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Vaccine Passports’ and the Coming Merge with Digital ID Systems

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:58 am
by brwn
Vaccine Passports’ and the Coming Merge with Digital ID Systems ... d-systems/

The whole premise of Vaccine Passports is to merge with digital ID systems, more so than ever before and combine that digital data with real time physical movements all captured and tracked, historized against everyone.

The passports are a linchpin to the creation of a new system of information domination, where everything you do is tracked, traced, and evaluated for its conformity to global rules. Eventually connected to digital currency, you buck the rules, you lose access to your money.
Anyone who refuses to live as a digital slave by putting the tracking apps on their phone that converts them to a walking QR code, will find themselves targeted for persecution. The stakes couldn’t be bigger.
Vaccine passports are creating a dangerous precedent by tracking users, determining whether they can engage in basic human activities based on civic behaviours, this is a mass social control project.
Vaccine passports are part of a global plan to tie together vaccine status, economic activity, and biometric digital identity.

In November 2017, Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, wrote a piece for Nature that emphasized the pressing need to move to digital ID systems specifically to identify and track those currently missing out on vaccinations and to achieve 100% immunization coverage.
That message was reinforced at the 2018 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where Gavi announced that digital identity was its focus for its 2018 INFUSE program.
INFUSE is the Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunization. This aims to identify and support innovative solutions that have the potential to modernize global health and immunization delivery. Gavi was focusing its efforts on identifying opportunities for digital identity technologies to help facilitate better targeting, follow-up, and immunization service delivery for the world’s most vulnerable children.
“INFUSE will allow us to explore how mobile delivery of biometric ID can transform the way we deliver life-saving vaccines – by meeting people where they are, on the devices already in their hands.”
“Data is absolutely critical to health as it enables us to track both people and diseases. We are looking forward to exploring new possibilities for capturing and using data in the countries we work with.” – Dr Seth Berkley, Gavi CEO.
And: “We believe the Fourth Industrial Revolution can help us overcome some of the challenges preventing us from reaching every child.” – Dr Seth Berkley, Gavi CEO
Gavi and its international partners, wanted digital ID technology to provide a basis for a new system of verifiable proofs and accurate aggregate data that interoperates with other digital identity management systems, negating the need for each organization to independently identify beneficiaries.
COVID19 has now provided the perfect cover to implement these technologies at larger scale.

Welcome to Nazi germany