street vendors at home.
1Paydaddy ago
I gotta start using the word "Chinaman" more often!
Paladin_Diver ago
Cats. Everything tastes like cats these days.
MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago
Biker wars not an uncommon thing in that locale
Gorillion ago
Sounds familiar. Did one of them turn into a giant baby with telekinetic powers?
ScreaminMime ago
No-no-no! OP is trying to infer that there was some kind of raid in a Chinese shop to secure fake ballots and a firefight even took place!
Now to the Q boards with you all, there are panties to be soaked!
Hortance ago
Your Mother needs to quit dropping hers for strangers or else they'll never be dry.
PacaGoat ago
Remember the nearly 50 c117 and c130 troop movements out west this past week. Its getting real.
Paladin_Diver ago
I'm starting to believe it. I'm in San Diego and let's just say the ports appear busy. Lots of helicopters near Camp Pendleton too. Nothing definite in those observations, just a feeling.
badgertime33 ago
Nice to hear from other patriots in the area ...
Remember the "earthquake" from around here a couple of months ago?? Lots of happenings around here kept quiet...
GutterTrash ago
I remember those. It was highly unusual that countless aftershocks took place in such a highly centralized area. It was nothing I ever encountered in the earthquake watch website.
Jammer78 ago
Take pictures if you can!
chocolatepatriot2 ago
hum very interesting. you know some who say they are insiders said we are on house arrest (covid stay at home orders) to keep us safe from friendly fire due to criminal round-ups and arrests. makes it easier for military if they dont have to worry about us getting hurt or taking pictures and posting online.
moderator99 ago
Also safe from possible second, worse, bio-weapons attack.
chocolatepatriot2 ago
Whooa... i had not thought of bio weapon attacks out of Cali. serious stuff.
angel187 ago
I’m thinking that the scam-Demic is there to get us into crash position as a country ahead of the shit hitting the fan with the CCP
poet54 ago
this would make the curfews make sense....how does making sure most people are off the streets between 10pn and six help sup a virus.
chocolatepatriot2 ago
curfews good point, lots of jokes about the smart virus attacking after 10pm, more fake science. keeping us off the streets for covert ops makes sense.
061916 ago
Some say and believe that. Would be wonderful if it was that easy and true. Who knows
chocolatepatriot2 ago
we have to wait for more facts , in the mean time something strange did happen in City of Industry.
Ted_Zeplin ago
I think that was where "True Detective" Season 2 was filmed. The fictional name of the joint was Vinci, CA. Lotsa warehouses and a casino if I recall. Looks like a great place for a shoot-out.
Confucious ago
That would probably be Vernon, a city just south of East LA/Boyle Heights (and home to Farmer Johns the largest pig slaughterhouse on the west coast) and the casino would be the nearby Commerce Casino.
I thought it was filmed in New Orleans.
Ted_Zeplin ago
That was Season 1 with McConaughey and Harrelson.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
Drug bust, lol
freshoffyourmom ago
So, you know for sure or are you just throwing shit out there?
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
You know nothing, Qoomer
monsterdoggie ago
Most likely.
WilhelmVonDoobiest ago
Well we know it was a fraudulent election and the deep state is probably killing off the lowest of their minions.
Jabilukka ago
Half White Hussein, not quite, half kike and half nigger, a mamzer.
DarfyMcTavish ago
How about a traitor under the guize of half kike and half nigger, and a mamzer.
wanderingblade ago
No it didn't. The elections are always a sham and they don't let anyone but controlled assets in power. The same small group of people runs every single country, bank, media company, mega corporation etc. They aren't contested and you can't vote them out or else we just wouldn't have elections. Elections just pacify the sheep and serve as another way to divide people against each other
CryptoBard ago
City of Industry is where I remember getting all my Newegg packages from, interesting.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
Not really that interesting
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
Not very interesting
moderator99 ago
Neither are you, Joo.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
Call me a nigger, or a tranny, but NEVER a joo, you big ole homo
CryptoBard ago
California has one of the largest economies in the world. Anything happening here like OP described is interesting.
StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago
For all we know it was some cholos watching a loud TV
lord_nougat ago
Or one of the usual stupid tv or movie shoots where those fucktards take over like the own the place and hire off duty cops to chase off locals.
Unless they're smart locals who go and raid craft services and steal all the wine.
GasTheYikes ago
that's where their DC is located
AndyMan_45 ago
Probably vote fraud whistleblowers being executed.
Wise2TheLies ago
You mean vote fraud whistleblowers. Real criminals never get punished, especially in a commie dump like LA.
numina18 ago
Remember that operation some time ago in LA when the streets were filled with military??
PacaGoat ago
Black Hawks at night Guatamalian??? Speiling.... drug something out
The_Real_Wahrheit ago
It was Guat cultural exchange or orphans or something wasn't it?
PacaGoat ago
Yeah I think it was.
Clubbooradley ago
And that storage house for all of those weapons in....Brentwood, I think it was?
suave200 ago
that was a shitload of guns.
892012518HEROS ago
That was some crazy shit helicopters landing in downtown
Dustcutter ago
The helicopter extraction in downtown! That was real shit
WezeBWoke ago
Feb 2019 ?
suave200 ago
I would like to know what they took out of the building and into the helicopters. In hazmat suits.
proteusquid ago
Biological weapon. Was to be released in the city. This was the original plan that failed. CV19 was the plan that finally to hold.
pizzaequalspedo ago
Anyone know where I can find that video? I remember seeing it at the time but I would like to forward that to some people who have since been redpilled
Blacksmith21 ago
I have close ties to the SpecOps community. When this went down, I showed the video around. Everyone to the individual, said no way this happened, until I showed them the raid, then everyone was in agreement that this was real and not a drill.
moderator99 ago
Just search for "la helicopter raid"
PacaGoat ago
Beat me to it.
ScotAnon76 ago
No, someone said that was the first attempt to unleash Covid or a similar virus. Think it was Jeff Prather but don't quote me. 'They' had got a lab worker from Wuhan to sell them a bioweapon but the deal went tits-up and the military swooped and secured it. I wish I could give you sauce for this but I've been through so much content lately my brain is bleeding.
proteusquid ago
This is true. Simon Parkes also has confirmed this recently.
jambojamin ago
Check out Simon Parkes @ 10:00 min mark. (all his stuff is good) seems legit.
moderator99 ago
I doubt they were attempting to release it then. More likely Trump got info about a stash of bio-weapons and took it out.
IMO, they weren't planning to release a virus until after they stole the 2020 election, and blame it on the street poop. When the COVID hit last December, the Dems acted like they weren't expecting it and ramped up their game plan with Nancy suddenly rushing articles of impeachment through after stalling for so long.
FreedBy45 ago
I think Pelosi knew in advance...which is why she held the articles for a month before ceremoniously walking them over to the Senate. Just so happened to send them the same day a/ China was basically forced (thru tariffs) to sign a fair trade deal they did not want to sign & b/ first covid case hit the shore of US when traveler arrived from Wuhan. Just not possible those 3 things happening on the same day were all "coincidence". Pelosi was trying to distract POTUS with impeachment while the Chinese sent covid caused massive casualties. She forgot POTUS can walk & chew gum at the same time.
moderator99 ago
Yep. I think you nailed it. But I believe Trump knew they were planning to release a deadly virus and switched it out with a benign version and used insiders in Wuhan to release it earlier than they expected, throwing them off and taking control of the situation. They had to fake the numbers which exposed more of their minions. Then they had to call in Antifa/BLM to cause mayhem to make up for the real mayhem that they expected from a real viral attack. And on it went, exposing more and more of their evil.....
Something like that anyway.
CowWithBeef ago
That covid claim doesn't make a lot of sense.
Ltlgeneral64 ago
NeoNazarite ago
ok retard
ScotAnon76 ago
Fuck you, cocksucker
jc99ta ago
You deny the Dems in their entirety are fucking evil?
At least the Reps have some good guys. There are no good Democrats.
Simonbelmont27 ago
Report back!
Ardithla ago
51235521 ago
Ok. You’ve. Go me curious.