tommsboy ago

We bombard HRC with "What was Russia expecting for $400m and how's it in American's best interest for you to take so much from a foreign Enemy? How can one serve two masters?"

Silverlining ago

Day 20.1 Did Browder Run The Ziff Bros Hacking Team In Moscow? by George Webb July 17 2018

vladtep ago

See "Early life and education"

GoodGodKirk ago

Here are some juicy bits:

  • born in Kansas
  • father was a communist, which gave his son money
  • invested in Russia when it fell apart
  • renounced American citizenship cause he didn’t want to pay taxes on Russian businesses.
  • didn’t become Russian citizen, because of those pesky taxes.
  • browder works with politicians and leads the law for freezing assets of foreign entities. (Magnitsky Act - Why does he have this sort of influence?)
  • was blocked from entering Russia in ~2005 and labeled an enemy of the state. $1.6 billion in funds frozen. (Not paying taxes caught up to him)
  • his business were consolidated and taken over by Russia, and is the center of a Russian government laundering scheme.
  • browder runs to clintons, asking for help with frozen funds while she was secratary of state, she gets the funds and received $400mil.
  • he is a citizen of the UK atm.

Kromulent ago

It was probably 400 million rubles, or about 6.3 million dollars.

Silverlining ago

$400k mistranslation [regret no source]

QisforQuakery ago

Well you can read Browder's book about what it's like to be an investor in Putin's Russia

He just wrote an op-ed about Putin's claims

I’m lodged so firmly under Putin’s skin because I’m the person responsible for getting the Magnitsky Act passed in the United States in 2012. This is a law that allows the U.S. government to freeze assets and ban visas of human-rights violators around the world. Some of these human-rights violators had killed Sergei Magnitsky, my Russian lawyer who was murdered in a Moscow jail for uncovering a massive $230 million government-corruption scheme that we’ve since traced to known Putin cronies. In essence, Putin received some of the proceeds of this crime, and he is terrified that the Magnitsky Act could be applied to his offshore fortune, which is probably one of the largest amassed in modern times.


Putin’s latest allegation that I donated $400 million to Hillary Clinton is so ludicrous and untrue that it falls into delusion. I’ve never made a political donation to Hillary Clinton or any other political candidate. It’s in the same category as other Russian government allegations against me: they accused me of being a serial killer; they accused me of being a CIA/MI6 agent determined to destroy the Russian government; and they accused me of somehow stealing $4.8 billion of IMF money back in the 1990s that was destined for the Russian Treasury. These guys have seriously lost their cool and are beginning to make mistakes.

The Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. is the point person on getting US sanctions against Russian lifted. The guy who paid for the Steele dossier worked with the Russian lawyer on some anti-Bill Browder thing a while back.