TFS wrote: ↑Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:49 pm
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: ↑Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:38 am
TFS wrote: ↑Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:40 pm
It's really descriptive of our current situation and the ongoing White genocide.
A negress who has been artificially installed by the globalists in a position she never earned or deserved to begin with in order to replace the traditional trusted White male family Dr, injecting the unsuspecting White mother with a poison made by subversive genocidal jews, which will do irreparable damage to her and her baby.
This photo epitomizes the Kalergi plan.
Indeed. It actually reminds me of something. A few years ago I had the misfortune of ending up in the A and E department of a "top" private hospital in SA. A state hospital is a death sentence, so if you want to stay alive, you go private and pay out of pocket ( unless you have private medical insurance). But there are strict quotas in SA, you must by law employ blacks. So this kaffer nurse comes to take my medical history and falls at the first hurdle because she can't spell "pernicious anaemia". She calls over a Cape Coloured nurse and says "you'll have to do this" and walks off. The Cape Coloured nurse looked sad and tired. I said "I'll bet that happens alot, doesn't it?". You could tell she was too scared to say anything, but clearly she was having to do the kaffer's job. I sat there thinking "please don't let it be a kaffer doctor, please don't let it be a kaffer doctor" and thank God, a confident Cape Coloured doctor came striding in. She was articulate and on the ball, I wonder if she saw the look of relief on my face. It's unrealistic to hope for a White doctor, especially a White male doctor, because they've all fucked off to USA and Canada because they're unemployable in SA. It's one of the few professions that guarantees White South Africans a ticket to another country.
"Cape Coloured"
Not familiar with that definition. Please elaborate for those of us born outside SA, Is that a mulatto, Indian or something else?
"I sat there thinking "please don't let it be a kaffer doctor, please don't let it be a kaffer doctor"
That's a nightmare scenario.
"It's unrealistic to hope for a White doctor, especially a White male doctor, because they've all fucked off to USA and Canada because they're unemployable in SA. It's one of the few professions that guarantees White South Africans a ticket to another country."
This is a completely predictable and avoidable brain drain that will come back to bite the niggers in their asses, although they're to fucking stupid to realize that.
Cape Coloureds are a capoid race (not negroid). They have Hottentot, Griqua, Bushman and KhoiSan ancestry. There's also some Indonesian and Malaysian blood thrown in from mixing with the slaves brought over by the Dutch in 1652. They are the only indigenous peoples of South Africa, unlike the feral bantus (blacks) who migrated down south from higher up in Africa. Blacks arrived in SA 200 years after the Dutch.
The problem is virtually no one outside SA knows of their existence. They are a minority, like Whites. To put it into context for you, there are about 3.5 million Whites left, about 5 million Coloureds and about 70 million blacks (the official figures are way off and don't account for the vast numbers streaming across the border unfettered on a daily basis for decades).
Cape Coloureds mainly speak Afrikaans, like Boers. Many have Dutch names, like Boers. For the most part, Whites and Coloureds get along well. You can't compare them to blacks, they are nothing like them. They've been fucked over by the black govt as much as Whites have and they are fed up.
As their name suggests, they are concentrated mainly in the Cape, which is why it's the only province where the cANCer doesn't have a complete stranglehold. The worst nightmare for the jew-managed ANC is for Coloureds and Whites to secede the Cape. Many attempts at this have been thwarted.
Coloureds are not the ones genociding Whites or crying about stolen land, because land was legitimately bought from them.
When I was a kid growing up on a remote farm, our Cape Coloured labourers had to be housed separately from the blacks because they don't like to mix. At one point, some strangers (blacks) turned up on the farm and wanted to kill my father. They expected our Coloured labourers to help them, but instead they chased them off (gave them a good fucking beating too) and saved my dad's life.
About a decade later, when I was a young woman, a Cape Coloured man who was a stranger to me, saved my life. He literally saved me from 5 feral blacks when no White person did.
Also, when I've had to go through the rigmarole of renewing my gun license every 5 years (not easy when you spend most of your time outside of SA as I now do), I've been exceptionally lucky to get Coloured cops every time. (The process is done through the police). They have to approve your re-application at local level for it to go Pretoria where a kaffer makes the final decision. It involves an interview, a shitload of paperwork, a home visit to ensure your safe meets requirements, following up of references, etc. Every one of the Coloureds I've dealt with has been nothing but supportive and treated me decently.
It would be ideal if it was just us and them, but we're drowning in feral bantu invaders who need to fuck off back to where they came from.