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Leaked Audio Appears to Reveal Alleged Sexual Abuse of Children by Staff at Texas Border Facility

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:55 pm
by brwn ... -facility/?

Leaked Audio Appears to Reveal Alleged Sexual Abuse of Children by Staff at Texas Border Facility

The recordings paint a horrifying picture of what these children are subjected to once they are placed
in the hands of the political operatives who are running these facilities.

“We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately. Is that OK with you guys? – Un-named presenter
to staff at Fort Bliss.

During the training session, staff was instructed to intervene if they witnessed inappropriate behavior between staff members and minors, but the speaker makes no mention of reporting such behavior.

“If you catch them, especially if it’s a staff member, you separate that minor from that person immediately.”

The recording also reveals how minors have been complaining that staff would violently bounce them up and down
on their bed to wake them up in the morning, which even the presenter called “child abuse.”

“I know there have been a lot of complaints from minors about staff members waking them up in the morning. We’ve got some staff members that are picking up and shaking the bed to wake up the minor. Or they’re bouncing them on the bed. They think they’re being playful, but that constitutes child abuse. I want you guys to know that.”

Recording can be found here:
'We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately' via nbcnews

After years of calling Trump racist and blaming him for putting kids “in cages” (despite them being built by Obama), Biden’s borderless mayhem has resulted in more children being in these facilities than ever before, and they are being terribly abused.

Losing our humanity