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Cape Town: Another cash-in-transit bombing with aftermath

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:22 am
by Deleted User 2149
CIT bombing is very common in SA. Niggers will follow the money truck, bomb it with explosives and open fire (usually with automatic weapons) at the same time.

This one was sideways-filmed from a distance by these 2 Afrikaans guys. Guy says "drive on, drive on - if they shoot us we're fucked"
phpBB [video]

Then later by a Coloured guy. He says "people killed, CIT van robbed. Some of them are lying down there where the cops are"
phpBB [video]

Cops were there fast and arrested several. However reports also say people were killed - I assume the driver and his assistant.

Sorry kaffers Image
Another sorry kaffer Image

Re: Cape Town: Another cash-in-transit bombing with aftermath

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:05 pm
by justALover
Those fucking racist colonists are false flagging again!

Look at them, lying there in handcuffs. As soon as they are booked at the station the police will wash off their blackface and then take pictures of their racist, white faces for everbody to see.

They're probably boers too, robbing the black banks using black-manufactured vehicles and firearms in order to try and give the wonderful, fair ANC a bad name.