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Race traitor FW de Klerk dead, may he burn in hell for eternity. Short vid of his lies to White S. Africans

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:47 pm
by Deleted User 2149
phpBB [video]

Despite the fact he released convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela from prison, blacks are today celebrating his death on social media. At least it's one thing we can agree on.

He converted to Islam, suprised it wasn't judaism Image

Not to mention how he had his wife finished off (by niggers) so he could pursue his new love interest.

Re: Race traitor FW de Klerk dead, may he burn in hell for eternity. Short vid of his lies to White S. Africans

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:22 pm
by justALover
He and his communist kaffer friend Nelson won a "Nobel Peace Prize", which should make it perfectly clear to everyone that those "peace" prizes are handed out to globalist lackeys.

May FW burn forever. Traitor to his people, his race and his country.

Re: Race traitor FW de Klerk dead, may he burn in hell for eternity. Short vid of his lies to White S. Africans

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:51 pm
by Deleted User 146629
S to spit