South African anecdote

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Deleted User 2149

South African anecdote

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

People often ask me to tell stories about South Africa, so here’s one I’ve not told before.

One time I spent a long weekend with relatives in the Overberg region. They had a nice piece of land with horses, cattle, cats, and 4 dogs. Staff were needed to help run everything and by law you, must employ non-Whites.

There were 2 Cape Coloured ladies who ran the household and 2 bantu men who ran everything outside: they tended the huge garden and the fields, looked after the animals and so on.

Many times the 2 men were too afraid to go home and would sleep in the stables with the horses. This was usually the case when they were being intimidated by other blacks who lived around them. They’d be threatened if they wanted to go to work when a riot or strike was planned. There was an older guy, Msibise, and a young guy aged around 20, Alison. I have no idea why he had a girl’s name. Both were HIV positive (I know! I’m just telling you the facts).

At one stage there was a 3rd bantu guy in his late 70’s who was virtually blind. He couldn’t read or write and had no ID documents so was unable to claim state assistance. Msibise had asked whether he could be accommodated, because he would surely die otherwise. His primary task consisted of searching for the hamster belonging to the family’s 5 year old. The kid would “let it play” in the garden and it would invariably go missing. The old guy could often be seen on his hands and knees doing a kind of blind fingertip search. It would take him all day to find it and that would be the end of another day’s work for him.

I arrived on the Friday and the staff were still there working. I heard raucous laughter coming from the kitchen so went to see what was going on. Johanna (one of the Coloured ladies) pointed out of the window at a curious site.

The 4 dogs were charging through the garden at breakneck speed and Alison was running behind them shouting fearfully as if he was being chased. You could see the whites (or yellows) of his eyes. His arms were outstretched in front of him, parallel with the ground. The way you expect zombies to run.

It was a strange site and we had no idea where they were running to or why. Johanna said she thought maybe they were being chased by a snake.

About 20 minutes later we saw Alison walking back cautiously. Johanna called him over “Hey boy! What were you running away from like a scaredy cat?” she enquired.

“Er, well. I saw the dogs running away from something and thought I’d better run too to be safe, just in case it wanted to get me too” he said. More raucous laughter from the ladies.

Alison died a couple of years later from Aids, aged 23.
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Re: South African anecdote

Post by justALover »

I have another South African anecdote.

We had some kaffers over to help build the driveway and fix up the garage, to turn it into a servant's quarters.

We saw to it that our maid cooked them all meals each day so that the kaffers would be well-fed when working for us. We were, of course, civilized colonists who couldn't help but treat the kaffers like humans whenever we weren't sjamboking and lynching them for no reason other than their skin color, as the ANC has told us that colonizers were wont to do.

Anyways, couple of weeks later the work is done and they leave. Dad goes into the garage and finds that they've stolen a whole shitload of our tools.
Last edited by justALover on Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 2149

Re: South African anecdote

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

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Re: South African anecdote

Post by justALover »

CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:33 pm :lol:
It figures that a racist Afrikaaner would laugh at the plight of not-quite-as-racist colonizers.
Deleted User 2149

Re: South African anecdote

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

I'm just chuckling because kaffers are so predictable.
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Re: South African anecdote

Post by justALover »

CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:26 pm I'm just chuckling because kaffers are so predictable.
I don't appreciate your twisted, racist, colonizer, Afrikaaner sense of humor.

It's what the ANC warned us of in 1994, and it appears to be true: non-Blacks seem to lack souls and have no will to blend in with the corruption and inefficiency of the South African Multicultural Government.

No amount of albino muti will help us out of this predicament that the white man has forced us into. If only the colonizers had left South Africa to prosper in peace in 1652.
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