Pointyball ago

They falsely assume they were shipped in instead of being packaged to ship out.


The Israeli Doctors need to get paid somehow. After all they might save 1 in a 100.

glennvtx ago

It takes a severe lack of intelligence to overlook the obviousness of this Q thing being complete bullshit. It requires one to suspend rational disbelief, to utterly fail to do even basic research that would show a reasonable person beyond a doubt that it is, in fact, bullshit.

77777 ago

Q is a tranny

vonbacon ago

Obvious shill is obvious.

GizaDog ago

3 month account in negative comment area!

Hello Media Matters

draaaak ago

Takes one to know one.

77777 ago

Well... your username is drak..

draaaak ago

Is not.

thisistotallynotme ago

Jesus Christ that's fucked up. I'm just glad she was too stupid to realize what was happening, and kept talking about it.

hels ago

So they don't have anything that can be used as a rope? The amount of stupid from the start raised some flags. I can't tell if the reporter is full retard or trying to send a redpill.

WagonBurner ago

I remember that, I thougt the same. Does the reporter still work for CNN? If she got fired, then she was a red pilling.

CowWithBeef ago

It doesn't occur to her that they are Haitian corneas for smuggling out of Haiti. It's like when Chinese censors don't know there is something about Tiananmen square that should be censored because they never heard the truth.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=qEfELgav1Qs :

Is the IDF Harvesting Haitian Organs? - YouTube

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