Like Zion in the Matrix, partying in they honey trap like their masters planned because they're "free", and when they get too many, they're slaughtered.
Not this shit again, I swear to God... "Oh there's a secret radio-isotope "watermark" on all the ballots so they'll know they're fake & Trump will arrest them all! It's even a DOE patent, and DOE uses Q-clearance!" It's been "Decoded"! You mean your apophenia kicked in again cuz you spent years scratching at the walls.
They only watermarks mentioned are visible ones. The gamma-printing shit is a patent from 2004, so why wasn't it used before? It's NOT SECRET either. So rigged districts report record ballot requests & registrations, request all the legit paper they need and print them up on legit machines ahead of time. Now what?
Most of you are looking for any reason to be complacent, indolent fucks and put your guns down for football & beer. You get tricked into thinking you won so you quit trying to fight or get out of the cage.
Looking so hard for "proof" you "won" and are "free" that you don't see the prison walls around the fence you go through.
I guess you missed the part where I said "theory". Also assuming the concept of "information warfare" has flown right by you as well. I take it then, that you are busy loading mags and checking your battle zero before you go take on the ANTIFA hordes?
The Dems probably got the taxpayer to pay for the extra ballots, and would just add them to election costs in their state. Look into the states finances to see ballot print costs. If a state has X amount of voters, and allowing for a percentage of damaged etc, but then the costs indicate an additional bulk which seems far above that number, then you can ask 'why'.
Great find...inquiring minds want to know. The truth is out there and it won't take anons very long to find it. I am so impressed with the ability of the Patriots to find "the needle in the hay stack".
Remember...what is the "voter fraud commission" run by now
247911-Nov-2018 12:36:43 PM CST8ch/patriotsfight
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Excellent - I'm glad to see we are all working to pull this picture together. My guess is - assuming the big bust is about to happen - is that the White Hats are letting everyone involved commit the crimes and fully documenting it in preparation for charges. I pray to God this is the case.
Florida used to contract a company to print ballots in counties and they were audited. Now with early voting they print their own ballots called ballot on demand because you have people coming from different neighborhoods with different candidates and yard signs their for their ballot is different. So the argument was they needed to print their own as people came in to vote early at just a few locations around the county. Whoever is watching and auditing them is just a fox guarding the hen house.
Any ballot without the watermark would be considered fake. Shouldn't be hard to find. There shouldn't be ANY fake ballots in the chain of custody. What I don't know is what regulations are there for retaining paper ballots? I'm sure it varies from state-to-state.
In my polling place paper ballots were used. The voter marks them with a pen then takes them to a scanner that scans but does not return the ballot. I don't know if they are kept or shredded once scanned.
In my state the paper ballots must be retained for a time (in the same scan order) to verify the tape count of the scanner and for subsequent inquiries regarding signatures and ballot/voter validity.
real ballots were water marked and the trap set. Now Trump and Co just sit back and let ALL the fake ballots pour in, with that Trump smile on his face. They took the bait!
Printers don't make the paper. So they use the same legit paper to print up extras far ahead of time citing record registration and need for the ballots early.
Now what? This hypothesis is bullshit without proof.
A random sample of mail-ins are presented to the SCOTUS with proof that ALL mail-ins were water marked. If the mark fails to show, then we have fake ballots, thus we can proceed with a recount and throw out all that don't have the water mark. Would be epic if the water mark was Trump smiling.
More than 14 million ballots have been reviewed nationwide for the department of homeland security. So far, 80% of the ballots have failed ballot integrity checks under this measure. DHS sting
Two separate thoughts, possibly related. The theory that White Hats placed "radioactive isotope watermarks" on legit ballots to differentiate them from fraudulent ballots is supported by the existence of gamma watermarking technology (which is 20 years old, so who knows what they can do now). The second theme is that the ownership of the largest ballot printing company in the US are frequent donors to the Left, and we know what that generally means - corruption.
Now, if White Hats were able to penetrate RES somehow to mark the legit ballots, that would be very interesting.
The watermark is on the paper. The DHS is the paper supplier, so a isotop or gamma watermark can put on the ballots and the printer would never know about it. My hope is they have "special" watermark for the ballots used in the 2020 election. A completely Different mark from the ones they previously used if they even used them before this. This is a great mystery novel.
Yes it is. Pretty sure RES has no issue with running off a few hundred thousand extra ballots and leaving them on the loading dock for a midnight pickup. Note their HQ is in MAricopa County, AZ - Not a critical county or anything /sarc.
This is the reason they can accept throwing a few people or even a corporation like ENRON under the bus, as long as ownership of the currupt infrastructure is maintained.
wrathfulmomes ago
Like Zion in the Matrix, partying in they honey trap like their masters planned because they're "free", and when they get too many, they're slaughtered.
Not this shit again, I swear to God... "Oh there's a secret radio-isotope "watermark" on all the ballots so they'll know they're fake & Trump will arrest them all! It's even a DOE patent, and DOE uses Q-clearance!" It's been "Decoded"! You mean your apophenia kicked in again cuz you spent years scratching at the walls.
They only watermarks mentioned are visible ones. The gamma-printing shit is a patent from 2004, so why wasn't it used before? It's NOT SECRET either. So rigged districts report record ballot requests & registrations, request all the legit paper they need and print them up on legit machines ahead of time. Now what?
Most of you are looking for any reason to be complacent, indolent fucks and put your guns down for football & beer. You get tricked into thinking you won so you quit trying to fight or get out of the cage.
Looking so hard for "proof" you "won" and are "free" that you don't see the prison walls around the fence you go through.
Blacksmith21 ago
I guess you missed the part where I said "theory". Also assuming the concept of "information warfare" has flown right by you as well. I take it then, that you are busy loading mags and checking your battle zero before you go take on the ANTIFA hordes?
wrathfulmomes ago
Guess you don't know the difference between theory, hypothesis, and supposition.
No proof, no theory. No clear, reproducible, testable plan, no hypothesis.
It's merely suppository, so shove it back up your ass where it came from.
PS: I didn't mean guns literally, fuckwit. Quit strawmanning. It's some weakass intersectional socialist neomarxist bullshit.
Blacksmith21 ago
Guess I hit a nerve, glowfag.
wrathfulmomes ago
Ad hom trolling instead of responding to what I said. Keep enabling all this zioglobalism.
They are subverting our movement to take us out of play.
Blacksmith21 ago
LOL. You're a funny little faggot.
solo7 ago
The Dems probably got the taxpayer to pay for the extra ballots, and would just add them to election costs in their state. Look into the states finances to see ballot print costs. If a state has X amount of voters, and allowing for a percentage of damaged etc, but then the costs indicate an additional bulk which seems far above that number, then you can ask 'why'.
Blacksmith21 ago
Even better would be to look at solicitations and/or purchase requisitions from the elections agency of those suspect states.
bruno196101 ago
Q 765 Watch the water!
Blacksmith21 ago
Watch the watermarks.
tweety51 ago
Great find...inquiring minds want to know. The truth is out there and it won't take anons very long to find it. I am so impressed with the ability of the Patriots to find "the needle in the hay stack".
Intlrnt2 ago
Disappointing scenario.
I would be surprised if the Trump team developed a solid anti-corruption strategy and then left it to a lefty crew to implement . . .
. . . unless that crew is being baited and surveilled as well.
Blacksmith21 ago
Military precision. I seriously doubt they would fall to a rookie error like that. Nothing is being left to chance.
rookie08 ago
Remember...what is the "voter fraud commission" run by now
247911-Nov-2018 12:36:43 PM CST8ch/patriotsfight
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Enemy @ the Front Door.
Blacksmith21 ago
Excellent - I'm glad to see we are all working to pull this picture together. My guess is - assuming the big bust is about to happen - is that the White Hats are letting everyone involved commit the crimes and fully documenting it in preparation for charges. I pray to God this is the case.
rookie08 ago
Thanks Blacksmith. Keep up the good fight and
TRFBYTrC0mmies ago
Here’s a little more on isotopic watermarks being used for anti-counterfeiting.
Blacksmith21 ago
WhyAserverWasBuilt ago
Florida used to contract a company to print ballots in counties and they were audited. Now with early voting they print their own ballots called ballot on demand because you have people coming from different neighborhoods with different candidates and yard signs their for their ballot is different. So the argument was they needed to print their own as people came in to vote early at just a few locations around the county. Whoever is watching and auditing them is just a fox guarding the hen house.
Hopevoats ago
Printers don't make the paper. The definition of "watermark" comes from the paper-making process.
Blacksmith21 ago
Printers buy the paper from the supplier. In this case, DHS provides the ballot paper.
Hopevoats ago
Yes, Just look to our paper currency for the methods used to prevent counterfeiting.
My suspicion is that each ballot page was made with a unique blockchain watermark signature.
You can't fake that.
If the watermarks aren't in the blockchain, then they aren't valid.
This would make sense of claims of the process being secured with blockchain and also "Watch the water".
Run every ballot through a blockchain watermark scanner abd kick out the counterfeits.
Simple and effective! Landslide 2020!
DeusVultSaecula ago
Good research OP, well done.
moderator99 ago
What if they sent out fake ballots first, and used the real ones to switch votes?
Kind of defeats the safe-guard.
DarfyMcTavish ago
Only if they knew the real ones were marked.
Blacksmith21 ago
Any ballot without the watermark would be considered fake. Shouldn't be hard to find. There shouldn't be ANY fake ballots in the chain of custody. What I don't know is what regulations are there for retaining paper ballots? I'm sure it varies from state-to-state.
CMAnon ago
In my polling place paper ballots were used. The voter marks them with a pen then takes them to a scanner that scans but does not return the ballot. I don't know if they are kept or shredded once scanned.
Q20191776 ago
In my state the paper ballots must be retained for a time (in the same scan order) to verify the tape count of the scanner and for subsequent inquiries regarding signatures and ballot/voter validity.
(I took pollworkers training class.)
Blacksmith21 ago
Federal retention laws:
Qdini ago
This is an excellent find @Blacksmith21.
Can someone post this on 8Kun?
Qdini ago
Brian Runbeck!! NSA are you listening??
Can someone post this on 8kun???
Thank you!
Blacksmith21 ago
Please - I'm not on the chankun.
Revodude2 ago
I smell a great big pile of fish rotting.
I really hope that Patriots were in control of this.
JohnQ-Arkenstone ago
Very troubling!
Louisiana_Patriot ago
real ballots were water marked and the trap set. Now Trump and Co just sit back and let ALL the fake ballots pour in, with that Trump smile on his face. They took the bait!
wrathfulmomes ago
Printers don't make the paper. So they use the same legit paper to print up extras far ahead of time citing record registration and need for the ballots early.
Now what? This hypothesis is bullshit without proof.
solo7 ago
real ballots may have been printed by that printer with the legitimate paper.
Do you not think the Dem wouldn't have known about the water mark? They may be corrupt, but they're not all stupid.
Louisiana_Patriot ago
Q - "These people are stupid"
wrathfulmomes ago
Good job regurgitating the koolaid.
Now answer the question.
Louisiana_Patriot ago
A random sample of mail-ins are presented to the SCOTUS with proof that ALL mail-ins were water marked. If the mark fails to show, then we have fake ballots, thus we can proceed with a recount and throw out all that don't have the water mark. Would be epic if the water mark was Trump smiling.
wrathfulmomes ago
What part of requesting real ballots to use for fraudulent votes based on inflated requests do you still not get?
langoleer ago
It could be this. What better way to enact new voting laws than holding up this debacle as the reason we need voter ID and in-person voting
Invicta ago
More than 14 million ballots have been reviewed nationwide for the department of homeland security. So far, 80% of the ballots have failed ballot integrity checks under this measure. DHS sting
Q20191776 ago
Still singing...
Cloudrdr ago
Or, we could step up out of the 18th century and develop a rock solid, Quantum based, blockchained national voting system.
One Citizen One Vote
Kwagga ago
Is this fact or pure speculation?
TrulyISayToThee ago
Fully semi-automatic.
ReverendDobbs ago
Sir this is Pure factual speculation.
Kwagga ago
Thank you. So time will tell.
1scm ago
You are clueless. This was already set up after the midterm elections. Watch and learn during the next few days.
ReverendDobbs ago
A stern verbal scolding or GTFO
1scm ago
we let to have some people die dumb.
WinOneForTheQuipper ago
This is all very intriguing. At first glance, does this mean they possibly watermarked the fake ballots?
DarfyMcTavish ago
Possibly with the wrong wtatermark???
WinOneForTheQuipper ago
Blacksmith21 ago
Two separate thoughts, possibly related. The theory that White Hats placed "radioactive isotope watermarks" on legit ballots to differentiate them from fraudulent ballots is supported by the existence of gamma watermarking technology (which is 20 years old, so who knows what they can do now). The second theme is that the ownership of the largest ballot printing company in the US are frequent donors to the Left, and we know what that generally means - corruption.
Now, if White Hats were able to penetrate RES somehow to mark the legit ballots, that would be very interesting.
DarfyMcTavish ago
The watermark is on the paper. The DHS is the paper supplier, so a isotop or gamma watermark can put on the ballots and the printer would never know about it. My hope is they have "special" watermark for the ballots used in the 2020 election. A completely Different mark from the ones they previously used if they even used them before this. This is a great mystery novel.
Lynnwiod ago
More than intriguing, it’s troubling. Very Troubling.
Blacksmith21 ago
Yes it is. Pretty sure RES has no issue with running off a few hundred thousand extra ballots and leaving them on the loading dock for a midnight pickup. Note their HQ is in MAricopa County, AZ - Not a critical county or anything /sarc.
Q20191776 ago
Expose This On Twiiter??
If so, When?
Oh_Well_ian ago
DIABOLD all over again
This is the reason they can accept throwing a few people or even a corporation like ENRON under the bus, as long as ownership of the currupt infrastructure is maintained.
WinOneForTheQuipper ago