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Delightful young Boer lady’s passionate plea over the plight of the Boers

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:49 pm
by Deleted User 2149
Too long to translate in full, it’s like a beautiful poem combined with a prayer.

Judging by her accent, she’s from up North and in SA, the further North you go, the more conservative the White people are.

A few extracts follow: “Adam.. the first person created by God….was a Boer. Just like today, he yearned to sow (his crops) in peace. And just like today, demons and pitch black snakes filled his heart with a longing. A longing to sit in his fields and speak to God…… A longing for the courage to keep farming despite the threat to South African land…

They say a Boer always finds a way. But his “way” is being manipulated by the powerful ANC who think they can rewrite the alphabet to change our skin colour. An alphabet that spells FARM MURDERS, an alphabet that rips the White skin from our bodies….

Our passion (for farming) is non-negotiable, just like the land issue. We earned this land fair and square – that’s how war works, have you forgotten history….

You think the idea of war stresses a Boer? Ask the impis (zulu warriors engaged in war), they found out.

The Boer yearns for peace in his country, which you are mismanaging with impunity…

Keep your hands off our mother tongue and our mothers. I promise you, Afrikaans (language) is here to stay….
You will pay a dear price if you mess with our culture…

The Boers are united. You will not banish the Boer from his country...

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Re: Delightful young Boer lady’s passionate plea over the plight of the Boers

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:54 pm
by Thisismyaccount
The beauty of white women will never be erased from the planet, Fuck all the other lower class races. They deserve extinction. No more brother wars, DEUS VULT !!!!