BeefBourgignon ago

Don't forget too that slavery is legal in Israel, and there is a booming trade in eastern European girls being forced to work as prostitutes.

dd-schiznit ago

TL;DR, "what else can I ignorantly hate Jews for while being just as shitty of a human being as I hope they are?" Low IQ faggot.

iwar ago

Slave trade was one of the merchandising activities of the colonial empires. Who monopolized and controlled these activities? A short but instructive overview is given here, from 1935 : The Jews and the British Empire []

WhoaMan ago

Internally there weren't THAT many Jewish people in general until the 1900's era

So there weren't that many Jewish confederates; with a few exceptions

But as far as the trans-atlantic slave trade in general goes, as well as the horrifically brutal plantations in central/south america, they dominated it

NoisyCricket ago

Stop conflating "living" with "citizen." Many non-citizens lived here at the time. Likewise, much of this was run out of the Caribbean.

The simple fact is, overwhelmingly, blacks and Jews are responsible for slavery in America. The exception are whites.

jthun2 ago

The secretary of war for the confederacy was a Jew.

Ulysses Grant noted that Jews were running the Union blockade, and that they were a 'privileged class' in the south.

ArbeitMachtJudenfrei ago

Never mind the slave trade in the US. The Mudslime slave trade dwarfed anything the US ever did. In some ways it still exists -- they let a lot of Southeast Asians go to work in UAE as nannies and maids and then block them leaving the country until their new owner agrees.

jthun2 ago

Yes, but you are off topic

notenoughstuff ago

The Jews have AFAIK historically been heavily involved in the Muslim slave trade, including of European Christians, From (((Wikipedia))),

Records of long-distance Jewish slave merchants date at least as far back as 492, when Pope Gelasius permitted Jews to import non-Christian slaves into Italy, at the request of a Jewish friend from Telesina.[25][26][27] By the turn of the 6th to the 7th century, Jews had become the chief slave traders in Italy, and were active in Gaelic territories. Pope Gregory the Great issued a ban on Jews possessing Christian slaves, lest the slaves convert to Judaism.[27][28] By the 9th and 10th centuries, Jewish merchants, sometimes called Radhanites, were a major force in the slave trade continent-wide.[9][29][30]

Jews were one of the few groups who could move and trade between the Christian and Islamic worlds.[30] Ibn Khordadbeh observed and recorded routes of Jewish merchants in his Book of Roads and Kingdoms from the South of France to Spain, carrying (amongst other things) female slaves, eunuch slaves, and young slave boys. He also notes Jews purchasing Slavic slaves in Prague.[9][27][31] Letters of Agobard, archbishop of Lyons (816–840),[32][33][34][35] acts of the emperor Louis the Pious,[36][37] and the seventy-fifth canon of the Council of Meaux of 845 confirms the existence of a route used by Jewish traders with Slavic slaves through the Alps to Lyon, to Southern France, to Spain.[9] Toll records from Walenstadt in 842–843 indicate another trade route, through Switzerland, the Septimer and Splügen passes, to Venice, and from there to North Africa.[9]

As German rulers of Saxon dynasties took over the enslavement (and slave trade) of Slavs in the 10th century, Jewish merchants bought slaves at the Elbe, sending caravans into the valley of the Rhine. Many of these slaves were taken to Verdun, which had close trade relations with Spain. Many would be castrated and sold as eunuchs as well.[9][21]

Jews would later become highly influential in the European slave trade, reaching their apex from the 16th to 19th centuries.[9]

Furthermore, according to and, they kidnapped Christian children, castrated them, and sold them to Muslims in Spain in the Middle Ages.

ArbeitMachtJudenfrei ago

it spoils their anti-semetic narrative.

How so? Kikes are still scum.

Scurvy_dog ago

Around 100%...

Damnpasswords ago

The world jewish encyclopedia brags about a prominent role

TheSeer ago

We thought they wuz white.

notenoughstuff ago

Video regarding Jewish Trans-Atlantic slave trade; not checked, verified or considered, and the sources given are not always easy to check. Especially the part regarding something like 120 out of 128 slave ships transporting slaves in a given year being owned by Jews did not have a proper source as far as I could understand from the video:

Newport and Bristol being the primary slave markets in the American colonies:,

"Jewish Newport":,

Jewish ownership of plantations (no statistics, regrettably, and not a direct source):

"In fact, the cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.",

Jews living in the Virgin Islands, starting from around 1655, and around 1850 on one/some of the islands they made up around 50% of the local 'white' people, according to this seemingly Jewish source:,

Note that some of the islands were colonized and controlled by Denmark for several centuries; Denmark outlawed slave trading in 1802, and Denmark outlawed slavery in 1848 (see for instance, There were definitely also non-Jewish Danes on the islands, however.

GassyMcGasface ago

It was 98% a Jewish thing.

notenoughstuff ago


SChalice ago

You just asked someone named GassyMcGasface for sources. LOL

butters4eva ago

Exclusively Jews traded slaves to the Americas as I understand it.

notenoughstuff ago

Nice sources. This sounds like dis-info and shilling to discredit claims. Jews seems to have been extremely overrepresented in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, but definitely not the only ones.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Blacks enslaved blacks in africa, jews went to africa bought and brought those slaves to the USA. Majority of slave owners were blacks and jews, less than 1% of people in the USA owned slaves, there were more white slaves than black, whites fought to end slavery 158 years ago. Most whites in the USA came long after slavery ended. longer, jews are responsible for slavery.

notenoughstuff ago

"Extreme overrepresentation of Jews" and "majority of slave owners were blacks and Jews" are very different from "Exclusively Jews traded slaves to the Americas".

WhiteSurvivalist ago

You could say all three of those statements are accurate, the facilitation and ownership of the ships themselves was jewish.

Assuming you aren't a jew, the mind blowing things are what they did with that wealth afterwards. jewish bankers hired woodrow wilson to run for US president as their puppet, he won. His goal was to create a banking coup over the USA, federal reserve act of 1913, this gave jews control over the banking and financial institutions of the USA.

From there they bought the media and use it as a weapon of mass conformity and deception.

jews effectively enslave all citizens of the USA through the federal reserve, the real government of the USA is the owners of the federal reserve.

notenoughstuff ago

I don't agree that the statements can all be accurate at the same time, though you do have good points.

NoisyCricket ago

They owned the majority of ships and slaves brought to the United States. They also owned a small majority of slaves in the United States.

At its peak, no more than ~2% of the US population ever owned a slave. And the US had slaves of every color and race, including whites. There were also black slave owners.

A black slave owner sued and set the legal precedent to allow for slavery in the United States.

Basically, without Muslims, blacks, and Jews, it's almost certain slavery would have never been legal. Even if it had been legal, it would have been exceptionally rare.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Jews owned a majority of slaves in the US? L-O-L.

HugeDouche ago

Nice rebuttal.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Blacks enslaved blacks in africa, jews went to africa bought and brought those slaves to the USA. Majority of slave owners were blacks and jews, less than 1% of people in the USA owned slaves, there were more white slaves than black, whites fought to end slavery 158 years ago. Most whites in the USA came long after slavery ended.

joe_mccarthy is a jew.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're probably a Russian troll. Your post is nonsense in any case.

BearDolphin1488 ago

im assuming you are trolling by using the term russian troll? I could unerstand that in a 'ha ha its so ironic that its my insult ive chosen for you' but if its serious, we might have a hilary supporter here

tell me this, how do you feel about bagels?

psuchopompos ago

In the pre-Civil War United States 2% of white gentile households owned slaves. 40% of Jewish households owned slaves. Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than white gentiles.

Whitemail ago

They weren't slaves, goy. They were just animals. All of the goyim owned farm animals, and we did too, goy.

Joe_McCarthy ago

There were also almost no Jews in the US in the pre-Civil War era. So that's hardly compelling.

i_scream_trucks ago

So a war that happened primarily for half of the nation to keep its slaves while the other half wanted to turn them into voters happened when there were no slaves in the united states. Makes perfect sense.

Joe_McCarthy ago


jthun2 ago

Wrong. The Spanish Empire was massively Jewish, and Sephardics living in the southern USA often had Spanish backgrounds.

The Jews started interbreeding with English nobility back in the 1800s.

The Rothschilds were active in the south, giving speeches about the benefits of slavery. David Yulee Levy, Benjamin Judah, etc. Plenty of them.

notenoughstuff ago

Was the Spanish Empire really that Jewish at that point in time? I believe that it in the 14th and 15th centuries was heavily influenced, infiltrated and subverted by Jews, though the Spanish did try to expel the Jews and force them to become Christians. But that seems to mostly have made it easier for them to infiltrate and deceive:

Joe_McCarthy ago

Man, where to begin with that misinformation.

Jews were well under 1% of the US population even as late as 1860. And the vast majority of the increase came long after the US acquired Florida. Read the Spanish Empire.

There were also no 'Rothschilds' in America. Their agent, August Belmont, was a Northern financier and non-slave owner and in any case the Rothschilds were known to be rather unsuccessful in America and bringing them up is neither here nor there anyway. One family from Europe doesn't substantiate the crackpot notion that a small number of Jews had more slave owners than white gentiles that especially before 1830 outnumbered them numerically on a ridiculous scale.

notenoughstuff ago

in any case the Rothschilds were known to be rather unsuccessful in America and bringing them up is neither here nor there anyway

From (((Wikipedia))):

In the financial/economic recession and Panic of 1837, hundreds of American businesses, including the Rothschild family's American agent in New York City, collapsed. As a result, Belmont postponed his departure for Havana indefinitely and began a new firm, August Belmont & Company, believing that he could supplant the recently bankrupt firm, the American Agency.[4] August Belmont & Company was an instant success, and Belmont restored health to the Rothschilds' U.S. interests over the next five years.[3]

So the Rothschilds were likely hurt badly by Why did Andrew Jackson's war on the bank hurt them this badly? And which hands did they have in the start of the Federal Reserve system in 1913, for instance, related to

And you do not give proper sources. And you ignore the arguments and references. And you try to use shaming, humiliation and rhetoric instead of arguments. Etc.

Lundynne ago

Mate, your argument is completely disingenuous.

the crackpot notion that a small number of Jews had more slave owners than white gentiles

No one has ever said this. All that was said was that 40% of Jewish households owned slaves, as compared to 2% of gentile households. This, in no way, means that more jews owned slaves than whites.

Second, you argue that the odds that a higher percentage of Jewish households than whites own slaves are so low that the claim is laughable. Whoever argued that this was an unbiased sample? No one, that's who. Now, fair enough, the other guy hasn't provided any references to his claims, but you are using (((intentionally))) flawed logic, in what one must assume is an attempt to persuade us that Jews had nothing to do with slavery.


I would like to see you two debate this further so we can get to fucking bottom of it.

Who's lying or misinformed?

One of you for a fact. Possibly both.

For me it's very easy to swallow that Jews owned more slaves because they see all other people as cattle.

But what's the truth?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Given that Jews were outnumbered by a factor of several hundred to one by white Christians in the antebellum US to think they had more slave owners is counterintuitive in the extreme. The chances are so statistically negligible that I see little point in even looking it up.

HugeDouche ago

And they are still outnumbered in the US and yet they control the media, banking and government. Your argument is stupid and you are stupid.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Just more neo-Nazi bullshit. But predictable of course.

HugeDouche ago

So jews don't control the media? Sure thing loser. You're a disingenuous twat.

Neinlife ago

you are in a historical debate and denying the need to research based on "it doesnt seem that way" and you think logic is the problem?

SChalice ago

You are going to have a hard time with these knuckle heads using basic logic.

i_scream_trucks ago

Especially when the logic youre using is inherently wrong.

Joe_McCarthy ago

They're so stupid in fact that one wonders if this is some kind of shill operation. I've suggested before it could in part be Russian operatives. Who knows though really. Regardless they make Voat boring with endless jewbad.

i_scream_trucks ago

Well then perhaps you should just give up the kiking and go home to israel?