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The CIAs Unique Pedophilia Problem

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:34 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
December 1, 2021

CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.
buzzfeednews -
A lengthy article, here's a few interesting quotes.
Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.
CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.
Four former officials who are familiar with how internal investigations work at intelligence agencies told BuzzFeed News there are many reasons that prosecutors might not pursue a criminal case. One of them, familiar with the workings of the CIA’s Office of the Inspector General, said the agency is concerned that in a criminal case, it could lose control of sensitive information.
The former official, who reviewed the declassified inspector general reports, characterized the concern from CIA lawyers as, “We can’t have these people testify, they may inadvertently be forced to disclose sources and methods.”
At a symposium in 2016, Daniel Payne, a top Pentagon security official, said that when workers’ computers were examined, “the amount of child porn I see is just unbelievable.”
The child abuse revelations are drawn from an unprecedented release of reports by the CIA’s Office of the Inspector General. - ... abuse-full
As is typical of intelligence documents, the records have been heavily redacted. Among the information that has been hidden are the names of the accused employees and contractors and details about their jobs at the CIA. The agency cites privacy reasons, national security, and a federal law that exempts the CIA from disclosing details about its operations.
“The occupation or employer of the suspect does not factor into that evaluation,” the spokesperson for the US Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia said. “While we cannot comment on the reasons why specific cases were declined, we do take very seriously any allegation that our prosecutors declined a potential case based on an improper assessment of the relevant factors.”

Re: The CIAs Unique Pedophilia Problem

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:26 am
by darkknight111
Its almost as if “conspiracy theorists” were right all along regarding elite pedo rings.

Re: The CIAs Unique Pedophilia Problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:39 am
by brwn
old old news

Re: The CIAs Unique Pedophilia Problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:21 am
by kestrel9
The revelations are contained in hundreds of internal agency reports obtained by BuzzFeed News through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.
The FOIA lawsuits are old. If the article is about newly unclassified info then that 'old' info is newly available to the public.
The child abuse revelations are drawn from an unprecedented release of reports by the CIA’s Office of the Inspector General.

BuzzFeed News gained access to these documents after a decadelong pursuit, which included 13 public records requests and three separate Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

Those requests, the earliest of which date back to 2012, were for investigations closed by the Office of the Inspector General, which acts independently of the agency to examine misconduct by employees or contractors.

New requests were filed each subsequent year. At first the CIA did not respond to the requests; then, it said it would take years to provide any documents. Those requests were followed in 2014, 2015, and 2020 by lawsuits, and the agency entered into negotiations about what documents to release. The coronavirus pandemic delayed the process by a year, but the agency finally began to release the documents in March and will release the final set in December.

BuzzFeed News is publishing the reports here for public review.
EDIT: It's easier to look through the 3652 pages on the original link (not archived) Maybe you'll see something you missed. ... files-foia

EDIT 2 In case you missed this from my first edit: /s

Re: The CIAs Unique Pedophilia Problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:19 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
brwn wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:39 amold old news
Fuck off, you disinformation posting, nonsense spamming, piece of shit.