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Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:27 am
by Artemis is making the same anti-accountability changes other sites have been despised for. See earlier posts too.

Before, only the search feature for individual subs/subverses (/s/[subname]/subsearch or[subname]/posts_search/[query]) required login. But now, the normal search feature does too.

This is also a kiked trend (see Instagram, which now demands logging in to view anything).

When went down, SearchVoat kept the history. But who will archive once it starts circling the drain?

As a side note, is by far functionally superior compared to's search feature. Sophisticated filtering by date, user, etc., and even comment search, various output formats, while just has simple title search. wants donations. But how are donors supposed to know whether and how long the site will stay loyal and true to its proclaimed purpose? Because since February 8, 2021, it has increasingly failed to do so, even though it started out promising.

AOU's persistent ad-hominem attacks (i.e. "whining") rather than reasoning were already a warning sign of poor administratorship for some time. But another shady observation that adds to it is that users are accused with variations of "ban evasion", which is another concept/buzzword invented by kike sites to shut down criticism, as it is not verifiable from outside. It is the same kind of stuff that Reddit and Wikipedia do, to evade having to handle criticism.

From this thread (archive):
Quick-fingers wrote:He was also accused by AOU [...] of using alts, which he provided no evidence for. In fact Tallest called out others for using similarly spelled names. Plus the misspelled ones didn't reply the way he did, with long ass paragraphs. So there's more evidence against Tallest using alts than there is for it.
AOU wrote: Oy Vey, Shlomo! Why are you using an alt to kvetch? Too scared to use your original account?
Quick-fingers wrote: On the plus side I can now confirm you are 100% a liar as I have never made a poal account before.
And AOU's highly intellectual and logical response?
AOU wrote: Bwahahahahahaha niggah plz.
If is a solution to anything, I want the problem back.

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:03 am
by Tallest_Skil
For the record, I’ve not been back to Poal since my ban, nor have I ever run multiple accounts on it or any other site.

Edit: I am Tallest_Skil on Get wrecked, Lordbananafist.

Edit 2: I am TallestSkil on, as well.

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:02 am
by kestrel9
Good time for a shout out "Thank you!" to @SearchVoat. Thanks SearchVoat!

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:49 pm
by MadWorld
How bad is poal's search quality?

If I remember correctly, someone mentioned that AOU disabled poal's API, because some users were using it to record votes/comments to expose admin's manipulation of votes. I meant algorithms :lol: :lol: Is their API still disabled?

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:06 pm
by Deleted User 146629
I was quick fingers btw, that post I made had some 14+ likes and was gaining, but I think AOU started deleting the likes or banned the people who liked it. He then banned me, so I switched my VPN to call him a faggot. He has to manually ban people which suggested to me he can't track alts, rather I know he can't otherwise he would have banned me as soon as I posted for breaking his tos (using alts to bother people).

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:42 pm
by Deleted User 2149
Fuck poal

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:44 pm
by Deleted User 2149
Tallest_Skil wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:03 am For the record, I’ve not been back to Poal since my ban, nor have I ever run multiple accounts on it or any other site.
What were you banned for?

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:10 pm
by Tallest_Skil
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:44 pm
Tallest_Skil wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:03 am For the record, I’ve not been back to Poal since my ban, nor have I ever run multiple accounts on it or any other site.
What were you banned for?
“Having multiple accounts to vote manipulate” simply because other users were upvoting me. Also “incitement to violence” because I wrote ‘kill all faggots’ (and nothing else) as though that’s not the only fate they deserve.

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:33 pm
by Deleted User 2149
That's retarded. I've noticed "incitement to violence" is a new catchphrase. The other day I was perusing the channel of a guy who gives advice on legal matters, just ways to stop paying unlawful taxes, that sort of thing.
When I wanted to check out his latest vid on bitchute, it had been removed for "incitement to violence".

Re: Update: now requires login. Site is increasingly locking down. Endangered history.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:41 pm
by MrPancake
Unpopular opinion: I like Poal.