Rimjobsarefun ago

Ok follow me, because it’s a little confusing. On November 14th, an Argentinian submarine ARA San Juan disappeared along with 44 crew members as it was being “chased by a British helicopter” before it went missing. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/666845/Argentina-submarine-missing-ARA-San-Juan-mystery-Falkland-Islands-South-Atlantic/amp

It’s said, the last known communication was November 15th, which was an explosion (or possible hull implosion) was picked up by listening devices on November 15. but on the 14th, it was being chased. Early articles in Argentina claimed the submarine reported a leaking snorkel, which started a fire in the battery compartment late on November 14, and that an explosion (or possible hull implosion) was picked up by listening devices on November 15.


If you know your history, you know that the UK and Argentina had a war over the Faukland islands and the UK won. https://www.britannica.com/event/Falkland-Islands-War

So, a submarine capable of firing a nuclear missile. Is lost. In case your wondering how a nuclear missile is fire out of a torpedo tube here’s a good explaination. https://www.quora.com/How-does-a-submerged-submarine-fire-a-cruise-missile

Its about 8,000 miles from the Faukland Islands to Honolulu

The ARA San Juan travels about 8 knots an hour for 12.000 miles


it takes less than one month to travel from Faukland Islands to Honolulu.

I also takes about one month to travel from Faukland Islands to Puget Sound WA. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distanceresult.html?p1=630&p2=234

From Puget Sound to Honolulu its only about 2700 miles. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distanceresult.html?p1=103&p2=234

now this gives the Cabal plenty of time to go directly to Hawaii or Puget Sound first and get refueled and nuclearized.

Because, its 61 days from the helicopter chasing the Sub, to the event at Hawaii.

Remember, that number 61? It’s the same amount of days from the firing of the missile in Puget Sound to the stolen Q400 air plane.

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI11 Aug 2018 - 3:21:45 PM How do you prevent the public release of incriminating acts that would forever strip their power away? How do you BIND the hands of POTUS? Two-Pronged SITU. >>Test strength of midterms through private analysis (win/loss ratio) >>Analysis below key metric w/o chance for recovery - START A WAR. Think missile(s) accidentally fired. Against WHO? Relationships are VERY IMPORTANT. The SHARING of INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT.

The firing of the missile on June 12th was not supposed to happen that’s two a two prong situation that was not supposed to between Hawaiian Alarms and the Puget sound missile fire launch.

So, its 61 days between November 14th and Jan 13th. Then 61 days between June 12 to August 31, 2018


Edit bad math

The sub was stolen from Argentina, the crew was killed and/or held prisoners and used to start a nuclear war with NK. When the sub was destroyed, they had to use tehir nuclear powered sub hidden in Puget Sound where its hard to pin point to try and fire on AF1 after NK talks to once again try and start a war. The writing is on the wall.

Rhondaher ago

I've had this gut feeling for seversl years now that Russia is nit bad but instead is actually a true alli to take down the deep state. Maybe they are part if the movie

redtoe_skipper ago

Search red October in qmap.pub.

You'll find that Q denied relationship to a recently lost submarine, but does reference double.meaning: steel plant, red wave, red cross, midterm elections.

But also "red October" sig not yet sent.

I need to research further.

WhiteRonin ago

China ... duh

CryptoWeb ago

The "hunt for" Red October. Is obviously a reference to the movie. In my opinion it's also an extended reference to "The hunt for the RUSSIAN THREAT" - aka. MSM is looking to make the Russia-threat narrative stronger... That's one/two meanings. The other one that I thought of immediately the first time Q posted 'Red October' was that we need/there will be a RED (Republican) mid-election (build up of Republicans in October as more people are RED-pilled -- (WOAH!! Yet another reference just as I was writing it!!)).

fujison ago

In the movie "Hunt for Red October" the US Navy hunted for a Russian sub... but the hunters became the hunted. Is that whats happening? The hunters became the hunted. Like the DS in the DOJ and FBI tried to frame POTUS and now they're getting hunted down.

singlebrain1 ago

What is the sub in question is not Russian but CIA black ops?

Adopted-Patriot ago

I believe the sub is a rogue sub run by the C_A. That was the sub that launched the missile toward Hawaii when that so called "emergency" signal was sent out in Jan. I understand it might have also launched another one at AF 1 that got intercepted.

singlebrain1 ago

I agree.

Vanguard123 ago

Wouldn't that be something if they are going to sink one of our subs and we are going to be happy about it. Now that's a point in History.

bulrush ago

Russia is also infected by the DS, but the game, and disinfo, must continue. "Russia is still bad."


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

If it is a ‘joint USA RUSSIA operation’, that bodes well for the world..... 🇱🇷🇷🇺