Even after I joined The Beatles, I still enjoyed joining in the fun comedy of The Bonzo Dog Band. I wore such distinctive disguises that when a conflict kept me from performing with them, it was easy to be away providing that I loaned them a gorilla suit. I did not have to loan out my latex noses and ears. Even after Vivian “died” to give me more time with Linda, others wore my Vivian costume now and then. Like those of many bands, members of The Who were all close friends of The Beatles, especially two of them: Pete Townshend and Keith Moon.
Through that connection, The Who all became The Bonzos’ new friends when I joined The Beatles. So much so, we decided to tour together. The Bonzo Dog Band got each audience warmed up with musical laughter; then The Who put on the main show. In the years before I became friends with The Who, Linda had already gotten to know them, and many other celebrities, through her photography.
They were all good friends. Like Donovan and the Rolling Stones, The Who also made a few fine Paul songs. My favorite one ties into this chapter by including a line about our differing hair: "The parting on the left / Is now the parting on the right." Going on, still about hair, the next line refers to the instant moustaches on Sgt. Pepper’s, and to the beard hiding my face later. "And the beards [moustaches] have all grown longer overnight."
That song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” recognizes our “Revolution,” revolving Pauls, as leading to the worldwide political upheaval. Pete calls it a “new revolution.” John tried to depict the same chaos of having that revolution in his “Revolution 9.” Pete refers to it saying, “We’ll be fighting in the streets.” Everyone is all up in arms about it, all alarmed.
That is the way with revolutions. Paul is the Revolver. Recognizing Sgt. Pepper’s role in changing the world, setting a new drug-friendly moral code, Pete explains that part of the globalists’ agenda. “And the morals that they worship will be gone." The same institutions that supported The Beatles and opened media doors for us, furthered their NWO agendas by publicly denouncing us— turning the good boys bad. "And the men who spurred us on [those with EMI connections to Tavistock] Sit in judgment of all wrong / They decide and the shotgun sings the song." Letting them call the shots, they privately supported us while publicly villainizing us for a further division of generations, breaking down the family in order to unravel the fabric of society in preparation for the new order with the NWO constitution— and my deal.
With a double meaning, Pete refers to both the government change and to the new constitution of The Beatles who revolved Pauls to make that change. With respect for it, he says, "I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution / Take a bow for the new revolution." Insiders, including Pete, just "Smile and grin at the change all around me." They don’t say anything. They just quietly enjoy being aware of it. The next lines are of me (" another day") from my perspective, having to play Paul’s (" Yesterday’s") bass guitar. I "Pick up my guitar and play / Just like yesterday." That bit is of me learning to play Paul’s left-handed bass just like Paul, but can be generalized, as John had put it, "Nothing has changed it's still the same." Then I, or Pete, pray that we, the whole world, are not ever fooled that way again.
"Change it had to come / We knew it all along." The world’s values, toppled by Sgt. Pepper’s, were liberating to our generation, and would not have taken place if not for a look-alike. "We were liberated from the fall [Paul’s death] that’s all / But the world looks just the same /And history ain’t changed / ‘Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war." Everything looks the same as before our revolution.
As a dual meaning, it says the Vietnam War was the same as the Korean War that went before it. Both had the banners of Communist and Anti-Communist. "I’ll move myself and my family aside" was of me giving up my life and loved ones to take this role. My connection to Paul, having two Pauls in one flesh now, makes my combined self only half-alive. Reaching toward Paul in the sky, I thankfully hold up my contract. "If we happen to be left half alive / I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky" knowing that fans, having been hypnotized by our music, will go on as if I’m Paul. "For I know that the hypnotized never lie / Do ya?"
Hypnotized, they swear I’m Paul. Here again, with the Paul revolution, there does not appear to be any change. "There’s nothing in the street / Looks any different to me." Our slogans have changed even though we use the same Beatles banner. The love songs have been replaced by Paul’s goodbye. "The slogans are replaced, by-the-bye." Under our old slogans, it was "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah." Now he screams, "Yeaaaaaaaaaah!"
spacepopecoast2coast ago
the idea that someone just came in and learned how to mimic Paul McCartney's bass playing opposite-handed is absolutely insane
bopper ago
I know. That's the way I felt until I took the time to seriously look. It does sound insane. I'm quite skeptical by nature.
This helped me a lot, and does with other seemingly wacky theories.
"Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
No matter how improbable.
spacepopecoast2coast ago
I've never found the "Paul is Dead" theory very convincing, but if it were somehow true, this new guy would be the greatest musician of all-time IMO haha
McCartney is probably my personal favorite as far as bassists go, so whoever it was playing bass on their later stuff is still fucking awesome
bopper ago
Yes, I played bass for a while and rhythm guitar. It is kinda harder to look into this if you really liked them. I first heard the rumor in '69 when I was in middle school and it freaked us all out.
Actually the alleged replacement IS a very talented studio musician from Scotland.
There's so much new info now. You may or not be interested but the below clip, three parts, follows closely the book Memoirs, which I believe is actually Sir Paul. I totally understand if you're not interested, it may interest another.
The Winged Beatle on youtube is likely done by Sir Paul, it's really good.
cynicaloldfart ago
Well, you did post this in the appropriate sub. I do appreciate a good spoof, for whatever motivation caused it. I've read a lot of song analysis' and commentaries. Heck, there have been doctoral thesis written on various pieces. Even the artists themselves have been known to present "alternate" explanations of their music, sometimes just for grins. I like the better ones, poking fun and exposing the gullibility of fans. At least this excerpt is written well enough to read and ponder "what if".
That said, this whole story of "I buried Paul" is certainly an interesting and very involved/detailed preposition. Personally, I give credit to what I perceive as the Beatles developing one of the most successful "psy-ops" marketing/lark in music history. I don't even think he/they knew how involved it would become when they conceived it. It is, however, endlessly entertaining.
bopper ago
Thanks for your comment!
I've researched and am convinced after almost three years that Paul was indeed replaced and the book Memoirs of Billy Shears is indeed written by Sir Paul.
Just the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, but there is plenty of forensic as well.