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Pedo summer school teacher records and shares videos of sex with 13 yr-old

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:29 am
by kestrel9
This is from June 2022, but it fits the recent theme: Sanctimonious leftist Pedo public school employees who harass conservatives seeking to protect kids from grooming and then they get arrested for pedo related crimes. In the case of Alden Bunag, the arrest was for having sex with a 13 year old student, during lunch breaks, recording the sex and sharing the child pornography video with another pedo teacher 'friend(s)'.

News video clip in this link: ... isgusting/


Image ... e-1251955/
Alden Bunag, a teacher from Oahu, Hawaii, was arrested and charged with distributing child pornography, as well as having an intimate relationship with a 13-year old student, according to a report from KHON in Honolulu. Bunag admitted to authorities that he would engage in sexual acts with the 13-year old boy during breaks, then send pictures and videos of the acts to a friend online. Bunag also admitted to sexual encounters with other minors. He reportedly sent at least 3,392 messages, with many of them containing pictures and videos of said sexual encounters. Currently, Bunag is in custody until his next hearing.
Bunag’s associate was arrested last October in Philadelphia on child pornography charges after authorities found the explicit material in his possession. The friend — who had received Bunag’s messages — was also a teacher...

...perhaps most ironic about this story is how Bunag repeatedly denied that “grooming” was a thing. Bunag, who on Twitter refers to himself as a “socialist”, has several tweets criticizing policies such as the Parental Rights in Education law in Florida (the “Don’t Say Gay” law according to those on the left) and right-wing rhetoric surrounding such policies. He criticized someone who called him a “groomer” for being against legislation such as this, even going so far as accusing the right of “projection” when they use this rhetoric.
Besides being a typical left-wing teacher, Bunag’s also one with a loud Twitter mouth that he enjoys using to harangue conservatives, particularly those conservatives concerned about teachers talking to little children about sex.

Conservatives argue that teachers talking to little children about sex and sexual orientation amounts to grooming, but Bunag thinks that’s silly.
In some of the tweets below, I can't help but interject...

Below is one particularly notable Twitter thread he participated in back in April (*Language warning):

So you want kids to be completely ignorant about sex? Which is true because pedos like you can feel them up and they won’t understand what’s going on and can’t verbalize it to their parents or others. Also talking about being LGBT does NOT require discussing sex whatsoever.

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) April 6, 2022
'pedosplainer Bunag makes sure his victims know how to verbalize the sex acts he teaches them. He doesn't give written exams. /s
You’re fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I’ve learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it’s DEFINITELY because they’re projecting.

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) April 6, 2022
In reality, pedo teacher Bunag creates child porn with his victim and then shows it to his pedo teacher friends.
Sexual orientation doesn’t require discussing sex you fucking pervert. Unless your brain AUTOMATICALLY goes to fucking whenever you think of 2 dudes liking each other. Keep on demonstrating how sick in the mind you are.

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) April 7, 2022

You have yet to demonstrate why teaching kids basic sex ed and discussing gender/sexuality with them is “grooming” while I’ve repeatedly explained why. Don’t tell me to fucking Google anything, this is also why no one should take you guys seriously, you can NEVER back shit up.

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) April 8, 2022
Basic sex ed tips from a pedo teacher who groomed and then engaged in sex with his 13 year old minor student and records and shares the videos.

In the thread, he said that conservatives concerned about teachers talking to little children about sex are projecting their pedophilia.

Below are some more notable tweets Bunag’s posted that demonstrate the type of far-left person he clearly he happens to be:
The GOP continues to prove how fucking evil and disgusting they are #republicansareterrorists

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) February 24, 2022

As a new teacher I’ve always hated the idea of standardized testing and have never taught anything as a test prep nor have I even really implemented any tests (if I did, they’re always open ended and expressive). There needs to be more effective, inclusive and creative metrics.

— Alden Bunag (AldenBunag) March 19, 2021
some responses to Pedo teacher Bunag's tweets:
You just got caught being a pedo after having sex with a 13 yr old. All your talk about how “fucking evil” and disgusting Republicans are and how they are projecting but they were all correct, you are a groomer and now a proven pedo. F-U

— CommonCent5 (CommonCent5) June 19, 2022

Your account has been silent. It’s crazy that other peoples projecting has caused you to video yourself having sex with a minor. I’m sure its other people projecting that caused you to distribute that video and brag about what you did. You will get sodomized in prison. Enjoy

— Tophat D (d_tophat) June 19, 2022
Reddit posts from various people who knew Bunag growing up or had his class saying: that he kept a lot of photography equipment in class; he offered to take school portrait photos; the classroom was locked during lunch and he was never seen during that time; he creeped some students out and they avoided him and there's a photo of him with his parents apparently attending Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC).

Re: Pedo summer school teacher records and shares videos of sex with 13 yr-old

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:50 am
by kestrel9
Just found the confirmation of the identity of the pedo teacher 'friend' that Alden Bunag shared his homemade CP videos with and what I suspected about the relationship..namely the makings of a CP distribution network. ... on-1717808
Last week, Hawaii high school teacher Alden Bunag was arrested and made his initial court appearance on June 16. Among other things, he admitted to prosecutors that he made a sex video with a 13-year-old boy who was a former student and sent it to others, including another teacher in Philadelphia.

This sordid case has brought to the fore of the culture war the terms "grooming" and "groomer" to describe efforts to sexualize children. The controversy around them stems from the fact that they cut to an uncomfortable truth: those championing the latest sexual revolution often have sexual improprieties they project onto others, as was the case with Bunag, whose social media posts display outspoken opposition to the use of the word "groomer."

This story began last year with a different investigation. Federal agents received a tip about a teacher, Andrew Wolf of Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, a private school in Philadelphia, who had allegedly uploaded child pornography.

Wolf was part of a network that circulated child pornography online. Prosecutors said he had "posed as a minor on social media applications to bait minors into creating and sending him child pornography, including by targeting his own middle school students." Most victims were boys who thought they were talking with teenage girls.

So effective was the operation that Wolf wrote in a message to an alleged accomplice that he had "decided to make a Google doc to help organize baiting my students. So far I put in the sixth grade, but I'm going to keep working on it." The FBI confronted Wolf last October at his residence with a search warrant, where he lives alone with his six-month-old child.
While sifting through Wolf's digital activity, agents noticed he had exchanged nearly 3,400 messages with Bunag. They included videos of an adult man engaged in sex acts with a minor boy. At that point, it was unclear whether Bunag was the man in the videos.

Investigators found that Bunag worked as a substitute at multiple schools, taught dance, and ran a business taking senior high school photographs and family pictures. On Instagram, he listed an association with the Navy Child and Youth Programs (CYP), which offers child care services to military and Department of Defense personnel. There's a Navy CYP in Pearl Harbor, just a few minutes from the school where Bunag worked.

Federal agents confirmed Bunag's identity and approached him at work on June 15. It didn't take much to break the dam—he confessed fluidly during a voluntary interview. "Bunag claimed to have sex with [the boy] at the school during lunch breaks," prosecutors said. He described "[the boy] as a former student and knew that he was a minor at the time." Bunag also admitted to distributing child pornography involving other underage victims and sent at least one video of himself having sex with the boy to Wolf.
Bunag used his position in the community to disarm suspicion and win the trust of victims and their families. He is the quintessential groomer—a term, of course, he met with anger and outrage online.

On Twitter, Bunag attacked a user who argued that Florida's Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits teaching sexual orientation and gender identity topics to children, protects minors from "groomers." On April 6, he replied: "You're f**king acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting." Bunag also claimed that only "pedos" would want to keep kids "ignorant about sex," to make them naïve and thus susceptible to predation. He was adamant about the necessity of children interacting with "gender/sexuality" topics in the classroom...

2021 report on Andrew Wolf story ... tnut-hill/
After the feds conducted a search warrant on Wolf’s Roxborough home last week, seizing at least eight electronic devices, investigators say they found the messaging app Telegram on his cell phone that he allegedly used to “communicate with other like-minded child predators.” The prosecutor alleges in the pre-trial motion that Wolf started using Telegram for this purpose in 2018 and that he continued to do so until literally the day before his arrest, when he’s accused of using Telegram to receive and save a sexually explicit video of a boy between 12 and 14 years old.

Investigators now also allege that Wolf used Telegram to communicate in “sexually explicit communications” about his own students at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy with a Telegram user known only as “Mr. Pickles,” who claimed to be a teacher who is a pedophile.
Creepy predatory perverts!
A teacher at a Philly private school is accused of helping solicit nude videos from his students
Prosecutors say Andrew Wolf, a math teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, kept spreadsheets of his students' social media accounts that he shared with another accused child pornographer.

A popular teacher at the elite Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, already facing child porn charges, now stands accused of targeting his middle and high school students by conspiring with others online to trick them into sending nude photos and videos.
Federal prosecutors say Andrew Wolf — who was charged in October with paying a 13-year-old boy with a $100 PlayStation gift card for explicit images of himself — also kept detailed spreadsheets of his students and their social media accounts that he shared with a New York man he met online.

Together, the two allegedly targeted the children — and succeeded in at least one case — in convincing them to send lewd videos of themselves by posing as a teenage girl on services like TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram.

Those details emerged in a little-noticed government court filing last week charging Wolf’s alleged coconspirator — Kray Strange, 19, of Carthage, N.Y. — in a case that could send both men to prison for a mandatory minimum sentence of five years.
Prosecutors say Wolf had expressed a sexual interest in his students — who ranged in age from 13 to 15 — in online conversations with several other men interested in child pornography, including one who went by the screen name “Mr. Pickles” and also claimed to be a teacher.
But it was the relationship Wolf struck up with Strange — who first contacted him in May 2020 after becoming a fan of the teacher’s writing on an erotic fiction website — that gave Wolf the opportunity to act on his impulses, government court filings allege.
According to the documents, rife with excerpts of their online conversations, Strange, a college student, bragged about his ability to catfish younger boys online with social media profiles he’d created posing as a teenage girl named Alex. He allegedly shared explicit videos of at least 25 minors he’d manipulated into sending him explicit photos.
“Do you have any boys you want me to bait?” he asked Wolf two months into their relationship. “Any boy. I’d even try [your] nephews if you got info for it.”
Within weeks, Wolf agreed and was compiling info on his students’ social media activity for Strange, according to the complaint.
“Decided to make a Google Doc to help organize baiting my students,” he wrote Strange that month.

Strange allegedly sent Wolf screenshots of the chats he had with the students, detailing his efforts to persuade them to send him nude videos.
“Come on,” Wolf commented while reading Strange’s chat with one student. “Stop being such a prude.”
That boy, a 14-year-old in one of Wolf’s classes, eventually relented, prosecutors said. When contacted by FBI agents after Wolf’s arrest last year, the teen said he believed he was communicating on Snapchat with a teenage girl named Alex.
Kray Strange arrest Jan 2022

WEST CARTHAGE, New York (WWNY) - FBI agents, with guns drawn, raided two homes in West Carthage Wednesday.
Neighbors captured video of agents going into a camper on the property of 70 Champion Street. Around the corner at 29 Lathrop Street, more agents, along with state troopers could be seen. Witnesses told us at mid-afternoon, agents came out of the house with computers and monitors.

According to the FBI, 19-year-old Kray Strange was arrested and charged with manufacturing and distributing child pornography.

The agency said the charges stem from Strange’s alleged involvement in an online catfishing scheme with Andrew Wolf, a former teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, a private school outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The pair allegedly operated the scheme for more than a year during 2020 and 2021.

According to the complaint, Strange targeted school-age boys on social media platforms while impersonating a teenage girl in order to entice the boys to produce sexually explicit images and videos of themselves and send them to Strange, who then shared them with Wolf via the internet.

Wolf was arrested on October 7, 2021, and remains in federal custody.

Strange made his initial appearance in federal court in the Northern District of New York Wednesday afternoon, and will be detained pending his removal to Philadelphia to face the charges.

If convicted, Strange faces a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison. ... nd-charged

Former Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Teacher and NY Accomplice Plead Guilty to Child Pornography Offenses ... ilty-child
Strange and Wolf began communicating online around May 2020 and continued until Oct. 7, 2021, when Wolf was arrested. In that time, they sent one another about 27,000 messages and about 4,000 image and video files via the social media messaging apps Telegram and Snapchat.

Beginning in July 2020, the two started discussing the idea of Strange “baiting” Wolf’s minor male students with a trick known as “catfishing,” in which someone uses a fake photo and identity to lure an unsuspecting person into a relationship online. Wolf provided Strange the names and social media accounts of specific students to target.
Additionally, in August of 2020, Wolf and Strange agreed to run a group for gay boys between the ages of 12 and 15 years old on a social media platform called Kik. In order for the boys to be members, they would have to send live sexually explicit photos of themselves.
Strange and Wolf met one another on a pornographic website where Wolf had posted erotic stories.

Most of the videos and images sent over Telegram and Snapchat, two messaging apps that do not store content, were not seen by investigators. Of the 4,000 images and files they sent, investigators found 500 actual files containing content. Of those, half were child pornography.

Strange is described in the complaint as the son of a Chief Warrant Officer in the U.S. Army and one of six siblings. He was a student at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana during the 2020-2021 academic year. He was arrested at his parent’s residence in Carthage, New York after the FBI executed a federal search warrant.

Re: Pedo summer school teacher records and shares videos of sex with 13 yr-old

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:09 am
by kestrel9
kestrel9 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:50 am

This story began last year with a different investigation. Federal agents received a tip about a teacher, Andrew Wolf of Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, a private school in Philadelphia, who had allegedly uploaded child pornography.

Wolf was part of a network that circulated child pornography online. Prosecutors said he had "posed as a minor on social media applications to bait minors into creating and sending him child pornography, including by targeting his own middle school students." Most victims were boys who thought they were talking with teenage girls.

So effective was the operation that Wolf wrote in a message to an alleged accomplice that he had "decided to make a Google doc to help organize baiting my students. So far I put in the sixth grade, but I'm going to keep working on it."
Accomplice Kray Strange's linkedin page
as a high school student

So one has to wonder who groomed him?

There is an Andrew Wolf is on the 'People also viewed' sidebar on Strange's page. (not the teacher though)

This next guy has A LOT of involvement with children throughout his career, I hope it's just coincidence that he shows up on Kray Strange's Linkedin sidebar :shock: ... _browsemap

Re: Pedo summer school teacher records and shares videos of sex with 13 yr-old

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:27 am
by Thisismyaccount
HANS Flammenwerfer jetzt !!!!!