Business Insider says they've obtained—and authenticated—a second little black book from 1997 that belonged to Epstein

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Business Insider says they've obtained—and authenticated—a second little black book from 1997 that belonged to Epstein

Post by Heisenberg123 » ... 021-6?IR=T
We obtained—and authenticated—a second little black book from 1997 that belonged to Jeffrey Epstein

- Insider has obtained a never-before-seen address book that appears to have belonged to Jeffrey Epstein in the 1990s.
- The book, which contains entries for 349 people, offers a window into the late sex offender's social circle a full decade prior to the era covered by his previously known "little black book." More than 200 names listed in the book did not appear in Epstein's later address book.
- Prominent entries not previously associated with Epstein include Morgan Fairchild, Suzanne Ircha, Carl Icahn, John A. Catsimatidis, Sandy Warner, and Martin Peretz.

Insider has obtained and authenticated an address book that, by all appearances, belonged to Jeffrey Epstein in the 1990s.

The never-before-seen book puts hundreds of new people in Epstein's orbit, including dozens of prominent individuals who have never before been connected to the late sex offender.

The book contains 349 names in total, and traces previously reported relationships back to the 1990s. The majority of people listed in the book do not appear in Epstein's previously published "little black book," which dates to the early 2000s.

The address book came to light through a circuitous and unusual path: A self-described "enigmatic rock chick" living in Manhattan's East Village found it on the sidewalk in the late 1990s and kept it as a souvenir, intrigued by the famous names listed inside.

She rediscovered the book while cleaning out her storage unit last year, and after realizing it belonged to Jeffrey Epstein, sold it on eBay to a graduate student living on a farm in Vermont.

Insider took extensive steps to verify the authenticity of the book, including hiring a forensic document examiner to determine whether the book had been forged. The document examiner concluded that the book dated to the mid-to-late 1990s and had not been altered.

"I'm confident that the book is circa 1995 to 2000," the document examiner told Insider. His investigation involved studying both the book's physical characteristics, which included a distinctive binding strip manufactured in the 1990s, as well as its contents, including entries that contained a Palm Beach area code that was retired in 1996.

More than a dozen prominent people listed in the address book told Insider on the record that they had crossed paths with Jeffrey Epstein in the 1990s.

"[Epstein] was not my cup of tea. I don't know how he got a hold of my address," said Cyril Fung, a Hong Kong-based venture capitalist who met Epstein at a dinner party in New York. "I myself had more than 700 names in my address book, but they are people who are first-name-basis friends." ... 021-6?IR=T
We found Jeffrey Epstein's other little black book from the 1990s. Search all 349 names in our exclusive database.

- Insider has obtained a never-before-seen address book that appears to have belonged to Jeffrey Epstein in the '90s, connecting him to a new network of prominent financiers and political figures, including Melania Trump's best friend.
- The book, which contains 349 names, offers a window into the late sex offender's social circle a full decade before the era covered by his previously known "little black book." More than 200 names listed in the book did not appear in Epstein's later address book.
- Prominent entries not previously associated with Epstein include Morgan Fairchild, Suzanne Ircha, Carl Icahn, John A. Catsimatidis, Sandy Warner, and Martin Peretz.

The names of hundreds of people with previously unknown connections to Jeffrey Epstein are contained in a newly discovered address book that appears to have belonged to the late financier and sex trafficker.
Insider has obtained a never-before-seen book of contacts apparently kept by Epstein in 1997. The book sheds light on his social and financial ties, naming both new connections and tracing previously reported relationships back to the '90s.
In July 2020, Insider published a searchable database of Epstein's notorious "little black book," a document that first emerged in court proceedings in 2009 and was made public by Gawker in 2015. That address book, dated 2004-05, was a touchstone for journalists and curious individuals alike, becoming a major source of information about Epstein and his expansive network of associates, which included politicians, leading academics, celebrities, and royalty.
The newly discovered black book, dated October 1997 in a handwritten annotation, offers a snapshot into Epstein's life roughly a decade earlier. It contains 375 entries and the names of 349 people — the majority of whom do not appear in Epstein's little black book from the aughts.
It contains the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of dozens of prominent figures who have never before been associated with Epstein. Among them are Suzanne Ircha, who's married to Woody Johnson, former President Donald Trump's ambassador to England and the owner of the New York Jets; famed corporate raider and financier Carl Icahn also merits an entry, as do supermarket magnate and Trump acolyte John A. Catsimatidis; former auto-industry czar Steven Rattner; actress Morgan Fairchild; former New Republic owner Marty Peretz; and Cristina Greeven, the wife of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

Melania Trump's best friend ... 48e1e.webp

Suzanne Johnson and Ghislaine Maxwell at the Doubles Club on October 11, 2012, in New York.

In 2019, The New York Times reported that Epstein boasted that he had introduced Donald Trump and Melania. The couple previously said they had met at a Fashion Week party at the Kit Kat Club in 1998 after Melania caught Trump's eye. In a 2016 profile of Melania, The New Yorker reported Trump's date at the party was Celina Midelfart, a Norwegian businesswoman who is listed in the newly discovered address book and has flown on Epstein's planes.
Ircha Johnson, an erstwhile actress who starred in two B movies during a hiatus from the financial sector, formerly worked as an equities saleswoman at the investment bank Sandler O'Neill. Like Epstein, she started her finance career at Bear Stearns. Her entry in Epstein's address book shows not only an apartment in midtown Manhattan but also the phone numbers of her sister and brother. Through a spokesperson Ircha Johnson declined to comment or explain why Epstein had her and her siblings' contact information.

Found on Fifth Avenue in the '90s

The new Epstein book came to light through a circuitous and unusual path: A self-described "enigmatic rock chick" living in Manhattan's East Village found it on the sidewalk in the late 1990s and sold it on eBay a quarter-century later to a perennial Communist congressional candidate in Vermont. Insider interviewed both people for this article and a forthcoming mini-documentary.
Denise Ondayko, a former musician who now lives in the Bay Area, said she was walking down Fifth Avenue in the mid-'90s when she spotted a black address book on the ground and picked it up out of curiosity. "I wasn't smart enough to figure out it was Epstein's," Ondayko told Insider. Flipping through, she found addresses and phone numbers for members of the Trump and Kennedy clans, and iconic chroniclers of wealth such as Robin Leach. She decided to hold onto it "for the odd New York City artifact that it was," she said, and slipped it into a box. Aside from occasionally showing it off to guests in her apartment, she forgot about it.
More than two decades later, in May 2020, Ondayko and a relative were cleaning out an old storage unit she had rented in Michigan when the long-buried book emerged from a box of odds and ends. Thumbing through it — and seeing the dozens of entries for Epstein's myriad properties — the relative immediately recognized who the owner was.
Convinced that she had indeed been sitting on an address book belonging to Epstein for many years, Ondayko said she reached out to John Oliver, Rachel Maddow, and The New York Times to see if it could be of use. She never heard back. She figured the book was probably just a copy of Epstein's previously published address book, she said, and listed it on eBay in early December after some friends suggested it could be worth some money. She needed new brakes for her car. ... 7e9b2.webp

Denise Ondayko, who found an address book apparently belonging to Jeffrey Epstein on a Manhattan sidewalk in the 1990s. Insider interviewed Ondayko in New York for a forthcoming mini-documentary, from which this still image was taken.

Across the country, in rural Vermont, a man named Chris Helali was Googling for a copy of Epstein's little black book when he came across Ondayko's eBay listing.
Helali, a gregarious and unfailingly polite graduate student at Dartmouth College who has repeatedly run to represent Vermont's sole congressional district on the Communist Party ticket, told Insider he was fascinated by Jeffrey Epstein and his powerful associates. "I was looking for the first book and trying to create a network, a map, of who knew Epstein," he said. "I stumbled upon an eBay seller who was claiming to have a copy of the book."
At first Helali believed Ondayko's book was simply a printout of the PDF published by Gawker in 2015. "I thought it was a scam," Helali said. But the going price was relatively modest, and his curiosity was piqued — so he contacted the seller. "As I spoke to [Ondayko] I realized that the book actually was authentic. And might've been an even earlier version because of the timeline of the story. So I purchased it and took the risk on it," he said. It cost Helali $425. ... 72cb0.webp

The eBay listing Ondayko created to sell the address book.

Helali lives in a whimsical farmhouse hand-built by his in-laws, and, on a snowy day in March, he invited an Insider reporter to pick up the address book for reporting. The book, locked in a cabinet amid a handful of historical artifacts collected by Helali, was still in its original FedEx packaging from Ondayko.
Bound in a thin flexible cover with a leather-like appearance, the book is small and slim enough to comfortably fit in a person's hand. There are 62 pages of typewritten entries in the book; the back of the final page contains two handwritten contacts and a handwritten date of "10.1.97." The pages are thin but in excellent condition. Dozens of names and phone numbers have been checkmarked with a black marker pen, and five have been highlighted.
As with Ondayko, Helali said that once he realized he had a new, previously unseen address book in his hands, he reached out to journalists, including Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald — whose reporting on Epstein's sweetheart deal with federal prosecutors in 2007 kicked off a new round of interest in his crimes leading up to his 2019 arrest — and Matt Goldstein of The New York Times. "They weren't interested in the story," Helali said. But Nick Bryant, the freelance reporter who brought the first address book to Gawker, reached out to Insider on Helali's behalf. ... 6f655.webp

Christopher Helali, who bought the address book on eBay, at his farmhouse in Vermont. Insider interviewed Helali for a forthcoming mini-documentary, from which this still image was taken.

'I'm confident that the book is circa 1995 to 2000'

To verify that the book is authentic, Insider hired Dennis Ryan, a former forensic document examiner and laboratory supervisor for the Nassau County Police Department, to inspect it. Ryan concluded that the book most likely dates to the mid-'90s and has not been altered.
"I'm confident that the book is circa 1995 to 2000," Ryan told Insider. Ryan said he studied both the book's physical characteristics as well as its contents, including several entries that contained a Palm Beach area code retired in 1996.
Donald Trump was one such entry. Trump's name, which also appears in Epstein's previously known little black book, is accompanied by numerous phone numbers, including two labeled "Palm Beach Home," with the area code 407. The same phone numbers are listed under Trump's name in Epstein's later address book — bearing Palm Beach's new area code, 561.
Ryan's analysis also relied on the plastic Gestetner binding strip used to create the book. Gestetner was an office products supplier that sold the VeloBind brand of binding strips during the 1990s; the company was acquired by Ricoh Corp. of Japan in 1995, and the brand name was retired in 2007. ... bb39c.webp

The binding of Jeffrey Epstein's other little black book showing a "Gestetner" brand imprint.

Several years after Ricoh's 1995 acquisition of Gestetner, Ryan said, the company discontinued the VeloBind system, making it almost impossible for the book to have been created this century. "It was certainly out of production by 1998 to 2000," Ryan told Insider. "It would be very difficult to make up a book with that imprint in later years, if that wasn't commercially available."
Another expert, who worked for VeloBind and its parent company GBC between 1982 and 1995, told Insider that it would technically be possible to bind a modern book with an original, 1990s-era strip — but the odds of finding one would be slim to none. "My recommendation would be to play the lottery, because you'd have a better chance of winning," the expert said.
In addition to seeking the opinion of a forensic examiner, Insider spoke with sources who could corroborate Ondayko and Helali's accounts. Sheila Black, a longtime friend of Ondayko's, told Insider that she recalled looking through the book in Ondayko's Manhattan apartment in the '90s. "She was interested in all the weird famous names in it," Black said. "I thought it might be a movie producer. I remember that it was a printed thing."
Black told Insider that she remembered recognizable names in the book, but like Ondayko, had no idea it belonged to Epstein, who at the time was a decade away from becoming a household name. "We were punk-rocker kids," she said. "We were suspicious of that kind of person." ... 486f5.webp

While the book bears no inscription definitively identifying it as belonging to Epstein, it does contain an extraordinarily detailed directory of more than 80 phone numbers associated with the sprawling estates in Manhattan, West Palm Beach, New Mexico, and Ohio that Epstein owned in the early '90s. It includes numbers for more than a dozen vehicles, a horse stable, a bunkhouse, dedicated lines for internet modems, and phone and beeper numbers for many known Epstein staff members.
Notably missing are his Paris apartment, purchased in 2002, and his private island, Little Saint James, acquired in 1998 — both of which appear in Epstein's later address book. But the Rolodex does contain an entry for Diane Cummin — misspelled as "Diane Cummings" — then wife of financier Arch Cummin, who owned Little Saint James before its sale to Epstein. The book also lists detailed entries for Epstein's relatives, whose addresses matched residences listed in public-records searches.
Insider reached out to Mark Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein's brother, who once stood to inherit his sibling's fortune. The younger Epstein was skeptical of the book's provenance, and, after reviewing a scanned copy, told Insider he had no idea if it was real or not. "If it is real, it was probably pilfered from Jeffrey Epstein's office," he said.
Insider also reached out to dozens of contacts listed in the book who had never previously been publicly associated with Epstein. Fourteen acknowledged on the record that they knew or had met Epstein in the '90s.
Attorneys for Jeffrey Epstein's estate did not return requests for comment.

349 people are listed in the book, 221 of whom do not appear in Epstein's previously published address book

Insider performed an analysis of the book's contents, transcribing each entry and tabulating all of them in a searchable database. The book contains entries for 349 people — 221 of whom do not appear in Epstein's previously published address book from the early aughts.
Compared to the 2000s address book, which contains 1,510 names, the 1990s book is considerably slimmer, and its occupants less global. The contacts listed are primarily based in the United States. Most are in New York, Epstein's primary city of residence; many are based in Ohio, where well-known Epstein client and billionaire Les Wexner has long lived. ... 17e89.webp

More than 120 names appear in both books, including alleged coconspirators and other high-profile people previously associated with Epstein, from Ghislaine Maxwell and Alan Dershowitz to Donald Trump, whose name is highlighted on the page. The main information line for the White House — occupied at the time by Bill Clinton — is also listed as an entry.
Of the 221 names unique to the book obtained by Insider, dozens are prominent figures in the cultural and financial elite.

Insider called dozens of prominent people listed in the book

Insider reached out to 56 notable people in the book, none of whom had been publicly connected to Epstein, to further verify the book's contents and to better understand the nature of Epstein's relationships. More than a dozen told Insider they crossed paths with Epstein in the 1990s, and none disputed the accuracy of their address and phone number entries.

Cristina Greeven

Greeven, who is perhaps best known these days for being married to CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, appeared in Epstein's book as affiliated with Manhattan File, a high-society magazine she published after her father purchased it for her in 1994. The entry includes what appears to be an office address as well as a home phone number. In the 1990s, Greeven was in her 20s and known for hobnobbing with such socialites as Alex von Furstenberg and former CNN producer Pamela Gross, who appears in both black books and is now a close friend of Melania Trump. ... cd572.webp

Christopher Cuomo and Cristina Greeven Cuomo at a Vanity Fair Oscars party on February 25, 2007, in Los Angeles.

Greeven is now the editor in chief of The Purist, a wellness website she founded. A message left with The Purist seeking comment from Greeven was returned almost immediately by Chris Cuomo, who declined to comment for the record or make Greeven available.

Morgan Fairchild

Fairchild, the former "Dallas" star, maintains an active Twitter account in which she frequently shares news stories tracing out Epstein's relationships with powerful Republican officials. ... 96153.webp

Morgan Fairchild in 2019. Bobby Bank/Getty Images

She apparently was connected to Epstein herself in the '90s: The address book contains an entry for her that includes addresses for residences in New York City and Los Angeles and four phone numbers, two of which are identified as home numbers.
It's not the first time the two names have been connected in public: Vanity Fair reported in 2019 that Epstein kept a photo of Fairchild in his Upper East Side mansion, and described her as his "ideal woman." The journalist and former Epstein hanger-on Edward Jay Epstein said he saw Fairchild in his company.
Fairchild's manager did not return repeated phone calls seeking comment.

Martin Peretz

Martin Peretz, the former Harvard University professor, owner of the New Republic, and longtime mentor to former Vice President Al Gore, had entries for his homes in Washington, DC, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Reached by Insider, Peretz said that he also had Epstein's phone number in his address book. The men first met, Peretz recalled, at a dinner party honoring Henry Rosovsky, then the dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard, and the dedication of a new building for the campus Hillel designed by the Israeli architect Moshe Safdie. The building, which bears Rosovsky's name, was completed in 1994.
The Safdies were there, Peretz said, as were Rosovsky and his wife, and Harvard president Derek Bok and his wife, Sisella. "The man who owned the brassiere company, he was there," Peretz said, referring to the Limited founder, Les Wexner, who was Epstein's first major client. "My then wife and me, and Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. That was the table."
Peretz said he recalled talking to Maxwell about her father, the tabloid magnate Robert Maxwell. "He was very quiet at dinner," he said of Epstein, "but she was rather lively. We spoke about her father. He was a big Zionist, and I'm sort of a little Zionist."
Several months later, Peretz said, he was staying at Claridge's in London — a hotel that has its own entry in the address book — when he ran into Epstein and Maxwell in the lobby. He found it curious that they were staying there, he said, since he believed Maxwell had a home in London. The three of them, he said, decided to spend some time window-shopping together. "We walked into a furniture store," Peretz said. "They looked at a big round table, maybe 15 feet across. Epstein was clearly interested in it. The salesman said, 'This is the table that sat in 10 Downing St. during the war, and Churchill and the cabinet sat around it.' Epstein and Maxwell had a kind of — not a spat, but she said, 'Your dining room cannot take it — it's too big.'"
After that, Peretz said, he parted ways with the couple. "Quite a while" after that, he said, Epstein called him, but nothing came of it and he couldn't remember the reason for the call.
"That is my intense, hypersexual relationship with Jeffrey Epstein," Peretz said. "Of all the people he wanted to ingratiate himself with, I was the last one."

John A. Catsimatidis

The billionaire John Catsimatidis met Epstein through his friend Evangeline Gouletas, a real-estate executive who shared an office with Epstein in the building of the then Helmsley Hotel in the early 1990s. When they were introduced at Gouletas' office, Catsimatidis offered Epstein a ride on his upcoming weekend flight to Florida. Epstein later sent a three-foot bottle of champagne in thanks. ... 8da29.webp

John Catsimatidis in 2013. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

"That was the last time I saw him. He called me once or twice, I don't know what about," Catsimatidis said.

Steve Rattner

Rattner is a former New York Times reporter turned private-equity guru with deep connections to some of the most powerful people in the world. He served as the lead advisor on Barack Obama's Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry during the financial crisis and now manages the billionaire Michael Bloomberg's fortune. In the '90s, he was a major deal-maker at the investment bank Lazard Freres. ... de5f9.webp

Steven Rattner with Bill Clinton in 2007. JOE SCHILDHORN/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

Rattner's then work address, at Lazard's 30 Rockefeller Center offices, and a work phone number appear in the address book.
Rattner did not respond to repeated messages and emails inquiring about his relationship to Epstein.

Carl Icahn

The billionaire Carl Icahn made his fortune through investing in acquisitions, becoming known as a "corporate raider" and "vulture capitalist" in the 1980s following his hostile takeover of several companies, including the airline TWA.
In 2017, Icahn served briefly as a special advisor to then-President Donald Trump on financial regulation, resigning hours before The New Yorker published an article on conflicts of interest created by Icahn's role. ... 210d2.webp

Carl Icahn with Donald Trump in 1990. Rick Maiman/Getty Images

Icahn's name, accompanied by an address in New York's affluent Westchester County, is one of a few highlighted in Epstein's address book. A representative for Icahn declined to comment.

Beth Anne Bovino

Beth Anne Bovino, the chief economist for S&P Global Ratings Services, told Insider she met Epstein through her sister, a model. Then a Columbia doctoral student, Bovino said Epstein helped graduate students like her, and their relationship was formal. The two didn't often speak, and the last time they interacted was "years ago," when Bovino wrote a paper on income inequality that interested Epstein.
"He was nice. He had a good sense of humor," she said. "I was shocked by all of this. I took it that he was a benefactor, a wealthy man, and wanted to help struggling students."

Dominique Bluhdorn

Dominique Bluhdorn, the daughter of the industrialist Charles Bluhdorn and current president of Chavón, an art school in the Dominican Republic, told Insider she served alongside Epstein on the board of the New York Academy of Art in the '90s. Bluhdorn told Insider she didn't know Epstein well but remembered seeing him at events sponsored by the school, where he was funny and superficial.
"He was always kind of detached, pleasant, really no more than that ... nothing that would give you the sense that this was an odd, deranged person that was in front of you," Bluhdorn told Insider. "I think the whole thing is a depressing statement on how, at the end of the day, we really don't know anyone."

Jill Harth

The makeup artist Jill Harth told Insider that Epstein was a judge at an American Dream Calendar Girl pageant, an international model search she ran with her then husband George Houraney, but couldn't recall who brought him in.
Harth accused Donald Trump of sexual assault in a 1997 lawsuit, alleging that Trump groped her at Mar-a-Lago in early 1993. Trump was in talks to host Harth's model search at one of his properties, Harth told Vanity Fair. He was giving Harth a tour of Mar-a-Lago on the day of the assault — and Epstein had been a tour guide alongside him.
"I'm really kind of tired of all of this," Harth told Insider. "I knew all the predators, but I didn't know what they were like at the time."

Ted Field

An heir to the Marshall Field department-store fortune, Ted Field is a Hollywood producer and entrepreneur best known for producing "Revenge of the Nerds" and the reboot of the "Jumanji" movies. The address book lists numbers for Fields' office, Los Angeles home, Colorado home, and personal assistant, as well as a fax number. Through an attorney, Fields denied ever knowing Epstein. "Look, I have no idea how that guy got my information," Fields said. "I don't know him. I wasn't friends with him."

Robert Nunnery

"You got me," said Robert Nunnery when asked by Insider whether he knew Epstein. "I'm surprised somebody hasn't called me before. I knew him."
Nunnery's entry in the address book indicates that he was a US Customs agent and lists addresses in Manhattan and Tenafly, New Jersey, as well as five phone numbers.
Nunnery was cagey when asked about his relationship with Epstein and asked to read Insider's previous coverage to see if it was "fair" before submitting to an interview. He said he was an NYPD officer and federal agent — he demurred when asked if he was a customs agent — for 31 years. "I never knew about any of these things," he said when asked if he ever witnessed Epstein around underage girls. "I knew he liked women."
After being sent some examples of Insider's coverage of Epstein for review, Nunnery did not respond to follow-up requests for comment.

Stanley Shopkorn

Shopkorn is a longtime portfolio manager once described by Jim Cramer as "a legendary trader." He was a managing director at Salomon Brothers in the 1980s, where, according to The Wall Street Journal, he "embodied the firm's swaggering, risk-taking culture." Shopkorn went on to found the hedge fund Hilltop Park Associates, and once owned the modernist Hamptons residence that the character Gordon Gekko occupied in "Wall Street." ... b081c.webp

Stanley Shopkorn in 2013. Steve Zak/Getty Images

Shopkorn shows up in Epstein's book as a managing director of Ethos Capital Management, a hedge fund he used to run. (There is an unrelated private-equity firm by the same name.) The book has his business and home addresses, as well as four phone numbers.
"I really had no relationship with him," Shopkorn said in an interview. "I ran some of his money for whoever he was running money for. He was a legitimate client." Shopkorn had no recollection of how much money Epstein invested through him, though he said "he wasn't a large client," adding, "it was probably Wexner's money." Shopkorn said their only conversations were about investment performance.

Steve Ruchevsky

Ruchevsky is a former attorney and biotechnology investor who also founded the Resilience Music Alliance, an independent music label. He told Insider that he knew Epstein because when he was a lawyer he was representing a friend of Epstein's in a divorce case. He declined to identify the client.
"She looked to him for guidance," Ruchevsky said. "I met with him three or four times in the 1995 to 1997 time frame. I always thought, 'Who is this guy?' I never developed a relationship with him. I thought of him like Gatsby. He flitted in and flitted out. I didn't know him well enough to know what was going on in all the other parts of his life."

Ellen Susman

Ellen Susman, listed in Epstein's address book as Ellie Fox, said she was introduced to Epstein by financier Skip Stein at the Aspen Institute, where she hosted and produced a show. Susman said in her limited interactions, Epstein seemed like a "charming person."
In the 1990s, Susman did some real-estate work in addition to her duties with the Aspen Institute. She showed Epstein a home he liked in Aspen, then told him he shouldn't make an offer because he hated the mountain town. The advice surprised Epstein — he said no one had counseled him not to spend money. ... 05348.webp

William and Ann Nitze

Aspen Institute trustee William Nitze told Insider he did not know Epstein personally, but his wife, Ann Nitze, met Epstein in Aspen years ago. "My wife did know Jeffrey socially. We didn't do anything with him financially or otherwise," Nitze said.
Ann Nitze, a private art dealer and former trustee at the Santa Fe Institute — a scientific research think tank that received more than $275,000 in funding from Epstein — told Insider she had met Epstein on only one occasion, at a Christmas party in Aspen. Nitze could not recall the year but believed she was with Murray Gell-Mann at the event. Gell-Mann, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who cofounded the Santa Fe Institute, appears in Epstein's previously known address book.

Les Gelb

Gelb, who died in 2019, was a legendary New York Times columnist, correspondent, and editor who later became president of the Council on Foreign Relations, where Epstein was a member. His entry in Epstein's book includes two apparent work phone numbers, a home number, and a fax number.
His son, Adam Gelb, did not respond to an email seeking comment on his father's relationship with Epstein.

Ron Daniel

Daniel was the managing director of consulting giant McKinsey & Co. and served as the treasurer of Harvard University. He's listed in Epstein's book under his Harvard affiliation, and his entry contains five phone numbers, including a direct line to his secretary.
In an email, a McKinsey spokesperson said Daniel denied ever meeting Epstein. "I checked with Ron on this, and he says that he has never met Epstein."

Sandy Warner

Douglas "Sandy" Warner was the chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan until 2000, when he successfully oversaw the bank's sale to Chase Manhattan. His office address and work number appear in the book. A message sent through the Yale Corp., from which Warner recently retired as a member, was not returned.

Cyril Fung

Fung, an 82-year-old venture capitalist in Hong Kong, told Insider that he met Epstein at a dinner when he was living in New York City and working at Morgan Guaranty Trust, a predecessor to J.P. Morgan Chase.
"A bunch of us from good families from many countries (mostly men) used to get together for drinks and dinner," Fung wrote in an email to Insider. "At one dinner, one of the guys brought along his friend Jeffrey who just joined Bear Stearns. When Jeffrey learned that I was from Hong Kong and probably knew many of the wealthy families there, he tried to get close to me, but I never liked him. He was just too slick."
Fung described Epstein as a "taker" rather than a giver, and told Insider "[Epstein] was not my cup of tea." "I don't know how he got a hold of my address," Fung said. "I myself had more than 700 names in my address book, but they are people who are first-name-basis friends."

Other notables

Others in the finance world knew Epstein casually, typically through shared clients. All said they hadn't heard from Epstein in decades. Broker Ken Lipper, who managed Les Wexner's money, sent Epstein — a Wexner trustee — reports about the work. Elliot Levine, an accountant, worked briefly for another client for whom Epstein managed assets.
Epstein was "very good at structuring creative structures to shield income," Levine said. "He was not unintelligent." But he "was a very controlling person" and "he liked everyone reporting to him."
Marius Fortelni, a New York real-estate developer, told Insider he hadn't seen Epstein since the '90s and hung up the phone. Michael Cutlip, a former HSBC banker, also hung up when a reporter inquired about Epstein.
Some entries, such as Horace "Woody" Brock, an economics consultant, said they didn't recall ever meeting Epstein, so they were surprised to see their contact information in his book. Nina Pustilnik, a tech executive who worked in finance in the '90s, said she had no idea why her name would be listed and asked that Insider stop contacting her. An assistant for CEO and Playboy heiress Christie Hefner said the pair never met, though both attended the Michigan summer music camp Interlochen in the late 1960s.
Other entries of note include Manhattan socialite Elena Hahn, who founded Lia Sophia Cosmetics with her husband, Tory Kiam, heir to the Remington blade fortune, and who declined to comment when reached by phone; Joan Severance, a former model and actress who appeared in such films as "Black Scorpion" and "The Last Seduction II"; Laurie Durning, a former actress who was married to Pink Floyd's Roger Waters; and Tiffany Burns, a former local television news reporter in Vermont who now runs a home-improvement business in Canada.
Susan Thomases, a former attorney who served as an adviser to the 1992 Clinton campaign and personal counsel to Hillary Clinton, could not be reached for comment. Nor could former model Cathy Tolbert or former HSBC banker Gabriel Perahia. ... 2850a.webp

Messages left for Elena Barmakova, a financial consultant and former Miss USSR finalist, the socialite Heidi Holterbosch, and Ohio-based Pamela Stephens were not returned.
Representatives for financiers Bernard Sabrier, David Bonderman, Gerry McNamara, and William Elkus declined to comment.
The address book, which is fully searchable in a database below, will be returned to its most recent owner, Chris Helali of Vermont, who plans to move it to a more secure location. He hopes to make it accessible to journalists and researchers down the line. "I'd like the book to be safeguarded," Helali said. "It's a testament, that people can touch and see, to the monster that was Jeffrey Epstein."

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Re: Business Insider says they've obtained—and authenticated—a second little black book from 1997 that belonged to Epste

Post by brwn »

Can anyone point me in a direction of any other sites like voat that talk openly about pizzagate ?
Thks so much
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