kestrel9 ago

More links from past voat posts relevant to connecting the dots re: Les Wexner

This post is a must read, comments and links about the connections between "Fashion. Models. Trafficking. (and Music)" and "The multi industries, too..chemical, leather, slave labor, more." [Person of Interest - Leslie Wexner (Epstein's Mentor and Patron)] (

[Epstien Dinner Guest list: Mort Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, David Blaine, Donald Trump, Leslie Wexner , Peter Mandelson, Bill Clinton aide Doug Band, New York News and Politics


Where: East Side townhouse

Table seats: 30

Guest list: Mort Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, David Blaine, Donald Trump, Leslie Wexner of the Limited, disgraced British Cabinet minister Peter Mandelson, Bill Clinton aide Doug Band

Menu: Private chef, though last month Rocco DiSpirito cooked dinner after Epstein bid $50,000 for his services at a Hamptons charity. Make it MY place: Epstein hates restaurants, so he often entertains at home. “The dialogues are so engaging that serving even the most extraordinary food sometimes seems inappropriate, like eating pizza at the ballet,” he says.

“I had rich shock!” one stunned guest says about Epstein’s house, which the owner claims is the largest private dwelling in the city. At a recent dinner organized by Ghislaine Maxwell, Blaine amused a group of barely clad models with card tricks. Alas, Clinton—around whom the evening had been organized—never showed, though his Secret Service would have appreciated Epstein’s numerous security cameras.

More on the connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner (The Limited/Victoria's Secret) (pizzagate)

kestrel9 ago

More rabbit holes research from voat pizzagate

DynCorp and Blood Plasma / Organ Trafficking (pizzagate) Many links in the research instensive post... an enticing quote:

... tell them start at Jeffrey Epstein-look up the scientists he finds. Also his partner les Wexner The scientist Minsky directly connected to alcor. Who just developed "new process" for preservation.&supporters Peter Thiel being one but they all r really. This is Hollywood intersection w/blood plasma trafficking thru Dyncorp JEpstein/Wexner-cancer research center Ohio state. Daughter heads family services/child advocacy in Ohio.

Epstein / Dyncorp connection @abcdefg222 was "searching an Epstein associate, Darren indyke, and came across this financial doc regarding Epstein's role in Wexner's interests...."

investivagative reporter exposes trafficking(pizzagate)

Conchita Sarnoff has published a book about the strange case of Jeffrey Epstein, a former Bear Stearns partner, billionare and hedge fund manager alleged to be one of the founding funders of the Clinton Foundation who was prosecuted for pedophilia by the DoJ...

Sarnoff’s focus is on the allegations regarding Epstein’s pedophilia activities and implications that famous people were involved. However, reading TrafficKing is like reading an outer layer of an onion the only way to get to the truth of the story would require digging into the cash flows of money flowing between a variety of parties, including Epstein, Bear Stearns (now part of JP Morgan), and Epstein’s client Leslie Wexner and how they related to the federal effort to engineer a massive housing bubble including more than $149 bil that went missing from HUD between 1997 and 2008.

See: Solari: Missing Money.