Spirocus ago

Love that all this is coming out. This stuff has been supressed for decades.

kjk33 ago

I searched (chlorine dioxide cancer)on two android phones. One using Samsung browser with duckduckgo.com. The other with chrome, what a difference in results!!!

Modernminuteman ago

This should piss off everyone especially people who knew someone they loved that died needlessly.

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

Maybe this thread should be saved as the link and other ones to this subject has been taken down!

PinkiePunk ago

It's a patent. Not a cure. They're just HOPING it works. This is the START of the process. You can patent all sorts of things, doesn't mean they work.

Also it's a crazy patent given that ClO2 isn't gonna be hard to make.

divine_human ago

Everybody can make ClO2, you simply mix sodium chlorite with acid. This patent seems to not be about making big money but about treating cancer. There have been thousands of people who cured their cancer with it so it's high time a study proves it.

PinkiePunk ago

It hasn't proved anything. It's a patent.

divine_human ago

Right, patents don't prove, studies do. There are quite a few studies that do prove the potency of chlorine dioxide. A patent may it give them validity.

PinkiePunk ago

Also ofc it's potent. It's chlorine dioxide - it's reactive! Whether it kills the cancer safely is a whole other question. Something can 'work' but not be safe. Like it can kill the cancer, but it might turn out that the amount they need to do the job also screws your liver irreparably. So yeah, it works if you're in China and can buy a new liver.

PinkiePunk ago

It's the other way around. You patent, then do the research. That way no one can gazump you on it. Otherwise you'd get totally screwed. No company wants to lay out a shitload for research costs on something that they might not even own if they prove it to work - you patent it before you start setting up the lab.

Cuttinmuffins ago

You go 1st. I'll watch!

hailstone ago

Stabilized Oxygen, CD, MSM... here is a very interesting pdf using CD with DMSO Written by Webster Kerr who founded Cancertutor.com A Excellent alternative cancer researcher.



PatEldo5 ago

Everyone should watch, or read, Ty Bollinger's "The Truth about Cancer". It tells you- through personal interviews of experts, patients, and their families- the history of the US medical industry and the treatment of cancer. It is all a big machine designed to keep us all sick and give us cancer, so that it can be treated by them. Subsequently, they fleece us beyond our last dollar and then finally keep us sick to our dying day. It is all a big scam for politicians, bureaucrats, corporations, and all of the medical infrastructure to make huge bundles of money. Never are they looking to cure us. There have been many cures for cancer for a number of decades-in other countries. Cure rates sometimes reach above 90%. you don't hear about that here in this country though, do you? Of course not- because the MSM is complicit in this, as well.

Telstar ago

Chlorine Dioxide also cures autism. Read the book by Kerri Rivera, "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism." You can take ClO2 internally, the book tells you how. Parents have found it CURES autism and also many other diseases. Amazon (C_A) banned the book... attempted to stigmatize chlorine dioxide as "bleach." It is not bleach. Many substances have chlorine in their make up, including common table salt: NaCl. You can make ClO2 yourself very cheaply. Parents who save their children's life using ClO2 are ruthlessly attacked and vilified by Soros-funded trolls. ClO2 kills harmful bacteria and viruses only because they have the opposite electrical charge. In other words, what doesn't belong in your body has the wrong charge. ClO2 only reacts with those bad bacteria and viruses and kills them... actually it oxidizes them. Chemical reaction. CL02 has been around for a long time. Completely suppressed.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

If this actually worked, Big Pharma would be selling it.

divine_human ago

No, they don't. They can't make a buck with it and lose billions if people treat themselves with it.

Whereisthatmongoose ago

It’s far more profitable to continuously treat something than cure it. Then you throw all the charities on top, which are great for money laundering...

1bonnie ago

Pisses me off I lost my Mom 3 years ago she had a tumor . I can't wait til the lord comes and justice will be done

quillsong ago

Book: The one minute cure. Look it up , free down load on line, How to mix drops of HP, drink Hydrogen Peroxide in DISTILLED water, food grade, to oxygenate the entire body, at home and cheap. Read the book, or online, for you and your family's sake. Cure book hidden from all of us. This little book should be in everyone's home. Also, shows you how to use food grade HP in everything. Drug store HP is poison, buy food grade online only.

mac1221 ago

This is a patent. Are there any studies anyone has found?

Dp75 ago

But but...don't you all remember? Vice President Joe Biden was going to find the cure for cancer! Obama said it himself. Of course Joe probably doesn't remember that.

KYanon ago

I use this for my COPD and also inhale daily with my husband when he gets home frome work to kill any bacterie he may have inhaled. I was very sick in Jan and could not breath. Yes I have COPD but it has not reached a stage yet like I was going through. I may have had CV19? I started using this and felt better in a day and could breath normal again. https://www.genesischurch2.com/ This is were i ordered it if anyone is suffering from illness.

eldorann ago


My mother died two months ago from metastasized lung cancer which had spread to her liver.

That doctors had these things and didn't use them is outrageous.


ShakklezthaKlown ago

haha this faggot actually typed out "roar"

does it feel shitty knowing you can't do anything to them to avenge your mother?

chase the carrot.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Sorry for your loss.

That's recent.

And mothers are sacred.

In case it shows up in any other friend or relative, look up the dog dewormer treatment.

Seems parasites use the same pathways in the body as cancer. So the fenbendazole dog dewormer has helped people with various cancers (including late-stage lung) heal.

My mother died with breast cancer. I'm sure she could have been saved, too. But she trusted chemo and radiation.

And died of heart failure because the radiation affected her heart. So while the cause of death was probably cancer; the actual cause was radiation.

wbf ago

So Sorry to hear that. But don't blame the doctors for this - they're clueless. Blame the medical schools and Big Pharma and the evil Medical Industrial Complex.

alphazebra ago

The medical collages (not where they go to school but the ones that set standard of care practices) tie the hands of docs all the time. I had a GI doc that lamented there was stuff he wanted to try but couldn’t or he’d lose his license. The watchdogs are fully responsible.

Ps37-27 ago

Sorry for your loss. Up top somewhere I wrote a word wall of our experience with cancer. I didn’t know if there were any cures but I did know there’s a ton of money for treating cancer. It’s just awful. I couldn’t do the conventional route. I’d rather die.

cantaloupe6 ago

Sorry for your loss. It's not clear yet who this might have saved; it's suspicious though.

Interesting though with the HCQ there was resistance.

threesevens ago

My condolences anon. So many are going to feel like you do when this is all exposed. They are not going to be able to walk down the street.

ice_eleven ago

stabilized with urea

You do realize that's piss right? Bravo.

threesevens ago

Get educated before looking like a moron.


ice_eleven ago

Relax child. I didn't say piss was bad.

Q20191776 ago

Spellfag here.

"ea" does not equal "ine".

UR wrong.

Enaashby ago

Anything POTUS has said eventually proves to be true. There are already stories about the oxygenation of blood helping Covid-19 patients. In 2007, I was extremely ill with a compromised immune system from years of being prescribed antibiotics and prednisone to no effect. I finally decided to do my research and found my lifesaver here in CA- LA area. This naturopathic doctor, who has won awards in her field, helped me heal by using a combination of therapies including the use of hydrogen peroxide and ozone gas. I would have three IVs a week of hydrogen peroxide with magnesium and DSMO. I used oxygen therapies to also help rid my system of all the toxicities over the years including ear insufflation. For several years now, I have been doing autohemotherapy which involves removing 200 CCs of blood via IV; mixing it with Ozone gas, and then returning it to me via IV. This has helped me counteract any toxicity in my system and is great for maintenance.

Of course, the FDA and Big Pharma won't allow any of these remedies to go mainstream as there is no $ in it for them.

PDJT is hinting at some of the other cures out there in what he says at his pressers, so people can do their research.

You MUST go to a practitioner licensed in providing these therapies. I wouldn't recommend trying them on your own. I have included some links below.



American-Patriot ago

My father has a cancerous tumor in his lung. This may save him.

FatLadySings ago

right to try!!!

wbf ago

Yes, and in the meantime, you might search 'Dr. Joel Wallach lung cancer' on Youtube to see what he has to say. I discovered him many years ago and from our experience, what he says always came true. Here is a short bio on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLAOO-5u25I

Also, IV hydrogen peroxide therapy might be of interest, as well as non IV. Protocols can be found online for the non IV (food grade only).

Finally, see if there is a practioner of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy in your area https://aaemqest.org/Directory

One has to be careful sometimes when discussing cancer and cures but I will say that this might be worth trying if possible, even worth travelling a bit for. It's inexpensive too. They cant say everything this does. Here is a YT vid on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdT6OqKmp0k

Oh, and consider having him quit the 12 bad foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WCzq-a1z7A

Good luck and God bless.

cantaloupe6 ago

fenbendazole very cheap may as well try, (from a vet)

Or immunotherapy, expensive very effective;


summerwind_US ago

Sold on Amazon as Panacur C. A quick look shows as low as $13. I know you want the yellow packet. Beyond that, I don't remember dosages. Comments are good for research.

Qdini ago

Also have him look into Fenbendazole. See this video of a man whose life was saved by this dog de-wormer medication.

We will keep your father in our prayers.


American-Patriot ago

thank you

Qdini ago


glownig ago

INJECT might mean "ADD TO" the literal meaning of the word, as in that speaker BEFORE trump

IMMEDIATELY before Trump spoke , Bill Bryan said "INJECT" three times meaning "add to" not insert syringe.

Trump should not have backed down, or else he is playing 4D chess and talking about a cancer cure patent, or revealing US MIL research on 200nm to 500nm or adding injections (photocatalyzing antiseptics) to enhance less energenic UV wavelengths.:




Bill Bryan: (28:34)

So, the virus is dying at a much more rapid pace just from exposure to

higher temperatures and just from exposure to humidity. If you look at the

fourth line, you INJECT the sunlight into that, you INJECT UV rays into

that, the same effects on line two as 70 to 75 degrees with 80% humidity

on the surface and look at line four but now you INJECT the sun, the

half-life goes from six hours to two minutes. That’s how much of an impact

UV rays has on the virus. The last two lines are aerosols, what does it do

in the air? We have a very unique capability, I was discussing this with

the president prior to coming out, he wanted me to convey it to you on how

we do this. I believe we’re the only lab in the country that has this

capability, but if you can imagine a five gallon Home Depot bucket, we’re

able to take a particle, and this was design developed and designed by our

folks at the NBAC. We’re able to take a particle of a virus and suspend it

in the air inside of this drum and hit it with various temperatures,

various humidity levels, multiple different kinds of environmental

conditions to include sunlight. And we’re able to measure the decay of

that virus while it’s suspended in the air. This is how we do our aerosol


Trump :

Donald Trump: (29:46)

A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally

into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit

the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful

light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to

test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body,

which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think

you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then

I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there

a way we can do something like that by INJECTION inside or almost a

cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous

number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re

going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.

So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in

one minute. That’s pretty powerful. Steve, please.


INJECT might mean "ADD TO" the literal meaning of the word, as the speaker before trump did.

Check the transcript if you doubt. I pasted exact wording literally.

Cancer cure from ONE injection of chlorine dioxide:


Download the PDF link



AlternateSelection ago

And my son had to endure 4 years of chemo "therapy".

wbf ago

and survived I hope. You and your family must have endured quite a lot as well. Don't worry - the Medical Establishment is going down. Trump 2020!

AlternateSelection ago

He is still with us but I do believe the chemo did something to him mentally. Confusing emotions wanting to rage at somebody for doing this to my son, but who? He was 3 1/2 when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He's 14 now and he's going to struggle getting through middle and high school. I'm just accepting that everything happens for a reason and for us to learn from it. I can't change the past. Main thing is he's still here with us.

wbf ago

It's sooo criminal and I'm so sorry that you (and so many others) have to be affected by this in such a big and painful way.

It's only a matter of time though before these monsters will be brought to justice, and the whole medical world will be turned upside down for the better.

Many cures and new treatments will come out and I wouldn't be surprised if there's something to help your son. Perhaps your son is suffering

from what is known as "chemo brain" if he's stuggling with school. I don't remember the details but I remember reading about a "chelation therapy" being used to treat that.

Have you heard of Dr. Joel Wallach? He is in my opinion the greatest and most courageous doctor of our time. He does a daily radio/podcast show called Dead Doctors Don't Lie where callers call in and he diagnoses them and gives them the (nutritional) cure. You might give it a listen and see if you'd want to call in for info and advice. Also, if there is a practioner of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy in your area, give that a try. https://aaemqest.org/Directory I've seen videos online about QEST and success with children with learning and other disabilities. As Trump says, what do you have to lose? In any case, the future looks bright for all of us - your son included :-)

AlternateSelection ago

Thanks for the tips. I'll check it out for sure. Haven't heard of that Doctor. I'm feeling like there's lots of natural cures to many ailments all around us but has been obscured by those who live in darkness and hatred. Cancer is a bitch but there's much to learn in the experience. As they say, there are no strangers on the cancer ward. Absolutely true. Suffering brings all of us closer together, oddly. Thank you for the web link. I will check it out today.

crazycloud2 ago

Removing gluten from his diet may help. It does help with some autism, it helped my deal with some mental fog that was bothering me.

AlternateSelection ago

I'll def look into it. Odd how gluten has become the thing suddenly. Used to be carbs was the designated enemy. But what the hell do I know? It might be exactly what my son is dealing with now. Thanks.

Ps37-27 ago

I hear you.

threesevens ago

Sorry to hear that anon. Big pharma is one of the greatest evils the world has ever known.

Joys1Daughter ago

Absolutely threesevens!

AlternateSelection ago

No hell hot enough for them.

slumbermachine ago

We really are in the Great Awakening. I've been using Chlorine Dioxide for three years now and it's the most censored topic I've ever dealt with. More censored than child trafficking even. The fact that POTUS is getting it out there is huge.

knifethrower1 ago

"Much to the chagrin to the FDA, people also drank ClO2 for internal applications like intestinal and stomach diseases and also malaria, and even autism. These applications are quite doubtful and even dangerous and are packaged and sold from Mexico. ClO2 was used to purify the blood even though ClO2 can not exist in blood and was never found in the blood. It is too strong an oxidizing agent. Blood is filled with reducing agents that would immediately neutralize ClO2: glutathione, catalase, super oxide dismutase, vitamins, minerals, to name a few. One of the well known drawbacks to the topical application of ClO2 is the need to measure two parts first, mix them, and usually wait a few minutes, before applying. Also in the usual course of ClO2 application the pH needs to be quite acidic, normally below 3 in order to release the needed amount ClO2 from the salt sodium chlorite. Many times the pH was too low for wound or disease application. Finally ClO2 can not be easily stored as it is a gas and must be released just before use. Since ClO2 release from chlorite is continuous so that the concentration is a moving target when applying to a disease.


The paragraph is pure BS and should be disregarded.

It's like they want to take total credit for injecting chlorine dioxide into cancerous tumors, whereas Jim Humble knew about this treatment years ago. They also discredit using chlorine dioxide orally and claim it could do harm or be ineffective and only injecting chlorine dioxide is going to work.

knifethrower1 ago

I've known about chlorine dioxide MMS for years and recently I bought some and started using it. I mix sodium chlorite with citric acid and wait 3 minutes to activate the combined solution and it turns into chlorine dioxide, then I drink it. Chlorine dioxide is too unstable to store, so it has to be made on site and only last 1 hour before it becomes ineffective.

The real inventor of chlorine dioxide is Jim Humble, yet he gets no credit in this article...the article even gives misleading and wrong assertions that chlorine dioxide shouldn't be taken orally, which is total BS...thousands have been cured by drinking 2 doses of chlorine dioxide in a 24 hour period. Check out Jim Humble's web site and learn the real facts about drinking chlorine dioxide MMS and how to dose with it.


thelonelyDJ ago

What’s your regimen and where can I get some?

divine_human ago

Research Andreas Kalcker and his protocols. I prefer ready-made CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) to mixing myself. You can't buy it in the US but it's widely available on Amazon Germany (amazon.de) and in Australia.

zezima04 ago

What's the difference with the ready made version? Why isn't that the standard? Also heard of CDH is that the same thing?

divine_human ago

MMS is a brand name, actually it's just sodium chlorite (note, not chloride which is simply salt) and acid. You should be able to buy sodium chlorite in a camping shop or on Amazon, it's being used as water cleaner.

For traveling, when you have no fridge, you need a bottle of sodium chlorite and mix it with acid (lemon, vinegar, etc.) when you need it. (Check the protocols, Jim Humble, Andreas Kalcker, too much to explain.)

Andreas Kalcker, a German bio physicist, developed the ready-made solution - it's already mixed and the gas is diluted in water.

It's much easier on the stomach (no acid) and hardly smells and tastes of chlorine.

Chlorine is one of the main building blocks in our bodies, we use it in many processes. Many remedies contain Chlorine molecules.

CHD Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine are something totally different. It's made from Quinine which is the bark of the Chinchona tree.

In Germany it's called China Bark, I find it hilarious that a remedy which contains the word China works against a virus from China^^. The homeopathic remedy is also called China, Dr.Hahnemann invented Homeopathy 230 years ago when he was experimenting with Quinine. For me, as a homeopath, this is like closing a circle, hihi.

In the HCQ/CHD protocol with zinc, HCQ transports zinc into the cells where it kills the virus.

With chlorine dioxide, when ClO2 gets split in the body, it releases a free oxygen molecule. (Ozone which is O3 does the same.)

This free O molecule does the job, it reacts with everything that resides in the ph acidic realm. Our benevolent bacteria, cells, ect. are not being affected, but pathogenes, cancer cells, toxins, etc., they all stay in the acidic spectrum so oxygen reacts with it (explodes it).

Thus, with chlorine dioxide, you can do all kinds of things, from treatment of infections (bacteria, viruses, parasites) over detox of heavy metals, glyphosate, toxins, to cancer treatment.

Cancer is cells that revert from oxygen metabolism to fermentation which is a lower evolutionary cycle. Therefore, the first thing a cancer patient should do is change diet, drop all sugars, reduce carbs so the cancer doesn't get fed anymore. When you then add oxygen, as with ClO2 or o3, cancer cells get either killed or they can revert back to a oxygen metabolism.

If everybody had ClO2 in their fridges, doctors and the PharmaMafia would only make half of their bucks (if at all). The fact that this information is being so heavily suppressed, esp. in the US, has been a sign for me for years that they're planning to release a nefarious virus onto us. And, with ClO2 handy, it never bothered me a bit personally and I wish for millions of people to finally learn about this cheap easy-to-use remedy.

threesevens ago

How do you use it and where do you buy it?

cantaloupe6 ago

Also fenbendazole

veteran88 ago

All of the leaders of big pharma and the lügenpresse should be executed for treason.

hg74rhyd9 ago

and murder

AngelofDeath ago


Still in Mexico

mundania ago

You sure Google is blocking it? Link works just fine for me.

ZackMorris78 ago

Must be over the target if they blocked it so quick...wow these people are sick.

threesevens ago

From patent description:

The chlorine dioxide compositions are administered (preferably, by injection) directly into the cancerous tumor and the resulting tumor is effectively eliminated from the patient or subject over a period of one to several days to a few weeks, often after a single injection or multiple injections at one time into the tumor. Often, an initial injection or multiple injections at one time are sufficient to dissolve the cancerous tumor. Often the cancer is eliminated (as evidenced by remission) in a period of no more than several days to about two-three months and does not recur.


Leatherwood123 ago

They enjoy making us suffer, but not as much as they enjoy making our children suffer. The MSM is poison. Just about the only time I pay any attention to them is when they ask questions during Trump pressers. I cannot wait until they are made to pay for the crimes against humanity.

PinkiePunk ago

This IS chemotherapy. It's literally chemical therapy.

crazycloud2 ago

All the deaths in my family for the last 15 yrs have been from cancer. My little Sister just in November. So pissed

Joys1Daughter ago

I pray that (((their))) day of justice is soon! When I think of how I watched my precious Daddy suffer through the so called "cure" of cut, burn and poison for esophageal cancer and then lose him!! They won't be able to walk the streets when family members find out the truth. They need to be hung in the public square and may God have mercy on their souls because I have none...

clubberlang ago

The part I dont get is why he went on the defensive as a leader and said he said it sarcastically. As a leader of any organisation of never want to put myself in that light. He should have just stuck to what he thought was right and explained what the media was again taking out of context for their own sick agenda.

threesevens ago

I think it is a safer method of dissemination. If Trump referenced it directly the MSM will unleash a full attack on the substance/treatment/cure, with multiple paid docs/studies and use false flags to discredit. Trump seeds it to anons and then we expose it through research and sharing. He uses us as a back channel in this way and it gets out.

Joys1Daughter ago


Mad_As_Helll ago

He still undermined himself by backtracking, very unlike him to show weakness in this way

BKAtheManScout ago

It wasn't a backtrack, it was a pirouette. What President Trump said in both cases (April 23rd conference and the follow-up the next day) were true. The Media's spin on everything forces Trump to dish out breadcrumbs in a way that Anons can look for, find the material, then use it to show friends/family just how abusively/subversively the 'Headlines' are written.

This Plan unfolding is GENIUS. 🤔

Peace, Love, Prosperity, Opportunity, Justice, and Positive Vibes for all 😁👌🏻🌚🌝🌞🙏🏻🦸‍♀️🇺🇸🌎♻️🐸👽

SoiHunter ago

Yes remember Q said its pass the point Q proofs seems what he meant POTUS is now broadcasting Q posts like What if there's a cure

cantaloupe6 ago

So if some forms of cancer are due to a virus; such as a mouse virus in a polio vaccine. Chlorine dioxide could kill that allowing cancer cells to revert back to normal.

Ps37-27 ago

We just had cancer in my family- not immediate family where I had any say in treatment. However, I was a very close observer and dutifully kept my mouth shut.

The cancer care is unbelievable. The treatment chosen was one of our country’s top care. But what I mean by unbelievable is HORRIBLE! And it doesn’t even work. The hospitals have teams of specialists. Which means NO ONE is responsible. They send in someone different every day. The experts tell you a bunch of mumbo jumbo and contradict the last person then ask if you have questions. Which you don’t because who takes notes- uh-We did. That’s how we knew this was B.S.. Many of the doctors were still wet behinf the ears and women- who started EVERY SENTENCE with the word, “So,.....”

“Okay um, So, here’s what we want to do.....[kill you]”

It was impersonal as all hell and money was spent. Like real money, because they have it.

I literally decided to save my family’s money by dying of cancer (if I got it) rather than enrich these bastards. And my insurance pool with appreciate it too.

This is a story I can’t share often enough. I watched this person literally disintegrate before my eyes. This person died of course.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you for sharing. That's heavy. I will keep this in mind if the situation ever arises.

Ps37-27 ago

One thing I forgot to mention is the unobtainable goals they set. They geared all the treatment to a transplant of an organ. It was going to be extremely dangerous.

Here’s the kicker NO ONE gave any thought to where all these organs were coming from. It was you need a kidney? Here you go! A spleen? - No problem. The specialist gave a whole song and dance about the person it would come from.

But when I looked into the hospitals donor info it was CHINA.

We have hospitals right now in our state going bankrupt. Despite the corona war zone!

Is it organ supply chains??

I don’t know for sure but it it definitely worth digging into.

We know how China procures their organs.

crazycloud2 ago

I am treating myself also, its been very slow but mostly in the right direction. From a cyst under the skin about the size of a pea to the surface and the size of a pepper clove. Almost gone. It would have been sooner but my own fault is I like sugar too much.

alphazebra ago

Look up and research Black salve. Your welcome

Ps37-27 ago

I second the black salve. Not the fake petroleum or beeswax black salve in the USA. You’ll have to order international and It’s Black!!

crazycloud2 ago

Thank you

ladslassie ago

It isn't just cancer. In his last years, my dad was on so many medications that he had trouble keeping track of them. He had meds for diabetes, cardio, depression, and sometimes anxiety. I'm sure there were interactions and side effects that reduced his quality of life. I lived far away and his day to day care was managed by mom and my brother, so I didn't push for changes in his medications. I think we all knew it wasn't ideal, but it sort of worked.


It just seems like most doctors these days follow a protocol for treating each condition but don't do much to customize the treatment or to address preventive treatment. Given the insurance mandates and liability, I guess I'm not surprised, but it is very frustrating. I suspect it robs doctors of a lot of job satisfaction. They spent all that time pursuing medical education only to be restricted to cookbook protocols.

Ps37-27 ago

That’s a good point. Physicians specialize and it’s as if they have forgotten the body is one, symbiotic and systemic.

clubberlang ago

Richest country in the world. 2nd and 3rd world countries have better health care.

21Grams ago

I think it’s the treatment that killS, not the cancer. I wouldn’t do it, especially after watching what it did to my mom. Won’t go on a ventilator either.

threesevens ago

Doctors are some of the most brainwashed people on the planet. It is amazing how arrogant in their ignorance many of them are.

Some of them actually know what they do is bullshit and are willing prescription writing and vaccine pushing money makers for big pharma, but do not care because they are well paid for it.

5B3854C ago

Do you have a link for where Trump stated this?

I've know about Chlorine dioxide for years. I can tell you the FDA has been terrorizing people who promote it.

hailstone ago

So have people on this site I've posted on MMS, CD or Stabilized Oxygen whatever you call by And got the standard ignorant comment/remark its bleach...

dundundunnnnn ago

Please do tell us more. This is all brand new to me.

threesevens ago

Trump didn't say it directly, he only hinted enough for anons to dig up this patent.


And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.

5B3854C ago

Thanks, I have it now.

Qdini ago

The level of evil is beyond anything we could imagine.

Lagmonster ago

This is just the level of evil you are allowed to become aware of to date. Jew don't know how deeper it goes.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

The children of Satan!

ShutItDownGoyim ago

They pray at the synogogue of satan so it makes sense!

BT1100 ago

...and I have a feeling, with his "injection" statement he wanted us to look into the Vaccine Excipient Summary of the CDC. Most vaccines contain disinfectants, like alcohol, formaldehyde and more. Stuff which normally doesn't belong into vaccines. There is much more in these, like monkey cells, fetal cells, human RNA and much more. He wants us to become aware of this crap. 99% of the people accept the injections without even asking, what they get injected. They just run to the next pharmacy, when they see "Free flu shot"... Happy sheeple...

pfdusa ago

Today Trump said he was being sarcastic about it. Clearly he said it for a reason but why back track on it?

Ddboomer ago

And it’s a mineral!!

5B3854C ago

Quite Right indeed. Spread the word far and wide. Cancer can also be effectively treated with a simple mixture of baking soda and molasses. Look up "Vito Johnson or HERE. Baking Soda Cancer Cure". Presently his website is at that link. The CENSORS have nixed his personal "www.phkillscancer.com" website.

As an insight, PH level stands for "Potential Hydrogen". It has EVERY thing to do with cellular voltage. Many people are aware of PH level in regards to hygiene products such as shampoos or even as it relates to acids and base strengths. PH is actually a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value.

An alkali solution has an excess of electrons to do work (available voltage). An acidic solution has a depletion of electrons and becomes an electron stealer (deficient voltage). Every cell in our body is designed to run at approximately -25 mV. Cells will repair themselves with increased voltage of -50mV and then will return to operating at -25mV once healed.

Voltage in the cell determines if you’re are healthy or not.

Cancer exists when the body is at +30 mV. That’s a very low voltage!

Normal voltage is about -25 mV (the more negative the voltage the better). This is a highly active immune system.

If you get to -15 mV you’re really tired. Your immune system is weakened. This is why stress and lack of sleep causes fatigue. Your immune system is starting to become impaired.

When you drop to -10 mV you’re sick! Viruses and other pathogens have overrun your immune system defenses.

This is why raising PH levels help the healing process. To get a very good analysis of this, watch Dr Jerry Tennant - pH and Voltage - "Healing is Voltage" for a better understanding.

There are several CURES for CANCER. CHEMO has less than a 3% Success Rate.

TxRose ago

Dr. Tennant is my doctor. I learned a lot from him. Love his products too.

alphazebra ago

I called the office to get info. Don’t have the few thousand to go see him yet. And my wife losing her job due to covid isn’t helping me save any faster. But as god as my witness I will get to see him

5B3854C ago

When I'm his area someday. I want to meet this man.

wbf ago

an Italian doctor named Tullio Simoncini has reportedly been curing cancer for years with baking soda (in a saline mix) by spraying the solution onto the tumors. Lotsa info on him online (mostly saying he's a fraud of course).

5B3854C ago

Yes. He was the original person I learned about treating cancer with baking soda. It sounds like surgery to me though. What Vernon Brown did to turn around his cancer was to take:

2 tsp. Baking soda

1 tsp. Molasses

1 cup Water

Mix in pan and heat until the baking soda is dissolved. Drink one glass per day. Work up to twice per day. Gradually Increase Dose until your get your URINE PH to 7.5 to 8.5 Keep it there 5 days and Nights then drop back to 7.5 Until CURED, Keep URINE PH around 7.3.

wbf ago

Right, cancer cannot survive in alkaline bodies. But sugar is cancer food. Will have to look into it. Thanks for the info.

Smallest_Skil ago

The way Trump was saying to the bitch that "maybe an injection of a cleaner" and she was hanging her head. I was thinking what he said that well thats a strange thing to say. Now trump has said that he was being sarcastic when he said that. I was thinking sarcastic? well whatever.

Now this comes out. I think Trump played her like a fiddle and public shamed her for suppressing things like this. Trump is a master at this game lol. Thats why she was hanging her head, probably thinking "I will not be able to walk down the street after this"

Q said the cures would be coming.................

BetsyRoss17 ago

Makes sense. Was she at the press briefing the next day?

Call_Of_Goat ago

Q is also trash and you are going to find that out the hard way

clubberlang ago

Fair nuff time will tell

5B3854C ago

Quite right. Trump was shining a spot light on that scarfed twit. How brilliant. All he has to do is review her facial expressions on film. It's all there.

jewsbadnews ago


MudPuddlePie ago

I get a blank page?

threesevens ago

It is taking a long time to load, might be overloaded with requests right now.

MudPuddlePie ago

Got it...t/u