The capitol city of Astana is clearly being built for the Freemasons and elites. Just YouTube the entire city is covered in esoteric symbolism everywhere. This theory has a lot of merit to it because it is not just in China that massive new cities are being built in anticipation of a influx wealthy people.
It will be a grand scale Paperclip operation, I bet US, China and Russia will love to get some white immigrants. China is on the way to become Orwelliam as fuck.
I can answer this one, though you may not believe it.
The Chinese have an odd cultural habit. Remember that they were not originally capitalists in our sense of the word. When they buy brand new real estate, they often refuse to move into it. They lock the door and leave the unit empty - because if you move into it then the unit is "used," at which point it's perceived purchase value is less in their way of thinking.
This exact same empty unit phenomenon is seen in Toronto waterfront condominiums, in brand new buildings. The condo units are sold to Chinese investors. Less than half of them are ever occupied. They are locked and kept as pristine as the day they first went on the market. There are thousands and thousands of such units now. The Chinese consider these units as still "new."
I took the high speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai about 2 years ago and learned a lot of perspective from the people I was traveling with. Beijing is roughly 21+ million people and Shanghai is roughly 24+ million. Los Angeles plus New York don't even equal one of those cities.
In between Beijing and Shanghai are huge cities going up that are completely vacant. You might see a dozen construction cranes in Los Angeles at a given time but these project have upwards of 20-30 cranes putting together dozens of clusters of buildings all approximately 40-50+ stories tall.
Why? China is going to take the farm/rural land away and put their populations in to buildings for easier control. The rooms/floors will be divided based on how much you currently own and your current family's needs. People are going to cheat and lie through their teeth as is the custom along with bribes, fraud, etc.
OP's claim that these cities are being made for fleeing elite I am not so sure about. There are enough of these cities being built that I would not be surprised if some are for elites. You have to keep in mind there are 1.5 billion of them so they could just be anticipating housing everyone. I saw another one of these building clusters in Xi'an which is interesting because there is a ton of really ancient history there.
Its the other way around. All the corrupt fuckers involved building those ghost towns have houses in US and Canada. Tbeur kids are at private school here.
The whole chinese economy is a ponzi scheme full of bribary and corruption.
I was just thinking this lately. I'm not sure it's for the "elites", though, but the genocide survivors. Notice China isn't falling for no banana in the tailpipe. Begging China to accept "refugees" is futile. They don't seem to be participating. So who does that leave? People of means who don't want to see their women & childre raped, &/or starved to death.
I suspect that China wants the best survivors there. They see an opportunity to take the cream from the top.
Immigration can help you if you actually have standards (or better yet, freedom, which requires quality).
YEP. China was working behind the scenes on this plan with same Elites who are destroying Europe and Canada. This is Rothschilds 101: being in front of events THEY are controlling.
You're also right about who was going to fill these cities. Not top tier Elites, but middle tier 5th Column members like Police, bureaucrats and businessmen.
All these places are remote, indicating China and wanted to keep a level of segregation from the indigenous population.
Yes. This was part of OBOR and Silk road. Take the time to listen to London Paul on Sirius report as well as Rogue Money on YouTube. Also get up to speed with Laroche PAC and Harley Schlanger and Jim Willie and Catherine Austin Fits.
No no no. China built those so that the thier upper class has someplace to go in a nuclear war. They are planning to have a nuclear exchange with us, and just take the hits. Thier upper class will retreat to these cities and they'll just set up machine gun lines and gun down any poor that survive the blast and try to head that way.
Your information sources are poor/non-existant. Try listening to some real geopolitical research as opposed to MSM. What is the OBOR? What is the silk road?
Don't take my word for it. Check out the Sirius report, Check out Rogue Money, Check out whats going on with the Silk Road and OBOR. There are so many sources available to back up what I am saying and so few backing up some crazy claim that China wants a war. Yawn. If anyone wants a war its the US. How many overseas bases do we have world wide? How many bases does China have? I will answer the second one for ya. 1 . Really go look at my sources. Smash them with other real world sources if you can! Really! Go stand toe to toe with London Paul on Sirius Report academically. Also, see if you can take apart Catherine Austin Fits from the Solari Report. She is another major source of mine! She has many interviews available for free on Rogue Money, Forum Boreals on Youtube. I am not forming my opinion with my own mind. I have massive heavy hitters in international banking, economics and political science that shape my views with data and information. OH!!! and I am white, in my early 40s semi retired and self employed of German and Irish decent dating back to before the revolutionary war on my moms side and just after the civil war on my dads side. 'Merica
It's an economic effect. I used to understand it better but the key thing to remember is that builders and the government are not the same people. It's not like the chinese government is planning each building.
Basically the Chinese government pays builders to construct rooms. The more rooms the more money they get even if nobody buys.
wrong. the only effect created by the building over SIX HUNDRED of this ghost cities has been massive debt and a giant real estate bubble.
'What it means is that China’s massive stimulus from 2009 to 2011 sunk money into projects that are generating little or no returns. The continuing gush of credit allowed companies to paper over these losses by covering their bad debts with new loans…But whatever the size [of China’s indebtedness], it’s now big enough that the system needs colossal amounts of liquidity even to keep above water.'
You should do a little bit more research.. But I lived in China and it was the most eerie thing to see. Visit a mall that was just completely empty. There would be a family every five minutes but it was ghostly.
Definitely saw plazas that were just empty but obviously built for higher class. They’re just further trying to separate the rich from the poor.
Being there, it felt like nobody was middle class. Just rich or poor. It was a sad fun time.
sure Jew boy.. ( you really think I believe you were in China and you actually went to empty, remote cities rather than those with PEOPLE AND COMMERCE? )
go upvoat some more of your psychotic rants with your alt accounts
There really is no other plausible explanation of why China would construct so many empty cities that remain uninhabited to this day.
There is; you’re just retarded. China constructed them for rich Chinese (as well as the cities in Africa) to use as refuges for when the communist Chinese government collapses. The differences in style are done to be tourist attractions, as seen in many of the currently populated areas of China where knockoffs of the same appear.
only the election of Donald Trump has slowed the immigration invasion here in the United States.
Except it hasn’t, and he refuses to deport anyone.
It's clear the people who built these cities anticipated another wave of immigration that has not yet materialized.
It’s not clear, no.
If you are aware of FBI Anon
you may remember that he predicted World War III if Hillary was elected.
Uh… Anyone could predict that. You didn’t have to have insider knowledge to know it. And obviously FAGanon didn’t have insider knowledge. Just like Q-LARP.
The alleged plan by Elites to tear down Western Civilization and move the economies of Europe and the US to China gets more credible…
When has that ever been alleged? The goal is a jewish nation from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates devoid of all non-jewish life, and a global communist principality of mulatto slaves that is ruled over by the United Nations, with the capital in Jerusalem.
Not an argument. Not a refutation. You have admitted to supporting white genocide and have shilled for jewish narratives. You are worthless and utterly compromised.
But as I explained and as you explained it was definitely just made for rich. Idk why this guy screams JEW as his winning arguement. I don’t trust the Jews but I don’t go around soundings like a blabbering idiot calling anyone that disagrees with me a shill or Jew.
Falkes ago
The capitol city of Astana is clearly being built for the Freemasons and elites. Just YouTube the entire city is covered in esoteric symbolism everywhere. This theory has a lot of merit to it because it is not just in China that massive new cities are being built in anticipation of a influx wealthy people.
dooob ago
It will be a grand scale Paperclip operation, I bet US, China and Russia will love to get some white immigrants. China is on the way to become Orwelliam as fuck.
CrustyBeaver52 ago
I can answer this one, though you may not believe it.
The Chinese have an odd cultural habit. Remember that they were not originally capitalists in our sense of the word. When they buy brand new real estate, they often refuse to move into it. They lock the door and leave the unit empty - because if you move into it then the unit is "used," at which point it's perceived purchase value is less in their way of thinking.
This exact same empty unit phenomenon is seen in Toronto waterfront condominiums, in brand new buildings. The condo units are sold to Chinese investors. Less than half of them are ever occupied. They are locked and kept as pristine as the day they first went on the market. There are thousands and thousands of such units now. The Chinese consider these units as still "new."
Optional_Reading ago
I took the high speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai about 2 years ago and learned a lot of perspective from the people I was traveling with. Beijing is roughly 21+ million people and Shanghai is roughly 24+ million. Los Angeles plus New York don't even equal one of those cities.
In between Beijing and Shanghai are huge cities going up that are completely vacant. You might see a dozen construction cranes in Los Angeles at a given time but these project have upwards of 20-30 cranes putting together dozens of clusters of buildings all approximately 40-50+ stories tall.
Why? China is going to take the farm/rural land away and put their populations in to buildings for easier control. The rooms/floors will be divided based on how much you currently own and your current family's needs. People are going to cheat and lie through their teeth as is the custom along with bribes, fraud, etc.
OP's claim that these cities are being made for fleeing elite I am not so sure about. There are enough of these cities being built that I would not be surprised if some are for elites. You have to keep in mind there are 1.5 billion of them so they could just be anticipating housing everyone. I saw another one of these building clusters in Xi'an which is interesting because there is a ton of really ancient history there.
Oh_Well_ian ago
more comprehensive post here
This is not exclusively about the Chinese. The World Bank and IMF are financing most of it.
Oh_Well_ian ago
mistake in the title > 'elites' should read 'migrants'
the_sharpest_knife ago
Dougal_McHaggis ago
Its the other way around. All the corrupt fuckers involved building those ghost towns have houses in US and Canada. Tbeur kids are at private school here.
The whole chinese economy is a ponzi scheme full of bribary and corruption.
Oh_Well_ian ago
nope... the longer this plays out, the more obvious it all becomes.
sorry.. not believing that shit anymore
The narrative is collapsing and so is the plan.
Crikes ago
I was just thinking this lately. I'm not sure it's for the "elites", though, but the genocide survivors. Notice China isn't falling for no banana in the tailpipe. Begging China to accept "refugees" is futile. They don't seem to be participating. So who does that leave? People of means who don't want to see their women & childre raped, &/or starved to death.
I suspect that China wants the best survivors there. They see an opportunity to take the cream from the top.
Immigration can help you if you actually have standards (or better yet, freedom, which requires quality).
Oh_Well_ian ago
YEP. China was working behind the scenes on this plan with same Elites who are destroying Europe and Canada. This is Rothschilds 101: being in front of events THEY are controlling.
You're also right about who was going to fill these cities. Not top tier Elites, but middle tier 5th Column members like Police, bureaucrats and businessmen.
All these places are remote, indicating China and wanted to keep a level of segregation from the indigenous population.
Ialwayssaythis ago
Yes. This was part of OBOR and Silk road. Take the time to listen to London Paul on Sirius report as well as Rogue Money on YouTube. Also get up to speed with Laroche PAC and Harley Schlanger and Jim Willie and Catherine Austin Fits.
Empleyfire ago
More info please
Ialwayssaythis ago
Uuhhh. Go get it in those places I listed. YouTube and DDG
Werewolf35b ago
No no no. China built those so that the thier upper class has someplace to go in a nuclear war. They are planning to have a nuclear exchange with us, and just take the hits. Thier upper class will retreat to these cities and they'll just set up machine gun lines and gun down any poor that survive the blast and try to head that way.
Ialwayssaythis ago
Nope. They want to trade.
Werewolf35b ago
Yeah, ...nukes
Ialwayssaythis ago
Your information sources are poor/non-existant. Try listening to some real geopolitical research as opposed to MSM. What is the OBOR? What is the silk road?
Werewolf35b ago
Well are they poor, or nonexistent? You don't know my sources you fucking nip.
Ialwayssaythis ago
Don't take my word for it. Check out the Sirius report, Check out Rogue Money, Check out whats going on with the Silk Road and OBOR. There are so many sources available to back up what I am saying and so few backing up some crazy claim that China wants a war. Yawn. If anyone wants a war its the US. How many overseas bases do we have world wide? How many bases does China have? I will answer the second one for ya. 1 . Really go look at my sources. Smash them with other real world sources if you can! Really! Go stand toe to toe with London Paul on Sirius Report academically. Also, see if you can take apart Catherine Austin Fits from the Solari Report. She is another major source of mine! She has many interviews available for free on Rogue Money, Forum Boreals on Youtube. I am not forming my opinion with my own mind. I have massive heavy hitters in international banking, economics and political science that shape my views with data and information. OH!!! and I am white, in my early 40s semi retired and self employed of German and Irish decent dating back to before the revolutionary war on my moms side and just after the civil war on my dads side. 'Merica
Werewolf35b ago dipshit finince/stock market blogs to understand China's long term military strategy.
Got it, nip.
Ialwayssaythis ago
How is that flickering light over your cubicle in the call center treating you... Street shitter.
Werewolf35b ago
Lol. I'm a white person in Los Angeles.
Where in the fuck did you get the idea I was a dothead, you stupid nip?
Oh_Well_ian ago
Tallest_Skil ago
Go there.
testeverything ago
It's an economic effect. I used to understand it better but the key thing to remember is that builders and the government are not the same people. It's not like the chinese government is planning each building.
Basically the Chinese government pays builders to construct rooms. The more rooms the more money they get even if nobody buys.
Oh_Well_ian ago
Baloney. That is exactly what we have been told about these cities since they started going up.
Didn't make sense then and it certainly makes no sense today.
Bottled_Tears ago
So you believe everything you’re told?
It does make sense you’re probably just 15 with zero economic understanding.
Oh_Well_ian ago
lol the JEW BOY is coming unglued
Tallest_Skil ago
The audacity of this fucking kike.
bb22 ago
If something doesn’t make sense it’s natural to question it you foreskin-eating kike.
Tallest_Skil ago
Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned, yid.
testeverything ago
As a policy its retarded but that it would produce that economic effect isn't baloney.
ADVChina covered it and he showed a small village next door that was taking advantage of the same policy.
Oh_Well_ian ago
wrong. the only effect created by the building over SIX HUNDRED of this ghost cities has been massive debt and a giant real estate bubble.
'What it means is that China’s massive stimulus from 2009 to 2011 sunk money into projects that are generating little or no returns. The continuing gush of credit allowed companies to paper over these losses by covering their bad debts with new loans…But whatever the size [of China’s indebtedness], it’s now big enough that the system needs colossal amounts of liquidity even to keep above water.'
Bottled_Tears ago
You should do a little bit more research.. But I lived in China and it was the most eerie thing to see. Visit a mall that was just completely empty. There would be a family every five minutes but it was ghostly.
Definitely saw plazas that were just empty but obviously built for higher class. They’re just further trying to separate the rich from the poor.
Being there, it felt like nobody was middle class. Just rich or poor. It was a sad fun time.
(Also, first post!)
Oh_Well_ian ago
member 5 minutes
lol oh boy... you dopes really are losing the war for the TRUTH
Bottled_Tears ago
Was waiting for some faggot to say this.
Been trying to get into my original account for months ever since summer 2016. I want the truth too dumbass lol.
Oh_Well_ian ago
shill faggot confirmed
get off my thread shill faggot
Bottled_Tears ago
Don’t be a nigger and use your brain.
I contributed and talked about my experience and somehow I’m a shill.
Oh_Well_ian ago
shut up.. you were never in China, faggot.
Bottled_Tears ago
You’re just mad your thread fucking sucks and the first post (Tallest_Skil) triggered you hahahaha salty cunt
Oh_Well_ian ago
you cunt @Tallest_Skil... you really think you're fooling anyone?
' first post!! '
' I have been trying to get back my account from 2016 '
You're a sad, sad faggot JEW BOY
Tallest_Skil ago
Cry harder, bitch. You were blown the fuck out by a brand new account. That’s how pathetic you are.
Bottled_Tears ago
I’m just talking to a retard at this point. Ill be seeing you around the conspiracy forums bud.
Oh_Well_ian ago
sure Jew boy.. ( you really think I believe you were in China and you actually went to empty, remote cities rather than those with PEOPLE AND COMMERCE? )
go upvoat some more of your psychotic rants with your alt accounts
lol fucking sad
REPORTED !! bwahahahaha
Bottled_Tears ago
Man I wasn’t going to keep tabs on any accounts here but now I will with you since I need to watch out for the schizo
Oh_Well_ian ago
you're already stalking me @Tallest_skil lol
now, with 2 accounts?
Bottled_Tears ago
That’s not me. Ask a mod retard. Different ip.
Holy shit ypu really are schizo
Oh_Well_ian ago
man.. I love downvoating you into oblivion @Tallest_skil
lol good times
Tallest_Skil ago
Reported for vote manipulation.
Tallest_Skil ago
Go fellate a shotgun, flat earther.
Tallest_Skil ago
There is; you’re just retarded. China constructed them for rich Chinese (as well as the cities in Africa) to use as refuges for when the communist Chinese government collapses. The differences in style are done to be tourist attractions, as seen in many of the currently populated areas of China where knockoffs of the same appear.
Except it hasn’t, and he refuses to deport anyone.
It’s not clear, no.
Uh… Anyone could predict that. You didn’t have to have insider knowledge to know it. And obviously FAGanon didn’t have insider knowledge. Just like Q-LARP.
When has that ever been alleged? The goal is a jewish nation from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates devoid of all non-jewish life, and a global communist principality of mulatto slaves that is ruled over by the United Nations, with the capital in Jerusalem.
Oh_Well_ian ago
look at the JEW FAGGOT stalking me on VOAT
what a psychopath lol
Hey Rabbi... are you hoping for a ocean view at GITMO ?
Tallest_Skil ago
Not an argument. Not a refutation. You have admitted to supporting white genocide and have shilled for jewish narratives. You are worthless and utterly compromised.
Bottled_Tears ago
Dang, so that’s why he was being a cunt to me.
Idk anyone here.
But as I explained and as you explained it was definitely just made for rich. Idk why this guy screams JEW as his winning arguement. I don’t trust the Jews but I don’t go around soundings like a blabbering idiot calling anyone that disagrees with me a shill or Jew.
Oh_Well_ian ago
lol You just said you've been here since 2016, JEWBOY