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I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:28 am
by antiliberalsociety
Warning: Novel ahead, no tl;dr

Like 10 years ago, I was once pretty tech savvy with the current technology at the time. I was using an iphone and wanted to free it from the grips of the company that thought they still owned the device that I just bought from them. I was surprised to see I couldn't even download shit, or browse internal folders.

So, this went on over the course of a few years, I studied jailbreaking. I downloaded some pajeet made app called Nimbuzz and used it to keep a friend list that the chat app didn't offer. The chat was generic as fuck, called Crazychat. But in the AppStore I scrolled through looking for the right app to chat with based on reviews. The second I saw one full of people bitching about the rude racists and spammers, I knew I found the right one. There was legit no moderators on there, it was chaos.

So I started off just trolling, but I did it in a smart, articulate way (most were dumb kids that couldn't spell for shit) and got bored. The pervs were flooding the room constantly with "any girls wanna nim??" Then they'd post their usernames. It was a constant flow of desperate dudes (most from the UK) and I quickly got tired of it.

Then the spammers loved flooding the room with this new Japanese keyboard app called emoji. Only Apple users could see it. It was like some special power they thought to have it, as there were a lot of droid users. Like I said, dumb kids. There were a few my age, but they were caught up in the nigger lifestyle. Then it hit me...

I started to bash niggers openly. I used every racist stereotype I could come up with. Niggers, spics, gooks, pajeets, overall shitskins. I was ruthless. All of the sudden, the spam and pervs would stop and new user names would appear to argue. I was hooked. I knew I had them. They could be controlled.

Then I met an Aussie who knew a lot about jailbreaking. He was my age, we shared the same humor, and he taught me a lot about how Apple worked. He convinced me to jailbreak and I did, despite the "you'll void yer warrahntee!!" scare tactics. I was glad I did and never looked back. Suddenly I was able to browse internal folders and access core files of my apps. That's when I discovered data mining, I was rather alarmed at all the shit 3rd party apps were recording and sending to their seevers. No wonder they locked that shit down, it was basically one big spyware operating system. Anyways, I was learning a lot about crapple.

So chat trolls would add my Nimbuzz but I figured out a glitch. They loved flooding the chat with spam, but I knew if you did that on Nimbuzz you could boot them off. I kept my tricks very secret, I was testing human nature even back then. If you added a Nimbuzz, the person would have to accept in order for you to message them. But, once again, I found a glitch. If you kept a chat open and switched names (only on the older version, I could update and install the older version as a dual app after I jailbroke) you could still message that person who was not on that username's list.

I got into the core files of the chat app, I wanted to see what website was hosting it. The company that made it hid just about everything about themselves, which I thought was odd. They were out of California, and were basically just making cookie cutter chat apps to sell to desperate losers looking for dates. They had a free version, then advertised an "ad free" version which was legitimately the same app with a slightly bigger chat window. They outsourced the site hosting, every app pointed to the same few rooms.

So once I got the website domain, hidden in a .txt file inside the app's folders, I loaded it on pc. You could see the chat, but couldn't type anything. Then experimenting with the url, I found the login screen. The login screen showed everything once logged in. (You didn't have to make an account, just pick a name & chat). So once there, I noticed the cuss filter was gone. I could also see the user list of anyone entering the chat but not saying anything. Suddenly the pervs were freaking out that I could see them. And they called ME creepy lol. (Sound familiar?)

So then I went to work, I intended on exposing every perv on there for what they were. Some were just dumb horny teens, but there was a suspiciously large amount of older guys posing as teens. Now, by this time I had made a few friends who just wanted normal conversation, free of spam and desperate dudes harassing them for their Nimbuzz. There were Aussie, Kiwi, UK, but later on I found Arab & Israeli (more to come on that later).

I had fine tuned my trolling methods to fit the flow of the room. Racism was my best tool, so I started coming on as AdolfHitler. I used Google translate to drum up some anti-jew pastes in German, and used some Swastika text I got from Stormfront. I'd talk about "toten die juden ratten!" And to my surprise, there were few takers. Very few. One German actually corrected my grammar. Then some sand nigger agreed with me, saying "YES! Adolf Hitler is right! They should hang!"

This was my first taste of what would later be called the redpill. But, that didn't last long, it was more of a troll effort at that point and it didn't yield many results.

So back to pervs. I had a system I developed to get them to give me personal info. I'd use a girly name in the chat, then on pc I'd have my regular name. These dudes were so hopelessly desperate, they bit the hook every time. I'd ask for an email and they would insist on Nimbuzz or Kik instead. I'd just say "my parents won't allow it, they can access my phone". I knew they wanted something, they had a goal. It was such a drought, they'd lap up whatever hint of female attention they could get. So every time, they forked it over.

Then I'd instantly copy the address, google the shit out of it, develop a list of other usernames it was tied to, then google those. In 30 seconds I had their real life identities, actual locations (they lied a LOT) and saw their desperate dating profiles. Then on my regular name, I'd grill them. I'd ask "why do you have 3 usernames on Why are you on shady porn sites? Why did you claim to be in Sweden when you're a Kiwi?"

Then I'd snoop their Facebook, and ask about their families. I'd find the first relatively attractive female family member, and ask by name if she's single and horny and ALL the shit they were just flooding the room with. Then they got scared, shit just got real. Then I had one guy from Georgia whom dared not fear my wrath. His name was Josh, and several female users would come to me (knowing what I could do) and tell me what he was doing to them, send me screenshots, etc.

I told him he was banished from my chat, (he was a total douche to talk to anyway) but then he became defiant. I love a challenge. Bear in mind, there were no mods in this chat, nor was there a way to kick or ban them. But, I had my ways to shame them off or scare them away. Josh was a young punk, 19 or so, but he was dumb enough to use his real name for his username. He thought this was Facebook.

So he "disappeared" when I linked him his dox page. By that time I found a forum site and made my own (similar to this one) which coincidentally had the same style chat. I had admin access that taught me how it all worked. I had the same emotes as you see here, only I customized it with Nazi symbology and even rotating swastika gifs. I made the command for them whichever words I wanted at the time, long story but it was fun. I also could use it to get people's IP addresses. (VPN wasn't as widely used at the time, especially with stupid kids).

So Josh I knew didn't really go away, he was just lurking on other usernames. Then a girl messaged me a screen shot. He had told her that I didn't scare him and he wasn't going to let me control him. I had warned him to knock his pervy desperation shit off, but he just didn't think I could do anything. When I showed him his dox collage (once again all voluntarily uploaded to the internet) it had screenshots of streetview of his house, his dad's electrician business, and even chat logs. He threatened to call the cops on me, to which I knew would go nowhere lol.

Welp, I had his IP, address, phone numbers, Facebook, and a list of family members and noticed he had quite the attractive cousin with the same last name. She was blonde, beautiful, looked respectable in every way, and she became my tool, unbeknownst to her. I made a username with her first & last name, by that point the app maker released another chat app that pointed to a different room (another consolidation of chat apps creating a huge pile of desperate dude shit on one screen) and it was separate from the original chats.

(You could get different rooms on the original but it was random upon login which "lobby" you got, there were no names or room numbers. The new one didn't have that, you could only get one room and it was packed).

So once he acted out in defiance again, I launched my nuke. I logged into that overpopulated dating chat via pc, used her name & advertised "19/f/GA bored, can't text but you can call" and posted his two phone numbers. They weren't cellphones, they were landlines. There was no way to block the calls because they were literally hundreds of numbers coming from all over the world. That means his parents had to answer these grotesque perverts calling for his legitimate cousin by name, asking for nude pix. Now they thought she was either a whore, or if Josh tried to explain or intervene, he'd be to blame by his own family.

My Nimbuzz blew it's top with Josh pleading for me to stop. "Will you stop? These fucking people won't stop calling!" So I told him, he didn't stop why should I? I bid him farewell and he never did see just how I got all those people to landline DDoS his house phone as it was in a different chat. So that was the end of Josh D.

Then came the pedos. One "regular' user was named John and he actually lived pretty close to Josh but in Kentucky. This dude was... Annoying. There was something really wrong with him, like he was legit retarded. So again, girls were complaining that he was perving on them except he already admitted to being 29 years old. *cracks knuckles*

By this time I had girls giving me their pix to use in my operation. (Clean profile pix, I wasn't a fan of sluts). So I used one on my bait account. I used the trick of switching the username and continuing a chat with John I was having on Nimbuzz to message him out of the blue from the new account. He was startled that someone was able to message him before adding him. He asked how "she" got his Nimbuzz (which he posted in the fucking chat daily, fucking retard) and I played innocent teen girl.

Thing is with him, he was quite open about who he was in chat. He had spinabifida and was wheelchair bound. He said all his siblings were disabled (which explained his stupidity). He legit couldn't figure out how to join my site. Even with step by step instructions, *I* had to set up his account for him, he just couldn't figure it out. He seemed nice enough on the surface, but was just really stupid.

So in that bait chat I advertised I was "14/f/GA" not far from where he lived, conveniently enough. He responded "17/m/KY" and instantly asked to "date". I pulled the epic Chris Hansen (To Catch a Predator was big at the time) and asked why. "So we can have fun and maybe get a little dirty on Nim LOL".

A 29 year old retard in a wheelchair was lying about his age, soliciting underaged girls. This fucker was going down. I ended the convo, saying I would be back. Then the fucker noticed I wasn't talking to him as much and kept pestering me if I was mad at him. (He admitted to having no job and lived on SSI for his disability) I said I was very disappointed in him. I played all parent on him since he had the mind of a child, and he'd comply with just about whatever I demanded.

When I told him I knew what he was up to, he acted innocent. Then I got more specific, asking if he lies about his age to girls. He denied it. The "prove it" syndrome kicked in. Then I threw a curve ball. I asked "You have Bellsouth Internet, don't you..."

The shock was enough to get him nervous. All the while I was working with my Aussie friend who loved what I was doing. We tag teamed parts in this theater, and shared his responses. Then I sent John his screenshot (that I took from the old version of Nimbuzz, that did not match my current conversation with him, so it looked like it was sent to me) and he tried the old "noooo I was JOKING!!" routine.

Well, I already looked up Kentucky State Law for soliciting minors online, and asked if he was familiar with To Catch a Predator. Suddenly his demeanor changed. I didn't intend on it, but he on his own, thought I was one of the people working for that show.

(For those unfamiliar with it, it was a show exposing online pedos)

phpBB [video]

He willingly gave up his email password so I could "check to make sure there's no other victims". I found he was sending fake pix to girls, but on his email they were legit (dating sites) and oh God was he ugly. So then I went to work and played cop, asking if he'd ever been to jail, etc. When my search yielded family names I asked if he was related to a Jack (same last name) and he freaked. "NOOO PLEASE DONT TELL MY DAD! HE HAS ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT MY SIBLINGS ALL HAVE DOWNS SYNDROME AND I JUST GET LONELY AND HORNY SOMETIMES!"

When I logged onto his Facebook (dumbass used the same PW for like, everything) I saw his post history. Wow, I opened Pandora's box. Just WTF was wrong with these people? There was this youth pastor who was always running to his aide any time he had a problem, dude seemed like he really cared but all he was doing was enabling his dependency. I saw John taking advantage of people's generosity by playing victim, now granted being in a wheelchair sucks, but you're fucking 29 - you're not a kid anymore, join a gym or special Olympics and gtfo of their backs already.

So in his post history (this occurred over the course of a week) this dipshit emailed someone about how to change an IP address because he knew I had it. (Fucking Aussie, John cried to him that I knew his internet provider and his dumbass told John how I got it) The "expert" that replied in the email, told John he had to reinstall the fucking operating system to change the IP address. :lol:

Now, what John had done was *technically* illegal, there really wasn't much for an actual case because there was no victim. So I was going to teach him a lesson he'd never forget. Snooping his FB posts, for Valentines Day he actually posted a status "Who out there is without a date, u kno ur gonna make out with ur stuffed animals LOL!"


Then leading up to my confrontation with him, he posted "Does anyone know how to change IP address and delete chat logs??" To which only a few replied "what did you do?"

So after I deleted him off Nimbuzz, he freaked out to my Aussie buddy that he saw a cop car on his street and thought it was me closing in. I must admit, as disgusting as he was, he made me kek. What a fucking retard. Who DOES THIS SHIT? I wanted to torture him, fucking pedo. Since physically he was already half way gone, psychological was the order for the day.

So after a day or so, things calmed down in chat. He abandoned his normal name, hid on alts in chat, and all was well right? He made a post on his FB (which he didn't yet know I was on) and said "WHAT A WEEK!!" to which several people clicked Like.

That's when I struck. Oh, oh you think it's over... *cracks knuckles*

I changed his PW to his FB to Pedo then made a post.


Some older woman said "Look, John, you know I am your friend, now tell me what happened!"


Then I noticed people in his news feed started making their statuses based on what John had going on. "Well, this is interesting." Then the Youth Pastor, who had already been run ragged by trying to help this lost cause, "THATS IT! IVE HAD IT! IVE JUST HAD IT!"

I went to all his old posts, where he asked how to delete chat logs, when someone asked what he did I replied for him "Well, soliciting underaged girls for sex for starters..."

Then I posted the screenshot and his Nimbuzz account, crying they had that evidence. His 300+ FB friends got quite the show. To them I say, you're welcome!

I wish I could tell you I never saw that fucker again. But holy shit did word spread around the chat. I had all these noobs seeking me out, "did you really hack him for 28 days?? He won't shit up about it!" Then I got labeled "A take over North Korea computer hacker" and no one fucked with me in that chat. I was actually disappointed, I liked a challenge and now they were all afraid. Even the Aussie said "Remind me never to piss you off".

I liked to demonstrate how many pedos were in that chat (you could click links, and the chat window would load the site but you couldn't get back to the chat without closing and reopening the chat app, and waiting for the user name to time out) so I linked a fake site like or something similar, the crowded chat fucking emptied. Those that remained said they were quitting chat, as they couldn't believe I emptied it with one bait link.

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:02 am
by MadWorld
antiliberalsociety wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:28 am Warning: Novel ahead, no tl;dr

Like 10 years ago, I was once pretty tech savvy with the current technology at the time. I was using an iphone and wanted to free it from the grips of the company that thought they still owned the device that I just bought from them. I was surprised to see I couldn't even download shit, or browse internal folders.

So, this went on over the course of a few years, I studied jailbreaking. I downloaded some pajeet made app called Nimbuzz and used it to keep a friend list that the chat app didn't offer. The chat was generic as fuck, called Crazychat. But in the AppStore I scrolled through looking for the right app to chat with based on reviews. The second I saw one full of people bitching about the rude racists and spammers, I knew I found the right one. There was legit no moderators on there, it was chaos.

So I started off just trolling, but I did it in a smart, articulate way (most were dumb kids that couldn't spell for shit) and got bored. The pervs were flooding the room constantly with "any girls wanna nim??" Then they'd post their usernames. It was a constant flow of desperate dudes (most from the UK) and I quickly got tired of it.

Then the spammers loved flooding the room with this new Japanese keyboard app called emoji. Only Apple users could see it. It was like some special power they thought to have it, as there were a lot of droid users. Like I said, dumb kids. There were a few my age, but they were caught up in the nigger lifestyle. Then it hit me...

I started to bash niggers openly. I used every racist stereotype I could come up with. Niggers, spics, gooks, pajeets, overall shitskins. I was ruthless. All of the sudden, the spam and pervs would stop and new user names would appear to argue. I was hooked. I knew I had them. They could be controlled.

Then I met an Aussie who knew a lot about jailbreaking. He was my age, we shared the same humor, and he taught me a lot about how Apple worked. He convinced me to jailbreak and I did, despite the "you'll void yer warrahntee!!" scare tactics. I was glad I did and never looked back. Suddenly I was able to browse internal folders and access core files of my apps. That's when I discovered data mining, I was rather alarmed at all the shit 3rd party apps were recording and sending to their seevers. No wonder they locked that shit down, it was basically one big spyware operating system. Anyways, I was learning a lot about crapple.

So chat trolls would add my Nimbuzz but I figured out a glitch. They loved flooding the chat with spam, but I knew if you did that on Nimbuzz you could boot them off. I kept my tricks very secret, I was testing human nature even back then. If you added a Nimbuzz, the person would have to accept in order for you to message them. But, once again, I found a glitch. If you kept a chat open and switched names (only on the older version, I could update and install the older version as a dual app after I jailbroke) you could still message that person who was not on that username's list.

I got into the core files of the chat app, I wanted to see what website was hosting it. The company that made it hid just about everything about themselves, which I thought was odd. They were out of California, and were basically just making cookie cutter chat apps to sell to desperate losers looking for dates. They had a free version, then advertised an "ad free" version which was legitimately the same app with a slightly bigger chat window. They outsourced the site hosting, every app pointed to the same few rooms.

So once I got the website domain, hidden in a .txt file inside the app's folders, I loaded it on pc. You could see the chat, but couldn't type anything. Then experimenting with the url, I found the login screen. The login screen showed everything once logged in. (You didn't have to make an account, just pick a name & chat). So once there, I noticed the cuss filter was gone. I could also see the user list of anyone entering the chat but not saying anything. Suddenly the pervs were freaking out that I could see them. And they called ME creepy lol. (Sound familiar?)

So then I went to work, I intended on exposing every perv on there for what they were. Some were just dumb horny teens, but there was a suspiciously large amount of older guys posing as teens. Now, by this time I had made a few friends who just wanted normal conversation, free of spam and desperate dudes harassing them for their Nimbuzz. There were Aussie, Kiwi, UK, but later on I found Arab & Israeli (more to come on that later).

I had fine tuned my trolling methods to fit the flow of the room. Racism was my best tool, so I started coming on as AdolfHitler. I used Google translate to drum up some anti-jew pastes in German, and used some Swastika text I got from Stormfront. I'd talk about "toten die juden ratten!" And to my surprise, there were few takers. Very few. One German actually corrected my grammar. Then some sand nigger agreed with me, saying "YES! Adolf Hitler is right! They should hang!"

This was my first taste of what would later be called the redpill. But, that didn't last long, it was more of a troll effort at that point and it didn't yield many results.

So back to pervs. I had a system I developed to get them to give me personal info. I'd use a girly name in the chat, then on pc I'd have my regular name. These dudes were so hopelessly desperate, they bit the hook every time. I'd ask for an email and they would insist on Nimbuzz or Kik instead. I'd just say "my parents won't allow it, they can access my phone". I knew they wanted something, they had a goal. It was such a drought, they'd lap up whatever hint of female attention they could get. So every time, they forked it over.

Then I'd instantly copy the address, google the shit out of it, develop a list of other usernames it was tied to, then google those. In 30 seconds I had their real life identities, actual locations (they lied a LOT) and saw their desperate dating profiles. Then on my regular name, I'd grill them. I'd ask "why do you have 3 usernames on Why are you on shady porn sites? Why did you claim to be in Sweden when you're a Kiwi?"

Then I'd snoop their Facebook, and ask about their families. I'd find the first relatively attractive female family member, and ask by name if she's single and horny and ALL the shit they were just flooding the room with. Then they got scared, shit just got real. Then I had one guy from Georgia whom dared not fear my wrath. His name was Josh, and several female users would come to me (knowing what I could do) and tell me what he was doing to them, send me screenshots, etc.

I told him he was banished from my chat, (he was a total douche to talk to anyway) but then he became defiant. I love a challenge. Bear in mind, there were no mods in this chat, nor was there a way to kick or ban them. But, I had my ways to shame them off or scare them away. Josh was a young punk, 19 or so, but he was dumb enough to use his real name for his username. He thought this was Facebook.

So he "disappeared" when I linked him his dox page. By that time I found a forum site and made my own (similar to this one) which coincidentally had the same style chat. I had admin access that taught me how it all worked. I had the same emotes as you see here, only I customized it with Nazi symbology and even rotating swastika gifs. I made the command for them whichever words I wanted at the time, long story but it was fun. I also could use it to get people's IP addresses. (VPN wasn't as widely used at the time, especially with stupid kids).

So Josh I knew didn't really go away, he was just lurking on other usernames. Then a girl messaged me a screen shot. He had told her that I didn't scare him and he wasn't going to let me control him. I had warned him to knock his pervy desperation shit off, but he just didn't think I could do anything. When I showed him his dox collage (once again all voluntarily uploaded to the internet) it had screenshots of streetview of his house, his dad's electrician business, and even chat logs. He threatened to call the cops on me, to which I knew would go nowhere lol.

Welp, I had his IP, address, phone numbers, Facebook, and a list of family members and noticed he had quite the attractive cousin with the same last name. She was blonde, beautiful, looked respectable in every way, and she became my tool, unbeknownst to her. I made a username with her first & last name, by that point the app maker released another chat app that pointed to a different room (another consolidation of chat apps creating a huge pile of desperate dude shit on one screen) and it was separate from the original chats.

(You could get different rooms on the original but it was random upon login which "lobby" you got, there were no names or room numbers. The new one didn't have that, you could only get one room and it was packed).

So once he acted out in defiance again, I launched my nuke. I logged into that overpopulated dating chat via pc, used her name & advertised "19/f/GA bored, can't text but you can call" and posted his two phone numbers. They weren't cellphones, they were landlines. There was no way to block the calls because they were literally hundreds of numbers coming from all over the world. That means his parents had to answer these grotesque perverts calling for his legitimate cousin by name, asking for nude pix. Now they thought she was either a whore, or if Josh tried to explain or intervene, he'd be to blame by his own family.

My Nimbuzz blew it's top with Josh pleading for me to stop. "Will you stop? These fucking people won't stop calling!" So I told him, he didn't stop why should I? I bid him farewell and he never did see just how I got all those people to landline DDoS his house phone as it was in a different chat. So that was the end of Josh D.

Then came the pedos. One "regular' user was named John and he actually lived pretty close to Josh but in Kentucky. This dude was... Annoying. There was something really wrong with him, like he was legit retarded. So again, girls were complaining that he was perving on them except he already admitted to being 29 years old. *cracks knuckles*

By this time I had girls giving me their pix to use in my operation. (Clean profile pix, I wasn't a fan of sluts). So I used one on my bait account. I used the trick of switching the username and continuing a chat with John I was having on Nimbuzz to message him out of the blue from the new account. He was startled that someone was able to message him before adding him. He asked how "she" got his Nimbuzz (which he posted in the fucking chat daily, fucking retard) and I played innocent teen girl.

Thing is with him, he was quite open about who he was in chat. He had spinabifida and was wheelchair bound. He said all his siblings were disabled (which explained his stupidity). He legit couldn't figure out how to join my site. Even with step by step instructions, *I* had to set up his account for him, he just couldn't figure it out. He seemed nice enough on the surface, but was just really stupid.

So in that bait chat I advertised I was "14/f/GA" not far from where he lived, conveniently enough. He responded "17/m/KY" and instantly asked to "date". I pulled the epic Chris Hansen (To Catch a Predator was big at the time) and asked why. "So we can have fun and maybe get a little dirty on Nim LOL".

A 29 year old retard in a wheelchair was lying about his age, soliciting underaged girls. This fucker was going down. I ended the convo, saying I would be back. Then the fucker noticed I wasn't talking to him as much and kept pestering me if I was mad at him. (He admitted to having no job and lived on SSI for his disability) I said I was very disappointed in him. I played all parent on him since he had the mind of a child, and he'd comply with just about whatever I demanded.

When I told him I knew what he was up to, he acted innocent. Then I got more specific, asking if he lies about his age to girls. He denied it. The "prove it" syndrome kicked in. Then I threw a curve ball. I asked "You have Bellsouth Internet, don't you..."

The shock was enough to get him nervous. All the while I was working with my Aussie friend who loved what I was doing. We tag teamed parts in this theater, and shared his responses. Then I sent John his screenshot (that I took from the old version of Nimbuzz, that did not match my current conversation with him, so it looked like it was sent to me) and he tried the old "noooo I was JOKING!!" routine.

Well, I already looked up Kentucky State Law for soliciting minors online, and asked if he was familiar with To Catch a Predator. Suddenly his demeanor changed. I didn't intend on it, but he on his own, thought I was one of the people working for that show.

(For those unfamiliar with it, it was a show exposing online pedos)

phpBB [video]

He willingly gave up his email password so I could "check to make sure there's no other victims". I found he was sending fake pix to girls, but on his email they were legit (dating sites) and oh God was he ugly. So then I went to work and played cop, asking if he'd ever been to jail, etc. When my search yielded family names I asked if he was related to a Jack (same last name) and he freaked. "NOOO PLEASE DONT TELL MY DAD! HE HAS ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT MY SIBLINGS ALL HAVE DOWNS SYNDROME AND I JUST GET LONELY AND HORNY SOMETIMES!"

When I logged onto his Facebook (dumbass used the same PW for like, everything) I saw his post history. Wow, I opened Pandora's box. Just WTF was wrong with these people? There was this youth pastor who was always running to his aide any time he had a problem, dude seemed like he really cared but all he was doing was enabling his dependency. I saw John taking advantage of people's generosity by playing victim, now granted being in a wheelchair sucks, but you're fucking 29 - you're not a kid anymore, join a gym or special Olympics and gtfo of their backs already.

So in his post history (this occurred over the course of a week) this dipshit emailed someone about how to change an IP address because he knew I had it. (Fucking Aussie, John cried to him that I knew his internet provider and his dumbass told John how I got it) The "expert" that replied in the email, told John he had to reinstall the fucking operating system to change the IP address. :lol:

Now, what John had done was *technically* illegal, there really wasn't much for an actual case because there was no victim. So I was going to teach him a lesson he'd never forget. Snooping his FB posts, for Valentines Day he actually posted a status "Who out there is without a date, u kno ur gonna make out with ur stuffed animals LOL!"


Then leading up to my confrontation with him, he posted "Does anyone know how to change IP address and delete chat logs??" To which only a few replied "what did you do?"

So after I deleted him off Nimbuzz, he freaked out to my Aussie buddy that he saw a cop car on his street and thought it was me closing in. I must admit, as disgusting as he was, he made me kek. What a fucking retard. Who DOES THIS SHIT? I wanted to torture him, fucking pedo. Since physically he was already half way gone, psychological was the order for the day.

So after a day or so, things calmed down in chat. He abandoned his normal name, hid on alts in chat, and all was well right? He made a post on his FB (which he didn't yet know I was on) and said "WHAT A WEEK!!" to which several people clicked Like.

That's when I struck. Oh, oh you think it's over... *cracks knuckles*

I changed his PW to his FB to Pedo then made a post.


Some older woman said "Look, John, you know I am your friend, now tell me what happened!"


Then I noticed people in his news feed started making their statuses based on what John had going on. "Well, this is interesting." Then the Youth Pastor, who had already been run ragged by trying to help this lost cause, "THATS IT! IVE HAD IT! IVE JUST HAD IT!"

I went to all his old posts, where he asked how to delete chat logs, when someone asked what he did I replied for him "Well, soliciting underaged girls for sex for starters..."

Then I posted the screenshot and his Nimbuzz account, crying they had that evidence. His 300+ FB friends got quite the show. To them I say, you're welcome!

I wish I could tell you I never saw that fucker again. But holy shit did word spread around the chat. I had all these noobs seeking me out, "did you really hack him for 28 days?? He won't shit up about it!" Then I got labeled "A take over North Korea computer hacker" and no one fucked with me in that chat. I was actually disappointed, I liked a challenge and now they were all afraid. Even the Aussie said "Remind me never to piss you off".

I liked to demonstrate how many pedos were in that chat (you could click links, and the chat window would load the site but you couldn't get back to the chat without closing and reopening the chat app, and waiting for the user name to time out) so I linked a fake site like or something similar, the crowded chat fucking emptied. Those that remained said they were quitting chat, as they couldn't believe I emptied it with one bait link.
:lol: :lol: That was fun to read!! I thought @TexasVet was your first rodeo.

Remind me never to piss you off and I mean it :lol: :lol:

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:07 am
by Deleted User 2149
This story made my day. I'm snowed under with work but when I get time, I may do one on the pedo that went down for over 30 years thanks to some evidence I found. It was a group effort but would not have happened if I'd not started the ball rolling.

As an aside, in a previous life (law enforcement needs translators too, I used to translate intercepted comms, oh the stories I could tell you!) I knew a woman who would pose as a young girl and catch predatory pedos online. It fucked her up though, she needed regular counseling just to hold it together. Also saw some shit I will never unsee. A slow death is too good for these degenerates.

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:37 am
by antiliberalsociety
I literally could write a novel on this. It lasted from 2009-2013. All the apps are dead now, but it was fun. And before you ask, yes I do still have the chat logs (not all but the later years). These stories are just my top favorites. When I figured out a way to clone, oh the memories...

My first "hack" in the chat was figuring out BBCodes, they worked just like here. You could do colors and that was like discovering fire to these noobs. Then you could make your name with the Bold/Italics/Underline codes to stand out and really show off. That's really how it all started.

So using the color codes I was able to copy the usernames that would show up on the chat. It was color=gray bold then :

Then I had to get the spacing right. My name was MoviePirate and I was the guy that could get free movies, (the height of the Warez era) so I came up with a generic spacer format. I would do large Bold Underline WHO WANTS MOVIES??? Testing the limit to the word wrap. I had 11 digits to fill until the word wrapped, after 11 the next word would start a new line. Everyone had the same sized screen back then, so it worked across the board. The new line would be my color code. Bold, Color=Gray [username]: Then I could spoof up a message coming from another user. So it looked similar to:

MoviePirate: Who Wants Movies???
Clone: Any gay porn ones?

The only way one could tell is that each message had its own color bracket per user, but it went from white to light blue and wasn't that noticeable. (Again, stupid kids).

My first target was a nigger. He was arguing hard core with a guy named KingOfCrazychat. King was from Cali & I didn't know much about him (it was early on in the chat story) but he was one of the first acquaintances I met. He seemed to hold his own in a fight, but this nigger was talking some mad shit and was giving him a real run for his money.

I studied him. His tells, his patterns, his linguistics. Be thy enemy. What makes him tick? What traumatic life events lead a "grown ass man" to act this way? Oh, I knew. I knew niggers like I knew white people. So I copied his pattern. He was talking a like:

KingofCrazychat: Yeah right you ain't never been laid in your life.

So my real test was upon me. I can't Biff the code or the jig is up. My early iOS didn't even have copy paste yet. I had to type it all out, very carefully.

KingofCrazychat: U on welfare ain't ya
MoviePirate: Who Wants Movies???
KingofCrazychat: lmao woah dude tmi lol
Nessa: LOL
Nigger: WAT?? U A FAKE ASS!
KingofCrazychat: Ur dad touched u? It's okay we won't judge lmao

It went something like that, the nig chimped out then left. After that I was the celebrity. What I saw as common sense was like inventing the wheel, or cup. None of those dumbasses could figure out it was just BBCode.

One time, using that method, a really ditzy girl was in there and I had her convinced that the entire room was my bots. I could clone up 2-3 people and make it look like they were legit users. Then I told her I would command them to praise her. She didn't believe me. By then I experimented with spacing, phrases, and clone comment spacing to make multiples.

MoviePirate: Who wants Stacy???
Clone1: Stacy thanks for the pix ur hot az fuk!!
Clone2: Dude she's got a great a.s.s. Stacy hmu again
Clone3: Stacy I promise not to give ur Nimbuzz thanks for the nudes
Stacy: WTF ur nerdy ass just hacked the room?!?!
Perv1: Stacy wats ur Nim
Perv2: Nimbuzz pervinator add me Stacy
Perv3: Nimbuzz or Kik Stacy ?
Perv4: Stacy asl kik??
MoviePirate: Told ya lol
Perv1: Nimbuzz? Stacy?
Stacy: WTF ur crazy!

I had her going so bad, any dude trying to talk to her she would freak out on accusing them of being my bot lol. One dude I knew saw her in another room, said she was lost without me, sayin "PIRATE GET YOUR NERDY ASS OVER HERE!!"

And this was before I discovered a way to boot people.

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:07 am
by MadWorld
@antiliberalsociety, did you find anything useful while using the chatrooms on I only noticed that one could use the embedded image to dox IPs and that a user could join the room undetected.

Edit: :lol: :lol: and what about xyz?

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:20 am
by antiliberalsociety
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:07 am @antiliberalsociety, did you find anything useful while using the chatrooms on I only noticed that one could use the embedded image to dox IPs and that a user could join the room undetected.

Edit: :lol: :lol: and what about xyz?
I didn't use the Voat chat long enough, the xyz chat was barely functional and over modded as fuck, so tinkering wouldn't have been feasible. It didn't have any useful features like, say, even hot linking. There might be *ahem* a way to monitor the chat without being logged in, but who knows these days 🤷🏻‍♂️

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:42 am
by MadWorld
antiliberalsociety wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:20 am
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:07 am @antiliberalsociety, did you find anything useful while using the chatrooms on I only noticed that one could use the embedded image to dox IPs and that a user could join the room undetected.

Edit: :lol: :lol: and what about xyz?
I didn't use the Voat chat long enough, the xyz chat was barely functional and over modded as fuck, so tinkering wouldn't have been feasible. It didn't have any useful features like, say, even hot linking. There might be *ahem* a way to monitor the chat without being logged in, but who knows these days 🤷🏻‍♂️
:lol: :lol: Over modded as fuck. You deserve another ban, Mr.

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:17 am
by antiliberalsociety
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:42 am
antiliberalsociety wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:20 am
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:07 am @antiliberalsociety, did you find anything useful while using the chatrooms on I only noticed that one could use the embedded image to dox IPs and that a user could join the room undetected.

Edit: :lol: :lol: and what about xyz?
I didn't use the Voat chat long enough, the xyz chat was barely functional and over modded as fuck, so tinkering wouldn't have been feasible. It didn't have any useful features like, say, even hot linking. There might be *ahem* a way to monitor the chat without being logged in, but who knows these days 🤷🏻‍♂️
:lol: :lol: Over modded as fuck. You deserve another ban, Mr.
If I get banned twice, do they cancel each other out?
system 0 points 4 days ago
If you legit want to contribute to the site I will adjust some of the restrictions. You making accounts constantly and getting suspended is a pointless cycle. The bullshit you spew is fake. You have your right to say what you want sure, but constantly mentioning it in chat and in random threads is spam, and other users are getting pissed. Make a master thread with all the bullshit you want to spew. Hell you could even create a sub dedicated to the topic when you get enough points. But what you have been doing isn't the way to go about things.

/v/Introductions viewpost?postid=618a48dcbcaa3
Stark contrast to his demeanor with me. 🤣 I guess I'm like a gambler that gets banned from a casino for winning too much.

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:00 pm
by Deleted User 2149
antiliberalsociety wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:17 am
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:42 am
antiliberalsociety wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:20 am

I didn't use the Voat chat long enough, the xyz chat was barely functional and over modded as fuck, so tinkering wouldn't have been feasible. It didn't have any useful features like, say, even hot linking. There might be *ahem* a way to monitor the chat without being logged in, but who knows these days 🤷🏻‍♂️
:lol: :lol: Over modded as fuck. You deserve another ban, Mr.
If I get banned twice, do they cancel each other out?
system 0 points 4 days ago
If you legit want to contribute to the site I will adjust some of the restrictions. You making accounts constantly and getting suspended is a pointless cycle. The bullshit you spew is fake. You have your right to say what you want sure, but constantly mentioning it in chat and in random threads is spam, and other users are getting pissed. Make a master thread with all the bullshit you want to spew. Hell you could even create a sub dedicated to the topic when you get enough points. But what you have been doing isn't the way to go about things.

/v/Introductions viewpost?postid=618a48dcbcaa3
Stark contrast to his demeanor with me. 🤣 I guess I'm like a gambler that gets banned from a casino for winning too much.

What about when other users get "pissed" about inappropriate pictures of children?

Re: I used to hack chat apps and use it to bait & dox pedos

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:53 pm
by antiliberalsociety
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:00 pm
antiliberalsociety wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:17 am
MadWorld wrote: Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:42 am

:lol: :lol: Over modded as fuck. You deserve another ban, Mr.
If I get banned twice, do they cancel each other out?
system 0 points 4 days ago
If you legit want to contribute to the site I will adjust some of the restrictions. You making accounts constantly and getting suspended is a pointless cycle. The bullshit you spew is fake. You have your right to say what you want sure, but constantly mentioning it in chat and in random threads is spam, and other users are getting pissed. Make a master thread with all the bullshit you want to spew. Hell you could even create a sub dedicated to the topic when you get enough points. But what you have been doing isn't the way to go about things.

/v/Introductions viewpost?postid=618a48dcbcaa3
Stark contrast to his demeanor with me. 🤣 I guess I'm like a gambler that gets banned from a casino for winning too much.

What about when other users get "pissed" about inappropriate pictures of children?
If he censors (((blum))), that might affect other content on the site. So best to stop complaining about it before it's spam territory. Can we stop with the bitchy attitude nao? 👌 😆

He'd actually be entertaining if he wasn't protecting child endangerment.