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Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:13 pm
by Deleted User 2149
phpBB [video]

@antiliberalsociety more footage if you need it?

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:40 pm
by justALover
Could you please explain to me why we have to be reminded of that horrible time in South African history? Why bring it up? For what reason?

What happened in Durban during those weeks was terrible, but there's no reason to keep bringing it up. Everyone knows that the looting, murders and other criminality that happened earlier this year was just the remnants of Apartheid that still infected the minds of the poor freedom fighters living in KWAZULU (natal).

If you were to spend at least 5 minutes online digging into the reason behind the massive crime spree, you'd find it was the nationalists that, from the grave, commanded the poor kaffers to kill their brothers and sisters for the sake of some large TVs and fridges full of cheese. It was Henrik Verwoerd, via a Tokoloshe, that commanded the peaceful kaffers to loot stores and destroy infrastructure, and they did it with passion! And why not? All infrastructure in SA was built by the racist whites, and the less power the whites have over the kaffers the better!

You, oubaas, should be far, far more sensitive when discussing South African heritage. No wonder nobody likes you anymore. Why would they? You constantly try and remind kaffers that they're not white, even though that's not true, and that's just mean spirited and homosexual. Maybe even bisexual, but at the very least 100% racist.

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:51 pm
by antiliberalsociety
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:13 pm
phpBB [video]

@antiliberalsociety more footage if you need it?
Perfect, thank you!

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:55 pm
by antiliberalsociety
justALover wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:40 pm Could you please explain to me why we have to be reminded of that horrible time in South African history? Why bring it up? For what reason?

What happened in Durban during those weeks was terrible, but there's no reason to keep bringing it up. Everyone knows that the looting, murders and other criminality that happened earlier this year was just the remnants of Apartheid that still infected the minds of the poor freedom fighters living in KWAZULU (natal).

If you were to spend at least 5 minutes online digging into the reason behind the massive crime spree, you'd find it was the nationalists that, from the grave, commanded the poor kaffers to kill their brothers and sisters for the sake of some large TVs and fridges full of cheese. It was Henrik Verwoerd, via a Tokoloshe, that commanded the peaceful kaffers to loot stores and destroy infrastructure, and they did it with passion! And why not? All infrastructure in SA was built by the racist whites, and the less power the whites have over the kaffers the better!

You, oubaas, should be far, far more sensitive when discussing South African heritage. No wonder nobody likes you anymore. Why would they? You constantly try and remind kaffers that they're not white, even though that's not true, and that's just mean spirited and homosexual. Maybe even bisexual, but at the very least 100% racist.
Because you are farther along in the genocide stages than most of the world. It's going to take seeing this to wake people up on the race issue. Not everyone does know, and my intent is to wake them up that it's coming and there's no running away anymore. My movie will illustrate all the best work the jews have done in the world.

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:55 pm
by Deleted User 2149
justALover wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:40 pm Could you please explain to me why we have to be reminded of that horrible time in South African history? Why bring it up? For what reason?

What happened in Durban during those weeks was terrible, but there's no reason to keep bringing it up. Everyone knows that the looting, murders and other criminality that happened earlier this year was just the remnants of Apartheid that still infected the minds of the poor freedom fighters living in KWAZULU (natal).

If you were to spend at least 5 minutes online digging into the reason behind the massive crime spree, you'd find it was the nationalists that, from the grave, commanded the poor kaffers to kill their brothers and sisters for the sake of some large TVs and fridges full of cheese. It was Henrik Verwoerd, via a Tokoloshe, that commanded the peaceful kaffers to loot stores and destroy infrastructure, and they did it with passion! And why not? All infrastructure in SA was built by the racist whites, and the less power the whites have over the kaffers the better!

You, oubaas, should be far, far more sensitive when discussing South African heritage. No wonder nobody likes you anymore. Why would they? You constantly try and remind kaffers that they're not white, even though that's not true, and that's just mean spirited and homosexual. Maybe even bisexual, but at the very least 100% racist.
There's a reason no one invites you to parties anymore 😆

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:01 pm
by Deleted User 2149
antiliberalsociety wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:51 pm
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:13 pm
phpBB [video]

@antiliberalsociety more footage if you need it?
Perfect, thank you!
Just to be clear, the lighter skinned people (including the man in Muslim attire) are indians who organised to defend their neighbourhoods and malls against the bantu criminals. They did what is Whites are too scared to do, because Whites are always prosecuted for murder if they shoot kaffers in self defence. Fortunately that's not a problem for Indians.

Re: Flashback to the KZN riots of 2021

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:05 pm
by justALover
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:55 pmThere's a reason no one invites you to parties anymore 😆
Yes, I know. It's difficult being a truth sayer but if I just keep quiet while racists claim that South Africa was built due to the ingenuity of whites, while ignoring the tons of evidence of the kaffers having had electricity, roads, railways, a nuclear power plant, hydro and solar long, long, long before van Riebeeck was even conceived, then I'm no better than the Nationalists that insisted on everybody paying their fair share for power and infrastructure instead of forcing just one ethnicity to pay for all of the other ethniticies.

That, you see, would be racist, and I'm not CD5.

I'm far better looking and my loyalties lie not with the white Afrikaaaaners (what losers) but instead with anyone the South African Communist Party wants me to be loyal to. Yesterday it was the CCCP, today it's the kaffers. Tomorrow it could just be plain ol' jews - I don't mind. The SACP knows best for me!