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German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:20 am
by brwn
The video shows a cellar room which was presumably found during the flood relief when the house was to be cleaned of mud - the video is said (unconfirmed) to have been taken in Dernau (Ahrweiler) Germany.

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:37 am
by shewhomustbeobeyed
This is PG related? How? What's the connection between a flooded basement, and elite scum?
Also, your archive of didn't take. Sometimes you have to do more than one for them to work. Here -

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:47 pm
by brwn
The video is of a cellar filled with Satanic symbols written or drawn on the walls.
In Germany this basement was flooded. When the water receded the clean up crew found this. It’s
Like rituals were taking place their at on time or another.

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:19 pm
by kestrel9
Like rituals were taking place their at on time or another.
It's also like teenagers were partying and spraying graffiti. PG posts should include more specific details. Even if there were rituals taking place (which is unknown), we don't know when, by who or even where it is for sure. We have no way to know if such hypothesized rituals included anything having to do with abusing children.

So it's important to keep those things in mind when sharing a lead or a hunch. Dig around with searches to see if anything supports what you think could have happened or if it's something that may have or is happening in nearby locations (to the 'alleged' location of the cellar, Dernau (Ahrweiler) Germany.) I tried a couple of basic searches online and on SV archives but found nothing. I did another search regarding satanic rituals in Germany and found this: ... /a-5904978 It's an account that may or may not be true but there is more to go on as far as further research into Germany and Satanism. I don't think this woman's story happened any where near Dernau (Ahreiler).

I found a German paper discussing Satanism and have google translated some of it. This part describes the kind of people who would fit the description that Laura gave about her experience. It's also consistent with other PG research into such kinds of ritual abuse.
"People who present to the outside world a bourgeois adapted lifestyle and are simultaneously active in a secret satanic sect, reject an argument Off. They are in the process of hiding a new satanic world order, create. You have established a system of criminal activity and absolute silence. the shocking reports from dropouts give us an insight into the cruel activities of these secret sects. The dropouts report extreme Use of violence, permanent sexual abuse and torture, all in service Satan. Ritual violence is a hallmark of these satanic sects. "Ritual violence" is planned and systematic physical and psychological Violence in the context of an ideology/worldview." PDF in German https://www.gewaltpraevention-muenster. ... achher.pdf

I imagine that such groups, given how systematic and brutal they are, would not carry out such activities in a cellar that looked like the one in the video. It doesn't mean that nothing ever happened there, just that if it did, it would appear, imho, to be younger people who are doing drugs and experimenting with who knows what kind of activity.

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:49 pm
by kestrel9
Here's more translation from the German PDF:

"Those who do not reveal themselves are particularly threatening because they are inconspicuous and
unnoticed destroy our social order from within. You feel like an elite,
as chosen ones commissioned by Satan to create his kingdom.
The satanist groups organized in secret societies require ours
full attention.
Criminal satanist sects recruit their members
1. from their own families
2. by recruiting young people
3. by using children from friends and relatives.
All members are under threat of extreme punishment and loss of loved ones
An absolute requirement of silence is imposed on people. That's why these people won't
talk about their sectarian background and not about the suffering they have suffered. the
Traumatic events do not appear as a narrative, but as a symptom."

..."The [Extensive] bibliography gives suggestions for deepening the topic."

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:54 pm
by kestrel9
The photos of the flood are intense. ... a-58299008

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:50 pm
by kestrel9
This maybe just an odd piece of trivia but here it is. I was just reading about a notorious Cold War German Bunker, Regierungs Bunker Marienthal which is near Arhweiler."The Government Bunker (Regierungsbunker) in Germany, officially named Ausweichsitz der Verfassungsorgane des Bundes im Krisen- und Verteidigungsfall zur Wahrung von deren Funktionstüchtigkeit (AdVB), in English: "Emergency Seat of the Federal Constitutional Organs for the State of Crisis or State of Defence to Maintain their Ability to Function" was a massive underground complex built during the Cold War era to house the German government, parliament and enough federal personnel needed to keep the government working in the event of war or severe crisis..."

The Location: "Located only about 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Bonn, Germany (the capital and government seat of pre-unification West Germany), in the Ahr Valley between the towns of Ahrweiler and Dernau, it was one of the best kept secrets of West Germany. It was built between 1960 and 1972 inside two abandoned railway tunnels that were built as part of the Strategic Railway, maintained and kept in a working condition for about 30 years and decommissioned in 1997. A small part of the once-secret site is now open to the public as Government Bunker Documentation Site, while the vast majority is abandoned and sealed."

What caught my attention was this:
''Only 203 metres (666 ft) of the original bunker exist today near the town of Ahrweiler and have been converted into a museum of the Cold War. It was opened on 29 February 2008."

Only 666 ft. left after they decided to dismantle it? Not 663.7 ft. or 669 ft?

Also for @MercurysBall2 reference regarding WWII slave labor:
"Between 1930 and 1939 the disused railway tunnels were used to farm mushrooms to gain independence from having to import French fungi. During the later phase of World War II several arms manufacturing companies occupied the tunnels and a huge concentration camp for forced labourers was erected outside the protective cover of the tunnels, which was also referred to under the code name Lager Rebstock (Camp Vine). Inside the tunnels was a construction facility for manufacturing ground equipment and mobile launch pads for the V-2 rocket. With increasing Allied air raids at the end of the war, the tunnels served as makeshift air-raid shelters." ... _(Germany)

A comment regarding the Museum "The concentration camp Rebstock is hardly known. The memorial is intended to keep alive the memory of the victims and to serve the reminder. However, she also wants to inform about the links between the arms industry, military, SS, concentration camps and forced labor in the Nazi state." (tourist info site)

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:01 am
by shewhomustbeobeyed
brwn wrote: Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:47 pm The video is of a cellar filled with Satanic symbols written or drawn on the walls.
In Germany this basement was flooded. When the water receded the clean up crew found this. It’s
Like rituals were taking place their at on time or another.
So is it your theory that the ruling class of this German town were holding rituals in this basement? I see no evidence.
I'd be more interested in what the cellars of the rich and powerful in the area look like right now. Wouldn't you?
What about the basements in the churches? I'll bet you'd find more interesting leads in the basements of Gov Bldgs and Fraternal Orders than in some random house.

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:48 am
by brwn
you dont know, no one does.

Re: German cellar after the flood

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:53 am
by shewhomustbeobeyed
brwn wrote: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:48 am you dont know, no one does.
Your wrong. Lots of people know. The problem has always been how to get them to stop being slaves and turn on their masters.
You should thank @kestrel9 for trying to bail you out. This isn't PG related until you link it to Elite Pedos, and you're the one who 'don't know'.