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Oh My!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:06 pm
by EricKaliberhall
Satanic Pedophile George Takei playing Ping Pong and eating Pizza...

George Takei and other stars are calling out President Donald Trump for his use of the term "Chinese virus" to refer to the coronavirus.

Trump has doubled down on labeling the coronavirus pandemic as the "Chinese virus" as he tries to distance himself from criticism over how his administration is handling the response to the global pandemic that has shuttered public life, roiled stock markets and left nearly 600 people dead in the U.S.

During a press briefing Wednesday, Trump defended the use of the term despite mounting criticism among Asian-American advocates, health experts and Democratic lawmakers who warn referring to the virus by a location-specific name stigmatizes certain ethnic groups. "I have to call it where it came from," he said, referring to the coronavirus, which was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

During an appearance on MSNBC Saturday, the former "Star Trek" star, 82, criticized the president's preferred term.

"We are chilled by the constant use by the president and his administration of that term," Takei said. "We have a long history of anti-Asian hatred in this country."

Takei referenced an incident in New York where an Asian woman was discriminated against amid the coronavirus outbreak.

"His doing that sends a cold chill throughout the Asian American community, because he's sending a signal to the haters and his constituencies, and there are plenty of them there," he said.

Takei has also been vocal on social media about Trump's language. In one tweet, he called the president "unfit and unhinged."
He also called Trump "delusional" on Monday.

Hmm, I wonder why George Takei hates President Trump so passionatly?
Oh My! George Takei doesn't even hide the fact that he is a 'Satanic Pedophile'...

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Oh My! That was disgusting!

Re: Oh My!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:08 pm
by Thisismyaccount
Like that faggot pedo has anything to say that's worth listening to. What a loser.

Re: Oh My!

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:16 pm
by brwn