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Woke coffee shop ends up having to close down

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:11 pm
by Deleted User 2149

Re: Woke coffee shop ends up having to close down

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:03 pm
by kestrel9
Mina’s World, located in the neighborhood of West Philadelphia, was characterized by Bon Appetit as a business that doubled as a “hangout spot for people of marginalized identities.” Sonam Parikh, who ran the company alongside partner and co-owner Kate Egghart, told the outlet that Mina’s World was the city’s first coffee shop owned and operated by queer, trans people of color (“QTPOC”). The pair had named the company after their cat.

Parikh blasted other coffee shops for neglecting to “protect their Black and trans employees” and allow customers to enjoy coffee in a space that was not “whitewashed.” However, as chronicled by the Philadelphia Inquirer and Libs of TikTok, Parikh and Egghart are now facing similar allegations.

An Instagram page called the “Minas World Workers” began posting accusations against the ownership last month, claiming that they had subjected workers to “manipulation, abuse of power, exploitation, anti-blackness, ableism,” and other charges summarized in a “List of Grievances.” The employees demanded “immediate payment” and told the owners to “redistribute the business.”

Egghart and Parikh apologized in an Instagram video, which has since been removed from the Mina’s World account. “We’re going live as part of a radical accountability process. We’re complicit in the gentrification and anti-blackness on 52nd Street. We put our community at risk with our presence as well as our workers,” the pair said, per Libs of TikTok. “With the guidance of the workers and Black and Brown Workers Collective, we’re trying to raise funds to buy the business and turn it over to our staff.”
... as Libs of TikTok commented, the owners still appeared to be cannibalized by their fellow activists.

“[Kate] Egghart and Parikh’s surrender to the outrage shows a point proven again and again — no matter how many times you bend the knee to the mob, you will never be able to adhere to their insatiable standards for progressive enlightenment,” Libs of TikTok remarked. “No matter how much of an ‘ally’ you are, you will never be safe from becoming just another trophy head on the wall of wokeism.”
see the manifesto

What is Black and Brown Workers Cooperative (collective) BBWC ... ooperative
The Black and Brown Workers Cooperative’s mission is to actively challenge, resist and dismantle systems of oppression that adversely impact the Black and Brown worker. Thus, we push for the social and economic liberation of the Black and Brown worker.​

We the Black and Brown Workers Cooperative (BBWC), a direct action social justice entity, have come together to combat injustices that manifest both in and out of the non-profit organizational structure and in the broader community of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Our mission is to actively challenge, resist and dismantle, those colonialist, white supremacist and oppressive systems that impact our lives as Black and Brown workers.

Most importantly, we seek to create our own spaces where Black and Brown labor and community will define the value of their own work while setting roots in communities that establish black and brown owned enterprise and collectively run spaces. Our philosophy is rooted in decolonization practices and organizing methodologies.


The BBWC is promoted by
As an intentional community, we're committed to supporting one another's flourishing, which we see as the ability to determine and define, both individually and collectively, the questions, challenges, and joys that define our vision and work - both individually and collectively. As a result, we're committed to combating language, belief systems, structures, and practices designed, whether by intention or accident, to oppress or impede the path to flourishing and vision.
Culture Works PA is looking to reignite the magic via new leadership staff. One of the people helping during these conversations:
"CultureWorks has hired Sara Joffe (She/Her) of Dragonfly Partners to help us get to this next stage. Sara will facilitate these sessions."

Joffe's website practices land acknowledgement:
Land Acknowledgement
We live and work in Lenapehoking, on the unceded land of the Lenape people. We acknowledge the Lenape community, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations. Dragonfly Partners also acknowledges that it was founded upon exclusions and erasures of many Indigenous peoples, including those on whose land we are located. This acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.

Oh the string of Marxists and how they each jump in for a share of the political grift! Meanwhile the 'Woke' experiment of trying to politically pressure "Eunjoo Egghart, [mother of Kate Egghart] owner of the building as well as an 18% owner of the [Mina's World Coffee Shop] company" to 'redistribute' her assets and business to the activist Marxists from BBWC, the Mina's World employees are out of a job, the favorite coffee hang out is gone and the building is being sold.