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carmencita ago

Putting pictures up on the wall that denotes abuse to children or animals, well I find that totally offensive. I did not say sexual abuse, but abuse. There are those that have said that hurting or abusing an animal is the precursor to abusing children. Hanging this on your wall is really to me, showing you are honoring the artist and the works. I don't know if he is a pedophile, but his taste for this stuff is sickening. He should be watched. Has he made any off the mark statements about children?

Dfens ago

I wasn't able to find any statements, but I'm sure he has people to make sure his digital image is squeaky clean. I did find this about his art collection:

He is an avid arts supporter with an extensive ongoing collection of modern, low brow and underground contemporary art, along with many other one-of-a-kind collectibles. In June 7, 2012 pop culture website So Bad So Good showcased 'The Unreal Artwork Inside The Office Of NIKE CEO Mark Parker'. Notable artists from Parker's collection include Andy Warhol, Adonna Khare, Mark Ryden, Kris Kuksi, Todd Schorr, Tim Biskup, Eric White, Sas Christian, Sebastian Kruger, Charles Krafft, Scott Musgrove, Michael Leavitt, Lipson Robotics and Randy Regier. Other notable items include rare movie ephemera such as original props and models from "Mars Attacks!" (1996), "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951), "Back to the Future" (1989) and "Batman" (1989). --

carmencita ago

Yeah, especially this. This guy that he connects with at Disney seems to connect with Warren Buffet.

Dfens ago

It turns out that the artist, Ryder, is a Mason.

carmencita ago

Not a big surprise. These guys hang together. They are showing us how they connect to each other through art by their disgusting interests in Satanism, the macabre and sexually abused children. But behind closed doors they are also connected within societies. People don't understand how scary that really is. The secrecy of societies should scare everyone.

Dfens ago

Yeah, especially those Satanic societies. I found out that Ryden also did the artwork for one of Michael Jackson's albums ( Notice the skulls, all seeing eye, naked children, and bees (Hivites). Bees and the all seeing eye are prominent in Ryden's art, as are children.

carmencita ago

Skeletal animals and the all seeing eye the naked beautiful little girl holding the skeletal head. Very macabre. She is standing atop a hand with 3 bandaged fingers. Michael is in a gondola coming out of some kind of tunnel ride with a little kid also in a boat behind him again the skeletal creature between them. Who is that man in the bottom of the picture with the little guy standing on his head. Is that suppose to be one of the music industry's moguls or free mason? Also the monkey on the left side in the gondola and horned stag behind him. I bet someone that specializes in symbolism could really pick this apart. There is so much in there.

Dfens ago

It could be Aleister Crowley. There is much speculation:

carmencita ago

Could be. Someone said it was Weishaupt but I tend to think it is Barnum since the Ringmaster is standing on the head. Possibly it is a compilation of all. But the whole thing is indicative of a circus theme. Kind of describes our world and what is occurring. A circus with characters in costume and none are what they seem.

Dfens ago

It is entirely possible. Circuses creep me out now. I used to think the Shriners were creepy but harmless. Now I'm sure they are not harmless at all. No wonder so many children are terrified of clowns.

carmencita ago

I used to love circuses but then I got upset over the animal abuse and realized there was probably other abuse going on as well. Yes, creepy is exactly how I would describe the whole scene now. I do miss those hobo clowns that used to pile in the car. The ones that looked like harmless bums, not like John Wayne Gacy.