Dan Andrews — The Unvaccinated will have no freedoms in

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Dan Andrews — The Unvaccinated will have no freedoms in

Post by brwn »

Dan Andrews — The Unvaccinated will have no freedoms in 2022…

https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/d ... s-in-2022/

Dan Andrews has no plans to allow life to return to normal.

Communist cretin Dictator Dan Andrews wants the legislative power to FORCE people to have a medical
examination, he wants the power to FORCE people to get tested, he wants to be able to fine anyone up to 22,000 dollars for not wearing a mask, he wants to be able to fine businesses 110,000 dollars for the same. He wants to be able to restrict your movements as and when he sees fit even if there is no ‘pandemic’.

Victoria you have to take this tyrant down and get someone in who actually cares about the people of Victoria.
Last edited by brwn on Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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