Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Woah! My deleted comment that was auto deleted saying Beverly Hills is about to be shot up was not me making a death threat or a terrorist threat i didn't say i was going to shoot up Beverly Hills i was just saying that every time this Saudi prince shows up in an American city it all ways gets false flag like the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas or like when he was in Boston and that black couple with the the weapons arsenal got caught and a false flag was averted. What the hell? I didn't threaten to shoot up Beverly Hills i didn't say i was going to shoot up Beverly Hills. I was just saying every time this Saudi Prince visits an American city it seems a mass shooting happens like bad luck.

srayzie ago

Ok. Just be careful because it could look that way to some.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Shit. The /pol/ poster all ready shot up youtube now this is definitely going to be the /r9k/ poster shooting up Beverly Hills. We got to do some thing fast and now and i know what to do. We're crashing the Four Seasons like The Fast & Furious 7 Abu Dubai scene yeah we need some one to go to the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills and start a distraction or get the Saudi's and big wigs to leave by fucking around and acting like Roman like the it's your birthday scene and fucking around like Roman causing a distraction or getting people to exit what ever and forcing people out of the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills this week.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

We have to move in. We have to disrupt venues, concerts, shows, gatherings, anything, disrupt it. Get them shut down even if you need to improvise. Just get some fire works or cause on accident. Just do something to any places that could be targets for mass shootings and terrorism and get those events cancelled. Call in phony bomb threats if you have to.

Shizy ago

OMG you're a fucking psycho! 🤤🤤🤤🤤

srayzie ago

Please don’t say things like that. Let’s not encourage illegal activity.

Get fireworks? Cause accidents? Call in phony bomb threats? That’s the kind of things that they look for as an excuse to shut down forums like this.

If someone were to go do something like that, they could say a user on voat was encouraging people to do it. That’s how they work. I know you mean well. But we have to be careful.

abyssmal ago

MBS, I am pretty sure is the linchpin in the Iran op. His security can handle any event targeting him.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Iran op??? What???

abyssmal ago

Read the map

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Check the area around the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills for large gatherings and crowds and events. And then get them shut down for their own safety it's for their own protection we have a possible national security threat in Beverly Hills we can avert this like Francho and Boston.

srayzie ago

You need to calm down. I already had to delete one comment. You cannot ask people to do illegal activity and say a place is going to be shot up.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's a shill

srayzie ago

I think so too

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

We all should mail them mail order hooker brides aged 9-10-11 and up if it bleeds it fucks........... oh... i mean some Cheeze Pizza. 9/11/01 9/10/17 10/1/17 9/23/17 11/5/17 2/14/18 4/3/18 10/31/17 if it's Mohammad Bin Salman visiting it gets shot up and that's all i'm saying. Ahh it feels great and wonderful that we don't have to say Mohammad Bin Salman the crazy Saudi rich asshole prince faggot fuck face Cheese Pizza fucker piss porn fart fucker who's clique shot up the Mandalay Bay in sinful Las Vegas Nevada anymore.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago


Bob_Ross_Hair ago

How much is he going to spend on instagram whores to fuck with frozen turds after shitting on their faces? These sand niggers can’t burn through their oil money fast enough, can they?

dooob ago

Meh, this sandnigger took out the worst Saudi princes, he is alright.

bcboncs ago

Stopped the pathetic "organic" Nov 4th uprising by doing so too, funding didn't come thru. Nice try globalists.

Pissedoffwhitewoman ago

Old saying while I was growing up...”If they’re old enough to bleed... they’re old enough to butcher!”

srayzie ago

Eww. Why did you have to put that picture in my head? 🤢

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Hvecy :

Saudi prince books out whole of Four Seasons LA | Daily Mail Online

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