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Metronome ago

"Pelosi fell right into Trump's TRAP"? Cmon, she may not be the brightest bulb in the box but she and all her posse would have to be beyond brain dead to fall for this .......

redtoe_skipper ago

The see if we can make sense:

Remember all the commissions she set up, especially with the backing of the lawfare department?

She may be speaker, but she is only the outward show of the puppetmasters behind the scenes.

Object of all these committees: to eventually have Trump removed.

That is the sole raison d'etre, for example, for the committee on oversight on the office of the presidency.

So then, they began pushing the co-equal branch of government shit. As if that meant they could meddle without limitation into the presidential affairs.

Co- equal, with the focus on equal in power. And look at how.much power has been vested into a president.

From day one, this was a powergrab.

Now, note the second sotu address, and check nancy's behavior......

Funny to watch.

But that is the lense through which to evaluate all the actions of the dimmicrats.

Power! Unlimited POWER!