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video of White farmer shooting stock thief in self defence, now charged with murdering a "teen boy"

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:32 pm
by Deleted User 2149
phpBB [video]

Here is how jewmedia is spinning the story: ... m-20210930

Statement from friends of the farmer:
Mid-morning Mr Simpson found cattle grazing on HIS land. Some were branded as per his neighbour's cattle so he brought them into his kraal for safekeeping. He contacted the Stocktheft Unit for assistance at 13:33hrs, suspecting someone had tried to steal the cattle.
"Herders" arrived on the scene and demanded "their cattle". The farmer told them to wait for Stocktheft as he suspected the cattle did not belong to them.

The blacks became aggressive and threatened him, they tried to break the lock to the kraal to get the cattle. They then climbed into the kraal. He warned them to stop and fired a warning shot but they came at him. They assaulted him and tried to wrestle the gun off him, during which a shot was fired, killing one.

Re: video of White farmer shooting stock thief in self defence, now charged with murdering a "teen boy"

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:17 pm
by TFS
South Africa has gone from being the jewel of Africa to becoming a cautionary tale of how bad things can get If you let negroes have any influence or power whatsoever. My heart goes out to the White farmers in SA.

Niggers are not people, simple as that. The sooner Whites begin to realize that, the sooner we can start the segregation and the ultimate separation of the races.

Re: video of White farmer shooting stock thief in self defence, now charged with murdering a "teen boy"

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:39 pm
by Deleted User 146629
Everytime a black under the age of 21 gets killed committing a crime he gets called a child in the US