Witsend ago

Gonna be like a Marvel meeting of Super Villains.

queenicarius ago

Huber was supposed to testify about his progress with the dem crimes at 10am on Dec 5th. Has this been postponed?

Enaashby ago

I got rid of my TV some time ago and won't be watching this charade. It would be a wet dream indeed to see most of them rounded up at this event. The EO about military tribunals etc goes into effect the beginning of Jan. Maybe we will have to wait until then.

slowburn ago

Convenient...so the funeral is actually December 5th? Well played, cabal. Can't wait to see how Qteam checkmates this move. Epstein trial Dec 4 - I'm hoping he drops names/Intel in his testimony.

azdali ago

JFK JUNIOR, please show them a visit, show the world they didn't succeed in killing you like they did with those of your family.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Here's my crazy thought for the day. Well, the one that stood out. As i read the above post title i read it as "...funeral of George SOROS". Now wasn't THAT a thought???

PacaGoat ago

Interesting his funeral on the 5th. Just way yonder to many coincidences. And all that's going on. Crimy! What will that day unleash?

joeythew ago

I laughed.

joeythew ago

So I take Huber won't be interviewed that day.

I hope he gets interviewed within 7 days of that otherwise they're all gone for Christmas Break and we won't see them again till the Dems are in charge.

mark7 ago

I hope they all get to see each other, before anything "happens" to these fine people! It is possible that never again will we see so many thugs at the same venue again, (barring legal procedings)! DJT has some iron cajones to even be around such scum.

mark7 ago

I wonder if any of the Scherffs' who are living will attend? Will the flag be a swastika, or will they further desecrate Old Glory, for the sake of appearances?

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

What better way to wake the normies than for POTUS' team to show up with Timberwolf?


stray502 ago

You guys are dreamers none of these people will be arrested in a mass arrest in public. It is likely their arrests will be quiet and wont be known for quite a while after it happened.

Spud4ever ago

Think there will be one less than was at no names dirt internment inititation.


We should Westboro Baptist this bitch

Fistfullofgreyhair ago

Sounds like a good time for a Patriot Day :)

satisfyinghump ago

Kind of strange, but did anyone else see a post about 4 or 5 days ago, that was a foreboding description of the future and how the darkness would start on December 5th. This was posted BEFORE the knowledge of Bush being dead.

MissleCopterStoped ago

When they were fake crocodile tearing it at last funeral, I initially thought it would be cool to blow the place up, but then I thought it would be bad to piss off God destroying a place of worship.



Sexybuttcheeks ago

We’re already making excuses for Q gave a fake date? At some point it becomes creul to deceive and manipulate. I’m not expecting mass arrests next week, but at least something that changes the national narrative of “democrats are love, republicans are hate, also democrats hate white men”

Fighting26 ago

Wondering now if Hillary's double will be there instead of herself. LOL

Anon22022 ago

there's no way any other human is as hideous as Hillary, and could possible pass as a double. God help us.

DawnPendraig ago

I'm betting on a double. Too much walking and standing around.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Also reduces the odds of being on video again having yet another coughing spell.

VoterinVegas ago

When they are gathered and Trump starts his flight May God remove them all from our planet. This evil does not deserve to breathe our air. God's will, will be done.

mostlysafe8 ago

If it occurred, the planning is Machiavellian. Genius, brilliant, and severe.

How many will be pissing themselves with fear that day?
How many 'wont be able to make it'?

SeaSassy ago

The best part? Our awesome POTUS will be there too......staring them all down. Glorious.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Here's hoping that DEC 5 demonstates, yet again, why one should never assume.

LPanon ago

I do worry about the security of POTUS at an event like this. But I believe it would also cause a huge backlash.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh, if Trump gets killed, plan B for military kicks in, they all get neutralized, so that means no one would leave except in a pine box.

praxist ago

I had a dream of this funeral a while back. Trump personally shows up with an army of loyal patriotic FBI and secret service, and arrests all of them then tries them for war crimes and sedition, then has them summarily executed for the crimes they were found guilty of. It was the best dream I have ever had.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Some shit straight out of a Batman comic. I can already see it. Penguin, joker, two face, etc etc. all the filth together. Mourning over the loss of their loved one. Fucking gross.

Novusod ago

There is a chance it "could" happen. Maybe we should try to Meme this into reality. We all know meme magic is real.

duchamp_urinal ago

Isn't it the same day that Huber will talk about his investigations?

KryptoKoins ago

They did put that wheel chair access in gitmo not too long ago. I hope that Family Name gets what comming to them.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Gotta be ADA compliant these days or risk getting fined. 😂😂😂

Awokcanuck ago

Extradition's can be time consuming, I don't see mass arrests of the American swamp, but i could see some international swamp creatures quietly finding themselves in GITMO. If HW did die earlier, as Comey's twatter eludes to, then it is possible the q team was in control of the date of the funeral. If so why pick the 5th...D5? Why not the 6th, after Huber briefs Congress. Plot twist my friends....can't wait to see were this goes.

MissleCopterStoped ago

December 5th is the day for the CGI findings I believe.

qanon1776 ago

Maybe truth serum in the coffee - they will all start spilling their guts in public! Then see themselves on You Tube!

bnard88 ago

Don't we have to wait for the EO to take effect in 2019. I think the GITMO expansion and JAG appointments (and etc.) are the infrasctructure, the metaphorical building of the drain.

You can pull the plug, but the swamp won't drain properly if the pipes are clogged.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Fuck, then we need a Roto-Rooter plumber on standby then.

Vibratron ago

for trials, we do......but I don't know if they have to wait for arrests

KryptoKoins ago

12+5=17. Did he go the way of Mcstain

anamazonslittle ago

He died 11/30

toutedesuite ago

Comey posted a coded msg on twatter that he died long before— 11/14 I think...

MissleCopterStoped ago

I thought that tweet was dated the 26th.

toutedesuite ago

No, 11/14. https://twitter.com/comey/status/1062853932576321538?s=21

If you are not familiar, GHWB’s USSS codename was ‘Timber Wolf,’ which Q posted in connection with Comey’s tweet linked here.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh I see why I thought it was the 26th, Joe M posted this on the 26th in response to Comey’s tweet:


Glad you corrected me because now that gives Bush’s passing of being around the 14th and much more plausible that DS was going to use his death to clog up the news cycle. Thanks Patriot!

KryptoKoins ago

12/5 wasn't that going to be a big day every one was waiting on

BulletMagnet879 ago

No, it WILL happen. In case you haven't been watching/listening, POTUS does not back down or break promises unless the D's start obstructing.

lynnmar ago

They were all at no names funeral too. Its a nice thought but dont see arrests happening 12/5. More coming out that week but hey you never know.

holaymackal ago

It's going to be the social gathering of 2018 for the swamp, for sure. Better than any Christmas party.

This isn't movies or TV, so I don't think anything like a mass arrest will happen.

popcorn_time ago

Lets not speculate too much and just enjoy the show :)

Trousersnake1488 ago

its all going according to plan.. the demographics are changing, goyim https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/49e9677a59/169742.png

rndmvar ago

Malaysian Airlines flight mh370 is going to pop up on radar, and fall out of the sky on them.

Yuke ago

So we have...MH370 crash-landing on them, a truck of peace taking out any walking wounded, and Stephen Paddock back from the dead to take out anything that's left. I will add that we should Zyklon B the ashes and rubble, just incase...

...of Typhus ;-)

MrDarkWater ago

Is that the South Park season finale or something?

Yuke ago

Quite possibly! With aids, traffic collisions and songs thrown in.

MissleCopterStoped ago

They killed Kenny! Bastards!

AHistoryOfBadMen ago


Adminstrater ago

If something were to happen at an event like that, it would not be good for the nation's physique. Stuff like that is traumatizing to those yet to fully mature, but it would make for a good scene in a movie.

Bushpilot ago

Hmmm...do I smell sulfur?

Flyondawall ago

They did 9/11 to us. Pretty traumatizing shit if you ask me.

holdenon ago

“Well they started it”... an eye for an eye

NellerBean ago

Normal rules of decency do not apply with traitors and pedovores.

Gorillion ago

Turning the other cheek is not meant to be a repeating response to continued insult.
It's a guide not to lash out at the first provocation.

toutedesuite ago

Such a key point. They have destroyed any prosoects for mercy to be shown.

holdenon ago

Imagine if Jesus took that stance towards you.

toutedesuite ago

Jesus is irrelevant to me, there is only one G*d.

Billeee ago

Although I don't think we're quite there yet, it would be friggin awesome to see them all rounded up at the funeral! Really poor taste but still friggin awesome!

PacaGoat ago

Oh now that would be solo Trump like. Clas. 0 respect given to the cabal if that happens

yellowrosegal-eliz2 ago

I was thinking the same thing... Maybe they could do it at the end of the funeral, memorial or whatever they're calling it...

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I don’t think it will happen either, but, for shits and giggles let’s say it did. The msm would be backed in to the narrowest of corners. We know the msm will have 24/7 coverage of that circus. If mass arrests did begin, is the msm going to ‘go to commercial’? How the hell would they explain ‘going to break’ while the biggest event in human history is unfolding right in front of them on live TV? Not to mention they would have zero 4am talking points. Again, I don’t think it will happen, but oh my it would be glorious if it did. One can hope I suppose 🙏.

PGLiterati ago

It would be glorious. My vision is after the funeral all the criminals are quietly approached by military police who take their elbow and escort them away. It needs doing. If it were subtle enough, and quiet enough--if it were conducted as they were leaving, boarding their various planes...it could maybe work. I doubt it too as I am not a starry-eyed optimist, but a girl can dream.

expletivdeleted ago

Depending on Huber's testimony on 12/5, who knows? Maybe Huber's testimony will have something so massive that average people would support the arrests.

PGLiterati ago

Yeah, me too--though I have to venture forth to one in mid-December. Pretty sure Huber's testimony will be delayed due to the 'day of remembrance.'

toutedesuite ago

Bloody brilliant! Thank you for this wet dream, lol

TheMaster187 ago

Im so eager for tomorrow.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Why? Do you like watching funerals for Political Criminals?

dbvapor ago

Where’s Stephen Paddock when you need him?

akilyoung ago

Lol nice

AlternateSelection ago

You thinkin' white phosphorous or napalm?

MolochHunter ago

if you're just being facetious then ok. But if you're for real this kinda thing is totally not what Q calls for, and it puts the movement in jeopardy

AlternateSelection ago

Bullshitting. Of course that would not be productive at all. Anybody with any sense would know that.

Fateswebb ago

Lol this is the sort of comment that makes you turn up a Patsy and gets voat shut down after a false flag actually does happen.


How about some highly radioactive materials aerosolized and pumped into the air vents? It's too bad though because Trump and a lot of other good guys will be there.

PawPaw1939 ago


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Is there such a thing as a FFFF ?
