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Walter Veith - The Three Angels' Messages - Part 1

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:25 pm
by doginventer
Walter Veith - The Three Angels' Messages - Part 1
phpBB [video]

We live in a time of great challenges. Events are unfolding before us that will demand everything from us in the near future. Are we ready to meet these demands? What did John see 2000 years ago in that incredible vision on the Greek island of Patmos? Is it still relevant for our time?
Is it also about you and about me? To find out, Prof. Veith goes into detail. Right into the Word of God and begins a profound study of the 13th and 14th chapters of Revelation. It is about nothing less than the eternal gospel! Various denominations have obviously taken a different direction, because this was decided in a common covenant. A fatal way - into a dark future?
Join Walter Veith in a study of the Word of God - and learn what the true anchor of the Gospel is.
0:00 Intro
4:07 Presentation Start