In just 1 province, 459 kaffer cops have criminal cases pending against them

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Re: In just 1 province, 459 kaffer cops have criminal cases pending against them

Post by justALover »

> More than 400 Transvaal cops have pending criminal cases against them
> Ranging from kidnapping, to murder, rape and helping criminals escape

Why, exactly, do you think they became cops? They wanted to right the injustices of the Apartheid government by freeing those political prisoners who were innocently and unjustly put in prison for questioning the regime.

So they weren't helping criminals escape, more helping freedom fighters escape the clutches of the last remenant of Apartheid: the prison system. Before Apartheid there were no prisons in the Rainbow Nation since no kaffers ever committed any crimes. All kaffers were peaceful, civilized, helpful and generally nice okes, trying to live their lives in peace and not fighting with other tribes.

Then apartheid happened and the poor, freedom-loving kaffers were put in the thousands of prisons built around the country. Of course this makes no sense to you, and it didn't make any sense to them either, but the Apartheid racists told the kaffers they weren't allowed to escape, so they docilely remained there even after 1994. They didn't leave when Democracy was instated since the kaffers had made a promise to the colonists to not leave until given permission to.

And now the kaffers are, slowly but surely, understanding that Apartheid is no more and that they don't have to remain in prison anymore. Sometimes the kaffers are not 100% understanding and have to be helped out by the cops, but after all the kaffers are freed we can finally shut down all of the prisons.
Last edited by justALover on Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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