Credit goes to Q Patriot on Youtube for this amazing dig:
It's worth watching the whole video, here are the highlights:
This part starts at 11:00 min.
Topics covered:
Tourists go missing from Central Park regularly:
- There is a actually a monument in Central Park dedicated to tourists being attacked by wolves (yes, wolves) who supposedly live in the tunnels - even though wolves are not known for attacking people.
- This is supposed to explain why tourists go missing in Central Park regularly and the reason they give as to why the park is closed at dusk - (which is probably when the trafficking takes place).
- The Dutch founded NYC and ran a rampant slave trade out of it, using underground tunnels. These tunnels are still there.
- Btw 34th and 39th street there are tunnels that had been used for transporting cows from NJ. (early 1900s). The tunnels are still there.
- House of Saud is the 5th largest property owner of NYC, though the Blackstone Group (mostly hotels).
Godfather III references: Film shooting locations:
- One location: 965 Fifth avenue is across the street from the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park.
- Near Saudi Arabia Consulate
- Near Q referenced "Lexington and Concord" (Concord Hotel)
- Near the ports
- Near Hunter's Point (the Hunters become the Hunted)
- Clinton Foundation is in the middle of all these locations
Q post 74, "Alice = Q" (WTF, right?):
- There's a secret tunnel under Central Park
- The train tunnel that runs under it is called the "Q" line.
- These tunnels are called "rabbit holes"
- "Follow the White Rabbit" refers to human traffickers
- Hillary is referred to as the "Madam Alice" in Wikileaks email. In the urban dictionary, a "Madam" is the head of a trafficking/prostitution ring.
That's a quick breakdown, Folks. Again, it's worth taking 35 minutes and watching the whole video.
Qfanz ago
Just watched the whole video. Brilliant. Thanks
Specific_Fox ago
You're welcome Patriot. I know the information is incredible but let's not make any conclusions yet.
Qfanz ago
I'm sold on it already. It all makes sense. Plus the Luciferian style of being blatant...
Saudi are buyers but I can't see that country being the crux of it all.
Thank you
redtoe_skipper ago
Wow, interesting!
Mercy moored at pier 90. .....
Check the map ...
GetRightNews ago
"There is a actually a monument in Central Park dedicated to tourists being attacked by wolves (yes, wolves) who supposedly live in the tunnels - even though wolves are not known for attacking people."
Could a wolf be confused for a Coyote? What are coyotes used for @ the border?
Specific_Fox ago
Great point, Patriot.
moderator99 ago
Fuck off and stop trying to make associations based on frivolous BS.
Specific_Fox ago
No you fuck off fascist fuck. This is still America and we still have freedom of speech.
Maybe SA is South America.
Qfanz ago
That's possible with the focus on Venezuela lately plus all the Caribbean pedo island owners.
lsdflkoi ago
Damn good video, plausible, very plausible...
InABlinkOfAnEye ago
Certainly a feasible theory but I agree with v/MoluchHunter on attaching the flair as possible disinfo. The guy keeps on insisting throughout the video as fact that what he is saying IS the truth. We don't know that yet. It is definitely a good decode as a feasible "theory" which may or may not be true. Therefore we should accept it as theory and not fact until proven true.
Specific_Fox ago
Of course not. No one is stating this as exactly what Q meant. I just found the dig amazing in its connections. This is all stuff you can validate yourself. And also consider that Epstein lived across the street from CP. Sorry - there are too many connections to ignore.
InABlinkOfAnEye ago
I do agree. It is a very valid decode and certainly covers all the bases. I just believe that until we know for sure it is just a decode. May or may not PROVE to be accurate in it's entirety. Until then nobody should be saying that they have the truth because that shuts the door on any discussion that might alter the information. It is excellent info.
Specific_Fox ago
I agree. It's just one way to look at it. Remember Q said much of the info he gave us was public record. This is all public record. But we'll see what else comes up from this.
InABlinkOfAnEye ago
Hopefully sooner than later. WWG1WGA
Specific_Fox ago
I hope so too. Who knows how long this has been going on or how many victims there are.
inspiretk ago
Very nice share, thanks Patriot. I think this is spot on!!!
Specific_Fox ago
We'll see, Patriot. Q purists on getting on my case because they think SA means the country not their holding in the US. So we'll see.
Envision69 ago
Tunnels is wonderland! Like Alice going down rabbit hole
ammonthenephite ago
I'll wait for Q to say something, rather than read yet another 'decode' that contradicts previous 'decodes', lol.
Specific_Fox ago
It's just his theory. We'll see if it works out or not.
MrPancake ago
Get the "Possible Disinformation" garbage off of this. This isn't fucking Reddit you cuck. Let people decide what to think.
Specific_Fox ago
Don't like it? Don't read it. You don't get to decide what people think.
MolochHunter ago
Garbage misdirection
Q is EXPLICIT in post 2074 that SA = Wonderland
I regard this video as "discredit the Q movement through promoting its more fanciful theories"
Qfanz ago
Agree. Yet one might say NYC is the hole slaves "fall" down to get to Wonderland (Saudi). NYC is the transit lounge.
logjam ago
Why get so pissed off about this? Seriously ffs.
One small interpretation on some lettering and you're ready to shit your pants over it?
I watched the video, and why does SA have to = Saudi Arabia?
Q doesn't tell us shit - he makes us think.
MolochHunter ago
I'm pissed off bc the Q movement has dropped roughly 99% of its political pressure on the Trump administration to arrest the soft coup cabal
for an issue that Q has never once posted on: Adrenochrome
Specific_Fox ago
MolochHunter ago
go ahead
go to , put the word Adrenochrome in the search box, tell me how many Q posts you come up with
i come up with none
Specific_Fox ago
I know that already and so what? FYI There have been adrenochrome busts, we know it exists - so are you saying it doesn't because Q didn't personally tell you it exists. Q: "Think for yourself". He also told us to research and that the info he gave us is in the public record. So is the info in this video. It's all available online. I think you need to chill out, son.
redtoe_skipper ago
99% of it's political pressure .....
Who is pressuring exactly, in what way? And based on that estimation: how did you arrive at 99% of political pressure?
You are coming across as making sweeping statements. What proof do you have? Inquiring minds want to know.
And by the way, what if?
Curiously: Q references certain things. Like here
What do you see?
Why would Q do that?
Or what about Q 3875
"The story goes much deeper [darker]".
All of a sudden, Tunnels, are almost a given potential meaning, is it not?
So, let's plot Wexner and Epstein on to the Manhattan map, shall we?
Everything has meaning? You bet.
Specific_Fox ago
Epstein's mansion is across the street from Central Park, btw
redtoe_skipper ago
logjam ago
So what does that leave you believing?
Maybe the movement is wrong on it. So what? I remember when the "white rabbit" talk started it up. It was fair to think that it could be referring to the Playboy bunny ffs. It stood to reason almost.
Q has said nothing about adrenochrome, and maybe he's not supposed to. He doesn't talk about child sacrifice either - so we best scratch that off as disinfo too?
Let what will be - be. Nothing can stop what is coming. Who cares about the details.
I thought the Youtube link was exciting personally. Saudi Arabia never quite "fit" into place - but buddy lays out some good food for thought. Some of it rang true - and relly enjoyed the possibilities layed out. Color me subscribed.
Specific_Fox ago
There's nothing "crystal clear" about SA meaning Saudi Arabia and nothing else. Someone made a good point that it could mean Synthetic Adrenochrome.
In the video he found Saudi Arabia owns 1/5 of New York and parts of that area in particular. It's just information take it or leave it.
PS Q also said things can have double meaning. You can think what you want. I'm just presenting info I found interesting. This was interesting.
You really think wolves who live in tunnels are behind the death of tourists in CP? Yeah. Ok.
MolochHunter ago
SA = Synthetic Adrenochrome ?
thats really grasping for confirmation bias
re-read 2074, the context is a whole list of countries / locations
Specific_Fox ago
Jeez, I'm not saying that's what I think SA means. I'm just saying it's a theory someone mentioned, I don't necessarily agree with it. Just using it as an example of another meaning.
The point the video is trying to make is that SA may mean Saudi Arabia sure, but not necessarily the country itself. It could mean their vast property holdings in NYC which they give HRC jurisdiction over via the trafficking network. I mean ffs they own a HUGE chunk of NYC - 20%, That's a HUGE amount of property holdings to have in the most expensive city on the planet in an area that is rampant with human trafficking.
Q wanted us to dig, not just sit there like sheep and wait for us to be spoon fed by him. He said a lot of this information was on public record and to do our own research - I know you're a purist and thats great. But we can't overlook possible connections either. If you don't like what you're hearing then prove it wrong.
PS - I looked at 2074. It's a graphic with a collection of tweets. Not sure if this is the one you meant. It looks like a bunch of MSM garbage.
wfcposey ago
Amazing breakdown.
joeneesima ago
Excellent synopsis - thank you Fox - I know it's not easy to format - great job.
Thinking this is quite accurate - amazing how it is all coming together - Great Awakening, indeed!
Specific_Fox ago
You're welcome Patriot. But the real digging credit goes to Q Patriot on Youtube. I just brought it here for us to digest. It's amazing how many people added further connections to CP and possible trafficking situations.
KYanon ago
Very good decode. This one always confused me
eddrell31 ago
And Jeffrey Epstein's $77 millon townhouse was located close to that location as well. The address is:
9 East 71st Street
The townhouse is half a block from Central Park, and about four blocks south of the Alice statue. Maybe a coincidence, but probably not.
SaxonWolfcock ago
Remember the (((rolling stones))) lyrics about central park
On-time ago
Good call, I looked it up and it certainly seems related..
Check it out:
Lyrics to “Miss You” by the Rolling Stones:
Well, I've been haunted in my sleep
You've been starring in my dreams
Lord, I miss you, child
I've been waiting in the hall
Been waiting on your call
When the phone rings
It's just some friends of mine that say
"Hey, what's the matter, man?
We're goingna come around at twelve
With some Puerto Rican girls thats just dying to meet you
We're goinna bring a case of wine
Hey, let's go mess and fool around
You know, like we used to”
[Verse 3]
Oh, everybody waits so long
Oh, baby, why you waitin' so long?
Won't you come on, come on?
I've been walkin' Central Park, singing after dark
People think I'm crazy
Stumbling on my feet, shuffling through the street
Asking people, "What's the matter with you, boy?"
Sometimes, I want to say to, to myself
Sometimes I say
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, I won't miss you child
[Verse 4]
I guess I'm lying to myself
It's just you and no one else
Lord, I won't miss you, child
You've just been blotting out my mind
Fooling on my time
No, I won't miss you, baby
Qfanz ago
Vomit. Interesting Jagger's girlfriend committed suicide. Think it was a doorknob too. Jim Carey's gf did the same. Not sure it involved a door.
SaxonWolfcock ago
Thanks anon
Nailedit29 ago
David McGowans book was amazing, sad he’s no longer with us
Dogsoldiertoo ago
Agreed. McGowan connected all the dots. The Hippie movement was not a grassroots assemblage of kids.
wyomiles ago
Interesting stuff. What dock is the USNS Comfort docked at? Anywhere near any of the tunnels that the video identifies? Would be an easier rescue if docked near a tunnel entrance?
Emiliopoochie23 ago
90 someone had a map and looked very close to Cl Fd.
Dogsoldiertoo ago
No idea but the Samaritan's Purse tents are in Central Park. There are rumors that they have been treating children brought in my guys in military uniform.
Ddboomer ago
Interesting. I was walking in CP by myself and this creepy guy was following me. I was shooting images. I left the park because he would not leave me alone.
This does not surprise me.
Qfanz ago
Shivers. Glad you're safe
mtlmjk ago
CP= child porn
CP= Central Park
Specific_Fox ago
Excellent work, Patriot. Thanks!
Ddboomer ago
Great comment!! Makes sense!!
Specific_Fox ago
Perhaps he was one of the "wolves".
RecceRat ago
Many thanks for the post.
akilyoung ago
Alice is Q... i pet goat ii!!!!!!!
Wally777 ago
Where was it in Europe not too long ago that they held a dedication ceremony for a new transportation tunnel and the ceremony was an unabashed rite of worship to Lucifer?
Qfanz ago
Switzerland... wonderland? Could be.
Eyegirl ago
I saw that. Made my skincare.
Q_Watch ago
You mean the Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony.
Blue333 ago
I remember this from a few years ago - forgot about it. Reminds me of that movie Midsommar
0rion ago
Wow. I have no words. How are people still asleep after seeing something like that? Really says everything we need to know about the elite to be honest.
Ponycam ago
that was quite a ceremony.
Hispeedtim2876 ago
Great video.
Joe10jo ago
Mind blown. Thank you, Anon!
Specific_Fox ago
You're welcome, Patriot.
HelloThankYou ago
Wow. Pizzagate at its finest.
Cloudrdr ago
It is all winding back done to exactly where it all started publically.
Qfanz ago
angelCole ago
Great information. I made this comment on another post and it kind is relevant to this one too.
Check out this article from 2013 about Bloomberg having a ceremony underground for the new water supply system. The whole article gives me the creeps.
Specific_Fox ago
Starting to think caves are their favorite ways of hiding their f**kery.
BitChuteArchive ago
derram ago :
This has been an automated message.
rickki6 ago
TY for posting this. I get my news from YT and always like to hear other opinions/decodes.
Snuffy_5_Smith ago
There's more than one way to interpret YT for some it could mean "Young Turks" for others "You Tube".
ReadyToRide ago
Glad u pointed this out. I literally thought the two up too there were saying Young Turks and I was shocked.
antler_wax ago
The young turks are typically abbreviated to TYT
Specific_Fox ago
Yipes. Good point. Definitely not from Cenk's fake news minions.
Specific_Fox ago
You're welcome, Patriot. I get my news from YT too.
logjam ago
Thanks for the direction. I like his decodes - a lot. Seriously good.
Wonderland IS NY ffs.
Specific_Fox ago
I believe so. But Q mentioned SA which many think is Saudi Arabia. But the own 20% of NYC property. SO this may be the SA connection Q referred to.
logjam ago
It makes sense. All the NY landmarks.
Makes me think think of that NK pic with Kerry in it. The one with the big wave on the wall in the background - you know the one I speak of?
Peekay345 ago
I never felt as though Saudi made any sense. NYC makes a ton of sense. Grew up 18 miles from that den of filth. Packed up and fled as soon as I graduated.
logjam ago
Whats the name of that movie where a big tidal wave comes in and wipes out NY?
bopper ago
Thank-you I'll check it out, sounds intriguing.
Specific_Fox ago
You're welcome. Hope it's informative.