Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

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Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by EricKaliberhall »

A Belgian poet employed by the city of Bruges has come under fire after writing a letter condemning the demonisation of paedophiles and said people need to “accept paedophiles”.

Belgian poet Delphine Lecompte wrote the letter in response to an investigation by Belgian journalists into a Flemish actor accused of sexually abusing children.
Lecompte refers to paedophiles as “a marginalised, vulnerable group that has been treated as sickening scum by the decent moralistic community for years”. Despite her protest, the museum poet has remained employed by Bruges, with the city council saying that while it disagreed with her statements, Lecompte was entitled to free speech, broadcaster VRT reports.
Lecompte went on to say in the letter that “most paedophiles never engage in paedophile acts” and “that every human being is sometimes attracted to innocence and youthfulness”.
She continued: “I think it is very dangerous to demonise and silence paedophiles.
“In this way, the paedophile is almost forced into a position of illegality and perverted criminality. If you yell at someone long enough, ‘You’re sick and disgusting, get under a rock!’ you just get the pedosexual excesses and child pornography we all want to avoid.”

"I think it would be wiser to get to know and accept the paedophile. And to accept that paedophilia resides in each of us,” she added.
The letter has been met with outrage from many, including Stefaan Sintobin of the populist party Vlaams Belang who called on the city of Bruges to end its relationship with Lecompte and Flemish Minister Matthias Diependaele, who stated: “We can’t condone or normalise paedophilia in any way, let alone seek excuses.”
Bruges mayor Dirk De fauw responded to the controversy, saying: “We do not, very explicitly, support Delphine Lecompte’s statements about paedophilia, and therefore clearly want to distance ourselves from this.”
However, he added that the city stood for “the right to free opinion and artistic freedom”.
Lecompte wrote a follow-up letter to her original in which she claimed: “The lives of most paedophiles are a sad, fateful, lonely torment. Most paedophiles are completely harmless and do not rape children. They deserve mercy, gentleness, and grace. Understanding and professional help.”
Calls for the normalisation of paedophilia have been ongoing in progressive circles for years, such as the Salon articles written by “virtuous paedophile” Todd Nickerson who wrote about his sexual attraction to a five-year-old in 2015.

The articles were later deleted from the Salon website in 2017, with reporter Matthew Sheffield explaining: “That was old management, those articles were removed long ago.”
Discussions of attraction to children were even allowed on Twitter until October 2020, when the social media platform updated its policies banning anyone trying to “promote or normalize sexual attraction to minors”.
Attempts to normalise child sex abuse have been ongoing in Europe not just for years but for decades, with French intellectuals signing a letter advocating for the decriminalisation of child sex abuse as far back as 1977, among them the famous philosopher Michael Foucault.
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Same as saying "murderer/thief resides in each of us". Basically retarded thought.

Humans obviously have inclinations towards both good and evil but this is ridiculous to say that, most people were never molested or never were exposed to this kind of sick criminal activity to even have such thoughts. But even assuming this idiot is right - why would I accept EVIL part of ME? No way. Human should fight to be honorable and fight all his weaknesses. Weak idiot wants acceptance for weakness and evil. No acceptance for that.
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »

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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Here's an article on her.. translated.. I think it clearly shows that she was abused as a child.. the Dutch are sick fucks instead of lauding her 'poetry' why don't they see the abuse?
The most famous, most notorious female poet in the Netherlands is undoubtedly the niece of the most famous doctor in Flanders, Herman Lecompte. ..

[One of her poems:]

We wake up with bone-dry mouths and gushing genitals

That is exaggerated; the genitals don't gurgle, they just leak a little

I lick the jerk of the former truck driver, it's a big jerk

I will never get tired of it, at least I hope so

The former truck driver sleeps naked, even when I'm not next to him

When I'm not lying next to him, I'm jealous of the dust that swirls around his body.

Never thought such a thing was possible; being jealous of fabrics and fabrics:

His Whitesnake and John Fogerty T-shirts, his ripped jeans,

The black towel with which he rubs the cum from his belly after watching

From silly porn from Portsmouth or Birmingham, to the worn-out washcloth

With a thistle in the top left corner, the cheap coconut scented shower gel,

The refrigerator that doesn't close properly, the couch made by people who turn their noses at sex.

The former truck driver cums languidly

Or sluggish, there is a difference between sluggish and sluggish

But the difference is minimal and both words are appropriate and beautiful

The former truck driver kneads my breasts and chats

About English sitcoms, he is a phenomenal babbler

His favorite English sitcom is Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, mine is too.

I ask, 'Will you lick my pussy?'

There are undoubtedly better names for the vagina

But pussy sounds sweet and harmless, and the former truck driver

Loves sweet and harmless, even though he knows I have sharp edges

And set fire to my house and murdered a depraved sponge seller.

The former truck driver licks my pussy

And I have to admit: the old crossbowman did this much better

I cum moderately, is that an oxymoron?

We get up and eat ribbed paprika chips

The former truck driver also eats a chorizo ​​sausage.

We are exactly children, because we also drink lemonade

And we dance without music and we hate our parents in a joyful unbridled way

People who don't hate their parents have a screw loose

The former truck driver asks, "Will you marry me?"

I answer yes of course, get married and Whitesnake and Frank Spencer and cum on my belly

And ribbed bell pepper chips and mediocre cunnilingus and always dancing, yes yes yes.
Just look at Herman Le Compte

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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by Heisenberg123 »


Good info. I'm curious about this fact.
Le Compte died in his sleep of a heart attack on January 3, 2008, in Knokke, Belgium.[1]
Knokke is place where Regina Louf lived after leaving Ghent, she lived there with her grandmother who operated brothel (for the elite too, allegedly) with underage girls ... Her pimp Tony Van Den Bogaert operated around there ... even de Caters family (owners of the place around 's Gravenwezel where alleged child murder and abuse took place) owned things in Knokke ->


Quote showing interrogation of Tony Van Den Bogaert questioned by the police: ... cord,_1998
QUESTION: Have you ever known Regina's grandmother?

ANSWER: Yes, I have seen her two or three times. I mean her once at the LOUFS at home. I also remember one time when I was together with the LOUF family went to Knokke to see the garden she had set up with a view to participating in a decoration contest. She lived right opposite a customer “Hotel Cecile”. The last time that I saw her was at Regina's wedding.

She gave me the impression of being a pretty bossy woman who was, however, loved by her grandchildren for she was generous with it. I think Regina was also very positive about it. I thank you that the grandfather had passed away and was a former police commissioner.

QUESTION: Do you have other than business relationships in Knokke?


QUESTION: What was Regina like when she was with her grandmother?

ANSWER: She was normal in my opinion. I think I even heard that Regina had once lived in Knokke with her grandmother.
Here's another quote:
Friend of Regina Louf from Knokke [where Regina was sent to by her parents when she was 2, she was there with her grandmother who abused her and let others abuse her] testified too, Regina wasn't allowed to contact her for the sake of investigation -> ... nknown.png
And another one: ... nknown.png ... nknown.png

In last two screenshot other potential witnesses to signs of abuse surface, which I will quote directly here ->
I discovered that the BOB had only interrogated those people from my surroundings who didn’t remember anything or hadn’t noticed that anything was wrong. They had never talked to the parents of a former classmate from Knokke. Their little daughter often walked with me to my grandmother’s country house after school, and one day I had been brave enough to describe certain things that had happened to me. The girl was so shocked that she had told her parents. They wanted to know who I was and invited me over for a birthday party. And indeed, I started telling them things, probably because I had reached the limit of what I could endure. I told them stories that made their hair stand on end.


They both knew that I, as a ten year old, couldn’t imagine those kind of stories unless I had been involved. Concerned, they told the school principal. Unfortunately she informed my grandmother and I got severely punished for my indiscretion. And thus I disappeared one month before the end of the fourth grade as I described in the beginning of this book. I had forgotten all this, but the parents of my little classmate still remembered this clearly because they thought that I had been taken away by the child protection services and was safe now at a different place. After I had become known through the press they realized that I hadn’t been helped at all. As soon as I had left Knokke the rumours had stopped and the abuse of children could go on undisturbed. The BOB obviously didn’t think these witnesses were interesting enough to be interrogated. A little later I discovered that Clo, who probably never existed according to the Ghent investigators and certainly wasn’t Carine, had classmates who called her Clo too. One of them confirmed that only a very few people knew her under that name and that she believed me as soon as she heard me talk about “Clo”. The description I gave of Clo matched with what she remembered about her. Months later an older woman approached me and confirmed that another little victim that I had named had died indeed in very strange circumstances. I nodded. Sometimes I would prefer to be proven wrong. These witnesses and many others who could corroborate my story had never been interrogated and after what happened to me, it was easy to understand how scared they were to testify.
Source: ... -free.html
And another quote:
de Caters family mentioned in ISGP article about Dutroux network accusations:
de Caters family - Source(S): X1 (forced to kill a girl on a domain owned by the de Caters family in the presence of Tony and Nihoul, their neighbor was-is Axel Vervoordt, who has been accused of pedophilia by Count Yann) A description of Castle Kattenhof in 's Gravenwezel was given by X1 and later identified by the investigators. According to X1, children were tortured and killed in the gatekeeper's apartment on this castle's domain. Among them was Katrien de Cuyper, who she was forced to kill in the presence of invididuals as Nihoul, Bouty, Leopold Lippens and Michel Vander Elst. The de Caters family owned property in streets in Knokke in which X1 had already pointed out some apartments where she was abused. The castle was jointly owned by brothers Baron Philippe (b. 1939) and Alain (b. 1932) and the son of Alain Patrick (b. 1963). Philippe owned the janitor's home on the property in which, according to Regina, a snuff studio was located. Baron Charles and later his son Baron Theo Bracht have been named as renters of the Kattenhof domain. Patrick is a member of Cercle de Wallonie, together with Etienne Davignon, prince Philippe de Chimay, Comte Jean-Pierre de Launoit (vice-President Cercle de Lorraine), Elio di Rupo, and Aldo Vastapane (all of them accused of child abuse at some point). Patrick is also the manager of construction company Bageci, the Wallonian branch of Groupe CBE, which is headed by a person who is-was a director of Suez and the ING banking group (companies with people on their board that have been accused of child abuse). ... ers-family
And another quote, this time from MercurysBall2:
Count Maurice Lippens
(LtoR) Maurice Lippens, Executive Chairman of Fortis, Jean-Paul Votron, CEO of Fortis, Fred Goodwin, CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), and Emilio Botin, Chairman of Spanish banking group Santander Central Hispano (SCH), pose during a photocall following an extraordinary general meeting of RBS in Edinburgh, Scotland, 10 August 2007. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc announced in a statement that the resolution on the proposed acquisition of ABM AMRO by RBS and its partners, Fortis and Santander, put forward at today's Extraordinary General Meeting was passed. ... nessman%29)
Maurice Robert Josse Marie Ghislain, Count Lippens (born 9 May 1943 in Knokke, Belgium) is a Belgian businessman and banker. He is the grandson of Maurice Lippens (1875) and brother of Leopold Lippens, mayor of Knokke-Heist.

Mr Lippens was relieved of his position after a government bailout of the bank on 28 September 2008.[2] He has been involved in numerous law suits and has been blamed by many for the downfall of Fortis due to his over ambitious merger plan with ABN Amro during the economic crisis. ... troux.html
Witness X2 noted: "Parties with underage girls in the Cromwel hotel in Knokke. Present: Delvoie - Karel - X2 - Lippens - Van Gheluwe - Etienne Davignon. The girls knew where to go and with whom. Lippens hits the little girls. Several meetings between Karel and Davignon in the Memling hotel with the two Lippens." (187) (PEHI - Beyond the Dutroux Affair)

One of Davignon's closest partners in the globalization process is Count Maurice Lippens, a frequent visitor to Bilderberg.

Maurice Lippens and his brother Leopold have been named by witnesses as child abusers, not only involved in regular rape, but also in the snuff network (185).
And another quote:
Interesting article here from year 2002: ... et-kasteel But I only have Google translation so would be nice if someone skilled in that language would help a bit!
Vervoordt was not only pointed out by Yann de Meeus d’Argenteuil and Amy Page (Vervoordt's house guest and US art journalist - according to Michel van Rijn) as pointed out earlier in this thread but this text also gives some interesting details on how close Vervoordt is to the center of this case:
Regina Louf, or witness X 1, caused a lot of commotion among our southern neighbors in the second half of the nineties with her testimonies about her terrible childhood. However, a wave of extremely biased publicity created the image of a mythomaniac in most Belgians who, with her stories of the sexual abuse, torture and even murder of children by a bunch of unscrupulous criminals and their high-ranking clientele, didn't just name her family. but also those of innocent people faded. One of those stories related to the violent death of fifteen-year-old Katrien de Cuyper at the end of 1991 / early 1992. Regina is said to have killed Katrien herself in a castle in 'sGravenwezel under inhuman pressure.
" ... In the afternoon of Saturday, March 1, 1997, X 1 is picked up by her interrogators from her home in Wondelgem. They are accompanied by investigators from the Antwerp GP and the Brasschaat BOB. It is the intention that she shows the way she at the time with Tony V. to reach the castle. X 1 leads them to 'sGravenwezel and gets lost there for a while. A GP gives her a hint and a little later the convoy stops in front of a castle plucked out of a fairytale with a stately turret, a spacious moat and a well-maintained domain around it. "Here it was"says X 1. The castle belongs to a certain Baron W. and is attached to the domain of the well-known Antwerp antique dealer Axel Vervoordt. He holds an open day twice a year, which gives the investigators the opportunity to have a look around. The curious thing about the W. family is that they also own properties in Knokke-Le Zoute, in streets where X 1 has already started designating houses a few months earlier ".

The above passage is a quote from the impressive book " The X dossiers. What Belgium was not allowed to know about the Dutroux case " (Antwerp / Baarn: Uitgeverijen Houtekiet / Fontein, 1999) and is extremely curious for several reasons.
First of all, the hint from the conscious GP suggests that the gentlemen detectives knew exactly what Regina was looking for. In addition, it is not stated whether the company entered Baron W.'s grounds for further inspection, but that is not very likely either. Instead, Regina and the accompanying convoy of sleuths do take the opportunity to visit the adjoining domain of the world-renowned art dealer and antiques dealer Axel Vervoordt, because he happened to organize an open day. Accidentally? Or did the detectives know this beforehand and tried to lure Regina out of the tent and / or warn Vervoordt of impending doom? Because Vervoordt also had a castle plucked from a fairytale there, which he had involved in 1984 after having done extremely well with his art dealership in the Antwerp Vlaeykensgang in the previous decade. And not only that. Axel's Medieval abode also fulfilled the description that Regina had given of it beforehand. But at the supreme moment she didn't let go of anything else. Only later would she add to her earlier account that she had been to the castle in 'sGravenwezel at least fifteen times and that on those occasions she had seen not only girls but also boys cowering. The reactions and statements of X 1 during the trip on March 1, 1997 were filmed by her traveling companions and added to official report no. 150,359, in which Regina drew baron W. into the limelight. Nothing serious happened to the baron and Vervoordt is nowhere in the traffic jams.


Born in Ghent:
Born 22 January 1978 (age 43)
Ghent, Belgium
What ABOUT Ghent being mentioned in our previous research? There's a lot:


Tony Van Den Bogaert being questioned:

ANSWER: Yes, I have known the LOUF family since 1981. I heo these people professionally get to know. I got to know them on the foire in the construction center of ANTWERP, where I stood as a representative in pet products at the time. From then on I joined the family as a supplier of these items.

QUESTION: Who do you know from the family

ANSWER: I know the mother, the father, the daughter, the brother of the lady, a frame I think a cook if I'm not mistaken. I also know the acquaintances from next door there, the family NEUKENS if I am not mistaken. The family lived on the Grondwetlaan, het I don't know exactly the number, in the municipality of ST-AMANDSBERG.

QUESTION: You have been there several times at home?

ANSWER: I used to come there almost weekly. If I was in GHENT I would come there. I eventually used this place as my base for my clients in Ghent.

QUESTION: So we can say that you had a good relationship with the LOUF family.
QUESTION: Did people from the LOUF family accompany you during the time you worked at CPB?

ANSWER: Yes, Regina has been on a few customer visits, she stayed of course sitting in the car. I cannot remember that they take me outside Ghent accompanied. This was only to point out an address to me.

QUESTION: Have you ever stayed overnight with the LOUF family?
QUESTION: Did you have common hobbies with the LOUF family.

ANSWER: Yes, on the one hand the dogs and I knew that the daughter liked to ride horses. I am ever go and see a horse that they are against my advice (financially hard to bear) bought in for their daughter Regina. After that, I went to one several times show gone in the riding school. I myself also had a horse that stood at the Welcome Farm in Grobbendonk and that I rode daily.

QUESTION: Who was the manager of the riding school in Grobbendonk?

ANSWER: It concerned a certain François of whom, however, I no longer have surname remembered. He even gave me driving lessons. I think Danny, Regina's frame, once attended a competition that included the The LOUF family participated in the riding school “De Ponderosa” in Ghent.
As soon as I had left Knokke the rumours had stopped and the abuse of children could go on undisturbed. The BOB obviously didn’t think these witnesses were interesting enough to be interrogated. A little later I discovered that Clo, who probably never existed according to the Ghent investigators and certainly wasn’t Carine, had classmates who called her Clo too. One of them confirmed that only a very few people knew her under that name and that she believed me as soon as she heard me talk about “Clo”. The description I gave of Clo matched with what she remembered about her. Months later an older woman approached me and confirmed that another little victim that I had named had died indeed in very strange circumstances. I nodded. Sometimes I would prefer to be proven wrong. These witnesses and many others who could corroborate my story had never been interrogated and after what happened to me, it was easy to understand how scared they were to testify.
2. My early childhood in Ghent My mother Christiane and my father Georges got married in 1956. My mother was from a well to do family from Knokke, a small resort town at the Belgian North Sea coast right at the Dutch border.

The situation became unbearable at home in Ghent and my parents decided to send me to my grandmother in Knokke during the week, far from the neighbours who raised questions about my screaming. This happened in 1971.

3. My arrival in Knokke After my grandfather’s death, my grandmother Cecile lived alone in the big country house she owned. It was called Sunny Corner and was located at the end of a small path called Golfpad. Long after I broke up with my family and after my testimony threw Belgium into turmoil in 1997, an investigation by journalists showed that my grandmother was known as “Madame Cecile”, because she had run a brothel for German officers during the second World War.
Source: ... -free.html
Louf lives in Ghent with her husband and four children. She is the owner of a dog kennel and animal shelter.[5]

Municipal officer of Ghent was Mathias De Clercq:
From 2007 until 2019 he was a schepen in Ghent. He belongs to the social liberal wing of his party.

He is grandson of Willy De Clercq:
He is the grandson of Viscount Willy De Clercq, a former European Commissioner.
Who was Willy De Clercq when it comes to connections to those weirder things? Well, Tony Van Den Bogaert, Regina Louf's pimp was bragging about knowing him, bu there's even more:

"Tony was bragging about being friends with Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin and Willy De Clercq. BdB has been accused of visiting Ceciles's hotel-villa (Regina's grandmother), the ASCO factory, the child hunts, Le Mirano and visiting other child abuse events. BdB will be discussed later. However, Willy De Clercq has been mentioned before. He was born in Gent and allegedly would be tied to the "pink ballets" affair, as was Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants. X2 claimed to have seen Willy De Clercq at meeting in the Hilton with Madani Bouhouche's spouse" And the text goes by mentioning "coincidences" with testimonies of other X-witnesses ->
And here -> ... p-2007.pdf
Accused in the Dutroux X-dossiers, the Maud Sarr and Pinon/Pink Ballets affairs
24. Willy De Clercq

Willy De Clercq Source(s): In one of her notebooks dating from 1995 - a year before the
Dutroux affair broke - X1 noted that Tony used to brag everywhere that he
was such a good friend of "a baron and a politician" (De X-Dossiers, p. 147).
PV 150.328 of February 12, 1997, gives the names: Baron de Bonvoisin and
[Willy] De Clercq.
Anno 2010 director of the Royal Institute for International Relations. 65/192
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In Delphine's interviews she often talks about hating her parents. Particularly her father.

He is Jeroen LeCompte, Herman's son.
phpBB [video]

Dirty hands - Author: Jeroen Le Compte ... 001547063/
Dirty Hands is the debut novel by ex-journalist and songwriter Jeroen Le Compte, son of the controversial doctor from Knokke. His story begins as an ordinary love story about a seemingly innocent secretary and a manic-depressive aspiring writer, but gradually it becomes clear that Le Compte has more to tell. Because it soon becomes clear that he is the main character himself, and that between acts he cleverly processes reality and fiction into what he has been craving for years: a right of reply to his tyrannical father, whom he holds responsible for his painful childhood.
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »


Family tree of the Le Compte family : ... =Le+Compte

One brother is Egmont : Egmont Pieter Willem Le Compte 1959 & Louisa Lanciers 1957

Founder of Egmont Toys
Since 1999
Egmont Toys not only sells in Belgium, but over the whole world through a steadily growing network of distributors in Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Japan, Greece, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Poland...

Egmont Toys continues to expand rapidly and moves to a bigger warehouse of 3000 m² in Wauthier-Braine...

Egmont Toys buys the Dutch wholesaler Nadia Toys, specialized in wooden toys and enlarges in this way its collections considerably.

Participation at the Top Drawer fair in London. We now also export to Asia, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Korea

Removal of offices and warehouse to Saintes/Tubize. Our new warehouse is 3300 m² and we now have the capacity to store over 2.000 pallets

Takeover of Heico Handelsagentur, in Germany, a traditional manufacturer (since 1874) of gift items and night lights

A first participation at the Toy Fair in New York

Distribution agreement with Hotaling Imports for the USA.
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Don't know if this is significant ...

European Court of Human Rights - case of Le Compte, Van Leuven and De Meyere v. Belgium (1981)

1. The case of Le Compte, Van Leuven and De Meyere was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights ("the Commission") and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium ("the Government"). The case originated in two applications against that State lodged with the Commission in 1974 and 1975 by three Belgian nationals, Dr. Herman Le Compte, Dr. Frans Van Leuven and Dr. Marc De Meyere, under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("the Convention"). The Commission ordered the joinder of the applications on 10 March 1977...
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Jeroen's YT channel:

Jeroen Le Compte - Tomorrow is the party - Fientuned - daddy Jeroen sings for Delphine
phpBB [video]

Delphine lived with her maternal grandparents, in De Panne, when I wrote this song for her or about her. I don't remember whether this was the party I sing about, at least some of Delphine's nephews are gathered here. If you wonder who the strange dressed woman is, who is standing next to Delphine, that's me. She better tell you how it really was for Delphine in De Panne, after all she is closer to that" Tomorrow is the party tomorrow is the party i've been very wild today tomorrow is the party i'm still singing but i'm hoarse and i can't get to sleep i think about tomorrow all the time i think i'll go make breakfast tomorrow is the party and then I get a plush beast tomorrow is the party would mama'I'll notice if I read another book because I can't fall asleep I'm thinking about tomorrow there in the cupboard my present is hidden I'm sure tomorrow is the party I've been very wild today tomorrow is the party I'm still a bit too much sing but i'm hoarse la la la...
His website:
Elenoortje Cemp (an anagram of 'Jeroen Le Compte') is the alias under which I write nursery rhymes. Verses inspired by my own daughter Delphine and by the other daughters I have cared for for shorter or longer periods of my life (always daughters, never a son).
Here's one of his 'nursery rhymes'..


You probably know the English word fuck -
or is your television broken? Better
not use it yourself
because you know the meaning,
it makes very dirty what is tender
while our language offers much better.

For example, do you know the word foert
that we kidnapped from French,
it comes fromfoutre, an old word
that means just the same
as the English fuck but keep it quiet - from
now on say foert , which is less disturbing.

(And by the way, the word fuck,
which won't shock even your grandma, that
too has something to
do with it: it's related to that English one.)
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Re: Belgian Poet: People Must ‘Accept that Paedophilia Resides in Each of Us’

Post by brwn »

People do not have to accept paedophilia nor do I think they ever will. We don’t talk about it, but we won’t accept it. Being attracted to children,
Certainly , not now or ever have I been on any level. And then there’s the issue of consent. Forcing a child, like hell no ! No child will consent so it’s rape !

Said journalist can shove her freedom of speech up her ass. What she said was far inappropriate. Fire her
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