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Report of the German commission (on Kentler project): Poland was the target of pedophiles

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:16 pm
by Heisenberg123
Kentler project was Berlin's government project placing children with pedophiles thinking that they would make perfect parents: ... a-53814208

And investigation continues in Germany linking the scandal to more and more facts - perhaps some international connections are now surfacing showing how Kentler project was linked to international human trafficking. I've found this Polish article, run with Google translation:

A German report on the Kentler experiment revealed that in the 1990s, the destination of tourism offering sex with minors was, among others, Poland. - This means that in our country there had to be a network capable of responding to the needs from beyond the western border - says Adam Żak, Jesuit, head of the Child Protection Center in an interview with Interia. Is this still happening?

What is the Kentler experiment about? Helmut Kentler, who died in 2008, is a psychologist, pedagogue and sexologist who promoted in Germany the idea of ​​putting homeless children under the care of pedophiles. His idea was approved by the authorities of West Berlin. The practice lasted from the beginning of the 1970s to 2000 and was financed with public money.

Children taken from pathological families or living unaccompanied on the street were sent to single foster parents who had been imprisoned for sexual offenses. Kentler argued that pedophiles would love and care for minors who have experienced a difficult life on the street, and with it, violence, hunger, prostitution and drugs. This was to help in the rehabilitation process. And the problem of child homelessness in West Berlin was big. A symbolic place was the neighborhood at the "Zoological Garden" train station. The life of "zoo station children" is described in a famous book, then a film and a series.

Network of connections

And so, for 30 years - with the consent of the Berlin Senate - the practice of deliberately putting children into the hands of pedophiles, paid from public funds, was ongoing. Until now, the number of people harmed in this way remains unknown.

Germany is trying to deal with a difficult past. There is an independent commission on child sexual abuse, and scientists associated with the University of Hildesheim have prepared another report on the Kentler experiment. New cases are coming to light - the latest documents no longer focus on the experiment itself, but on recreating the network of organizations promoting pedophilia.

For sex with children in Poland?

There is also the thread of our country.

In the document - the third report in a row - a note from the discussion of members of the so-called a working group of pedophiles who were planning a meeting. Location: Berlin halls of the Federal Association for Homosexuality (BVH). Purpose: exchange of experiences. Topics: the criminal law situation, Berlin places where you can have sex with minors for a fee, and "approach to sex tourism". The last point refers to "travel reports", incl. to Poland.

The note is from the mid-1990s. According to Adam Żak, a Jesuit, head of the Children's Protection Center, this means the existence of a well-organized network in Poland capable of providing an appropriate "offer" for interested "tourists".

- The report of a major commission shows that, inter alia, our country was the destination of tourism offering sex with minors. Is it still there? The case of Kentler and pedophile networks in Germany is a development issue - he says in an interview with Interia. As he emphasizes, it is necessary to thoroughly examine this topic by the Polish services. - The Germans will not do it for us - he comments.

We ask Błażej Kmieciak, chairman of the pedophilia investigation committee, about the Polish thread in the German report. "We haven't researched this aspect so far," he says.

The police comment on the matter briefly. - We did not receive any information about this practice from the German side - said the chief inspector. Tomasz Szyda, acting head of the department for combating trafficking in human beings of the criminal office of the Police Headquarters.

Slavery of our time

Agata Witkowska from the Czas Wolności Foundation, which deals with helping people forced into prostitution, points out that this problem certainly exists in our country, but it is very poorly researched. - Human trafficking in Poland started to be talked about around 2000, unfortunately, today the majority of society still believes that this crime does not occur in Poland, and that the mid-90s is completely shrouded in mystery - says Interia.

Are children in Poland the victims of commercial sexual exploitation today? - Yes. Every tenth victim of the sex business is 13-15 years old. We are not Thailand or Cambodia, where no one is surprised that you can buy a sex trip, but that does not mean that there is no problem. For example, during the Euro 2012 organized by Poland and Ukraine, we observed an increased "offer" of sexual services - comments Witkowska.

- The truth about the sex industry is so brutal that people refuse to believe it. I think that this reality is well reflected in Patryk Vega's film "Eyes of the devil", but please read the comments. People think that such horrible things can't happen. And they are happening - he adds. As he says, slavery of our time does not have handcuffs. - Sexually abused people are blackmailed. Suffice it to say: we have your films, we will show them at your school. Or: we will show your child - he comments.
Source: ... Id,5288348

Interestingly main Pizzagate players were very interested in making business in Berlin as we can see here with James Alefantis case: ... =pizzagate ... =pizzagate ... =pizzagate

This topic is interesting in this context too:

Connections to Poland on the other hand were highlighted in this post made in thread about Dutroux whereabouts case, both Dutroux and Tony, the pimp of famous victim of Dutroux network were linked to Poland by travel/business: viewtopic.php?p=9553#p9553