Browder's company was Hermitage Capital.
- Browder’s firm, Hermitage Capital, donated $10,000 to $25,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative.
- One of Browder's investors, Ziff Brothers’ Daniel Ziff gave $50,000 to $100,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative.
Browder had never heard of Carter Page "I've heard of every other financier who was a player on Moscow at the time."
What else can we dig up?
tommsboy ago
We bombard HRC with "What was Russia expecting for $400m and how's it in American's best interest for you to take so much from a foreign Enemy? How can one serve two masters?"
Silverlining ago
Day 20.1 Did Browder Run The Ziff Bros Hacking Team In Moscow? by George Webb July 17 2018
vladtep ago
See "Early life and education"
GoodGodKirk ago
Here are some juicy bits:
Kromulent ago
It was probably 400 million rubles, or about 6.3 million dollars.
Silverlining ago
$400k mistranslation [regret no source]
QisforQuakery ago
Well you can read Browder's book about what it's like to be an investor in Putin's Russia
He just wrote an op-ed about Putin's claims
The Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. is the point person on getting US sanctions against Russian lifted. The guy who paid for the Steele dossier worked with the Russian lawyer on some anti-Bill Browder thing a while back.