Such a fucking faggot, @Texasvet. You're the guy who makes us not want to believe those guys on the corner are vets so we won't give them some cash for a meal.
You're a black mark on society bud, how's about you pretend that rifle you bought with other people's money is an eraser?
In case you haven't seen my collage, it's a simplified one-link that he can't escape. He likes to try his "debunking video" but even that's in the collage getting destroyed by several users. I ran out of room before I could cover his vast plagiarism, but that's in part 2.
He claims he gave $1,000 to "a friend" "another veteran in need" but no transparency, and that's liable to taxation laws. In addition he didn't shut it down until over a year after the fact when I called him out on lying about it. But then again, he lied about being unemployed in the first place; he had no right to post that GoFraudMe in the first place.
In your house fire that allegedly claimed everything you owned, homeowners insurance would have covered the damages. If you now live in a trailer, where did the insurance money go? He answered part of it to someone else
You say you're doing fine now and no longer need donations. Why were you still applying for jobs? And they didn't hire you or what? We never got a followup.
(After crying about being doxxed, his account disappeared. He claims he was banned for "muh pro white content!" I tend to believe he deleted it when his fraud was exposed.)
If you started a GoFundMe because Unhealthy Vet needs food how did you pay for that cell phone, Truck, trailer rent, electricity, insurance, gas, etc.?
Could it be because you support communism? (He had to edit that he hates it after being downvoted.) He also ignored the fact that whites get GENOCIDED under communism. To accept communism, you have accept gun confiscation, property confiscation, basically giving up everything he claims to fight to defend... To suggest that is treason.
Omg I've met my alter ego. I collect evidence just as meticulously as you and use it to expose corruption in real life, particularly in state healthcare and ((corporations)). Right now I am roasting a rogue company that is trying to extort money from me and it's rather enjoyable. There is so much you can do if you record calls lawfully and exploit the GDPR. I did the same to a ((bank)) and the upshot was that I got them to void the mortgage contract, pay me compensation AND allow me to pay my house off early at reduced cost. Hahaha!
Despite all that, there's still people who defend him. No matter what though, the argument is always the same; ignore the fraud, focus on "obsessed", "living rent free in your head", "autistic", "too much time spent". Always gives me a case of the keks as it matches his MO to a T.
lol you're the one that said rent free first, how am I suppose to know what this random guy says and understand that's a reference to him. Also you accused me of being his alt. You're fucking retarded dude.
if you go back and read you'd see I mentioned that maybe he did commit fraud, and like then as I do now I couldn't give a fuck he defrauded some retards from reddit or the_D. You're misrepresenting or just flat out lying about what I said. "People who defend him" links something where it's literally me saying I'm not defending him. Good luck man. Have fun.
His internet stardom depends on the Veteran crutch and being from Texas, the America of 'Murica! Kek. Outside of that image he has nothing to sell that anyone would buy into. If he abandons it; it'd have to maintain those two words or he's just another irrelevant boomer trying to appeal to a younger crowd. His alts are proof of that failure.
antiliberalsociety ago
Runs in the family. His grandmother has ties to several Jewish law firms and ran several "charities".
CognitiveDissident5 ago
Will you marry me?
Memorexem ago
Aaah, I missed these posts.
Such a fucking faggot, @Texasvet. You're the guy who makes us not want to believe those guys on the corner are vets so we won't give them some cash for a meal.
You're a black mark on society bud, how's about you pretend that rifle you bought with other people's money is an eraser?
antiliberalsociety ago
In case you haven't seen my collage, it's a simplified one-link that he can't escape. He likes to try his "debunking video" but even that's in the collage getting destroyed by several users. I ran out of room before I could cover his vast plagiarism, but that's in part 2.
antiliberalsociety ago
He claims he gave $1,000 to "a friend" "another veteran in need" but no transparency, and that's liable to taxation laws. In addition he didn't shut it down until over a year after the fact when I called him out on lying about it. But then again, he lied about being unemployed in the first place; he had no right to post that GoFraudMe in the first place.
King_Leopold_II ago
@TexasVet is a bum.
antiliberalsociety ago
Have a heart, man. Don't be so quick to insult bums like that.
antiliberalsociety ago
Pay back your donors you fraud
Original template
Source of the pic (He deleted the video after I made this)
He said the screencap wasn't accurate so here's one from another video
Another Meme
List of ignored questions:
In your house fire that allegedly claimed everything you owned, homeowners insurance would have covered the damages. If you now live in a trailer, where did the insurance money go? He answered part of it to someone else
You say you're doing fine now and no longer need donations. Why were you still applying for jobs? And they didn't hire you or what? We never got a followup.
Why on your Facebook are your followers predominantly black, Mexican, or muslim?
Just look at them You're even friends with race mixers on there
(After crying about being doxxed, his account disappeared. He claims he was banned for "muh pro white content!" I tend to believe he deleted it when his fraud was exposed.)
If you claim to represent the white race by telling us to secure a future for our white children, I wonder, why didn't you reproduce white children in your 53 years? And why do you call upon others to sacrifice so their kids don't have to? What example have YOU set?
If you started a GoFundMe because Unhealthy Vet needs food how did you pay for that cell phone, Truck, trailer rent, electricity, insurance, gas, etc.?
The post where I discovered his GoFraudMe wasn't even closed yet (he finally shut it down after I called him out)
He admits buying rifles with the money
Despite it being specifically against GoFundMe rules, listed as fraudulent activity
And he lied about being unemployed by his own admission
"I got my trusty Trump hat here, they're going for $5,000 on Ebay" So, a hat is more important than food? Source
The irony
Not the first time he was called out
Nor the second
Nor the last
I wonder how this (((right winger))) manages to avoid being banned despite overtly breaking Twitters rules time and time again
If you preach for us to UNITE!, why do you bash the very religion your country was built on? Suspiciously like the Jewish melting pot theory. (He deleted the post after this, but it's too late because he forgot to delete it from his kike honeypot It seems he custom crafts his answers on Christianity depending on his audience and which account he's using
On top of that, why would you call for the abandonment of the Swastika?
Could it be because you support communism? (He had to edit that he hates it after being downvoted.) He also ignored the fact that whites get GENOCIDED under communism. To accept communism, you have accept gun confiscation, property confiscation, basically giving up everything he claims to fight to defend... To suggest that is treason.
And recruit unsuspecting followers to the kike owned honeypot gab?
It's like you want the left to have an easy target on us
This is what they're saying and it will undoubtedly be used in an effort to shut us down
Was the purpose of your discord server to give them more ammo on the right?
And your posts on here calling for violence another Jewish trick?
Or a carefully worded post giving the left something to use that's all too easy to take out of context?
And calling for violence again, and again, and again, and fucking again, pushing the idea of civil war which the Jews want because a fractured nation is easier to conquer?
After calling him out, he called for censorship on Voat
@TexasVet Any luck with contacting the FBI over calling out your fraud?
The backstory
His fear me! threat
Immediately after he says he's going to because fee fees and mental anguish.
Triggered when exposed
Even though they're corrupt
October 10th 2018 comment history
He continues to this day to try to silence the truth about him citing social media as violations of privacy.
Even though he doxxed himself and then cries about being doxxed. in a failed attempt to get me banned.
See a post from a year ago 4/3/18 that he deleted 3/30/19 trying to hide the fact he did it himself, and to promote his upcoming rally with Paul Nehlen where he called for others to join a militia and go to the border - only to bitch out at the last minute exposing his faggot LARP Screenshot incase he deletes it
Bonus: His pledge to Reddit
His cry posting about being "stalked" that got shot down as "not gangstalking"
That r-aww cat faggot
His whine video that got 79 views out of 1,000 followers and posting it on Voat, Reddit, Gab, Facebook, Twitter, and God knows where else. This is the video he claims debunks my accusations yet he cherry picked everything I was saying and didn't answer to shit, namely how he isn't guilty of GoFundMe's fraud policy. He used an alt to back himself up by promoting that video, but got destroyed in the comments and he deleted the account
He is so worried about his image, he accuses anyone of downvoting him as being one of my alts, flat out complains about losing CCP, and whines that no one counters it
The post:
He created a new subverse, set the downvote CCP to 100, and bans anyone calling him on his fraud and his reasoning is "no infighting" (He reset it to 0 after no one could see his posts.) He even banned the SearchVoat bot.
TexasVet gay?
TexasVet Spreading fake news Confirmed fake he posted a picture of a jail roster and assumed he was dead based on the charge of murder. The image came from 8chan (link expired)
The colossal faggot didn't even google to see if it was true. It was a fake.
Other examples:
Uses alts to defend himself
Scare tactic
I could go on but you get the picture, his argumentative tactic looks familiar and he is every definition of the word FRAUD. See Part 2
CognitiveDissident5 ago
Omg I've met my alter ego. I collect evidence just as meticulously as you and use it to expose corruption in real life, particularly in state healthcare and ((corporations)). Right now I am roasting a rogue company that is trying to extort money from me and it's rather enjoyable. There is so much you can do if you record calls lawfully and exploit the GDPR. I did the same to a ((bank)) and the upshot was that I got them to void the mortgage contract, pay me compensation AND allow me to pay my house off early at reduced cost. Hahaha!
ruck_feddit ago
This is every bit as impressive as the first time I went through it. Incredible really.
antiliberalsociety ago
Despite all that, there's still people who defend him. No matter what though, the argument is always the same; ignore the fraud, focus on "obsessed", "living rent free in your head", "autistic", "too much time spent". Always gives me a case of the keks as it matches his MO to a T.
Recyclops14 ago
lol you're the one that said rent free first, how am I suppose to know what this random guy says and understand that's a reference to him. Also you accused me of being his alt. You're fucking retarded dude.
antiliberalsociety ago
Recyclops14 ago
if you go back and read you'd see I mentioned that maybe he did commit fraud, and like then as I do now I couldn't give a fuck he defrauded some retards from reddit or the_D. You're misrepresenting or just flat out lying about what I said. "People who defend him" links something where it's literally me saying I'm not defending him. Good luck man. Have fun.
antiliberalsociety ago
Don't care that he defrauds people
Attacks those pointing out his frauds
Downvote brigades anyone talking about his frauds
And you maintain that isn't defending him? 😂
ruck_feddit ago
I'm pretty sure a handful of fuckers like you would get more results than Q ever larped he could.
jewsbadnews ago
DAMN!!! You really hate this guy. People like you make the internet!
antiliberalsociety ago
Make no mistake, it's not hate that drives me. It's the love for exposing complete frauds to the masses. It's his utter defiance that compels me
turtlesareNotevil ago
You'd think he'd burn his account and start a new one.
antiliberalsociety ago
His internet stardom depends on the Veteran crutch and being from Texas, the America of 'Murica! Kek. Outside of that image he has nothing to sell that anyone would buy into. If he abandons it; it'd have to maintain those two words or he's just another irrelevant boomer trying to appeal to a younger crowd. His alts are proof of that failure.
antiliberalsociety ago
I'll be working on part 2 next.