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Judith Barsi Case Part 38: Follow the Wives.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:53 am
by darkknight111
For those who are new, Judith Barsi was a child actress who was a victim of Pedowood. Be warned, for anyone who was born during the mid 80’s or earlier, this can be a very emotionally painful lead to look into. 1/1/2018 was the day pizzagate got personal. The CDAN Blind Item that started it all. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Looks into the Gematria related to Judith’s death. Part 27 Looks into more NIMH dirt and All Dogs Go to Heaven for potential clues. Part 28 Digs into connections between this case and other cases voat was looking into. Part 29 New piece of evidence and financial ties between Pedowood and the DNC. Part 30 Digs into the murder weapon and the howdunnit of the 2nd incident. Part 31. Digs into Wes Craven and proves the 2nd part of Enty’s blind item. Part 32. The culprits in this case have close ties to elites connected to high profile crimes. Part 33. Connects the Bronfmans to the Velvet Mafia and MOSSAD

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=710 Part 34. Covers the Bronfman business empire and finds a link between them and covid 19.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1840 Part 35. David Geffen connections to this case.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2393&p=8510#p8510 Part 36. Digs into the Bronfman connections to censorship we face.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2636 Part 37. Digs into Bohemian Grove connections.

In this chapter, I look back at something Renegade Anon said about there always being a female accomplice in Hollywood pedo rings. The key accomplice to Steven Speilberg’s pedo ring may have been under our rader this whole time. Also found a Speilberg linked non profit group with major red flags along with Edgar Bronfman Jr’s connections to NXIVM. ... f_amp=true Kathleen Kennedy (yes, THAT bitch currently ruining Star Wars via inserting wokeness) and Frank Marshall potentially involved in the Twilight Zone (1983) incident. ... 43b1a884f1 The trio were also part of the Amazing Stories project. ... (producer) If pedo rings often have a woman as an accomplice, then we may have found the female accomplice to Spielberg’s pedo ring. One of the three core members of Amblin along with Frank Marshall. She at first was a secretary due to her organizational skills. Also connected to George Lucas. She is also the wife of Frank Marshall, a suspect in the Heather O’Rourke case. Follow the wives indeed. A secretary of course is involved in relaying information and correspondance. ... _=m_nmfm_1 Yep, connected to ALL the movies Spielberg’s crew is suspected of molesting kids in. ... ars-880833 Her Force for Change campaign was mainly for providing funds for UNICEF. ... s-9RNYMAO/ Edgar Bronfman and his offspring KNEW about NXIVM and the evils they were doing and chose to do nothing. Not only that, they funded the NXIVM defense team and corrupt cops that covered up NXIVM’s crimes for so long. Edgar Bronfman Jr is an accomplice to the NXIVM case. The Bronfmans may have also been involved in bogus CPS investigations. Possible ties to Mexican organized crime. ... twork/amp/ Children’s Action Network (CAN) is founded by Steven Spielberg, Sid Sheinberg, and Henry Winkler. Have connections to the foster care system (known front for pizzagate). ... on-network Ties to the Clinton Foundation. ... 4EE0FNhtYQ Wasserman Foundation has ties to CAN, Clinton Foundation, and HRW (another Spielberg linked group).

Working Theory:
-1st incident: Twilight Zone (TV Series) Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Wes Craven. Accomplice: Judith's mother. Witness: Clare Torao. 7/19/85-8/26/95. Culver City, CA.

-2nd Incident: Jaws the Revenge. Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Sidney Sheinberg, Joseph Sargent. Witness: Fritzi Jane Courtney. Timeline: February-May 1987 Accomplice: Adria Later, Lorraine Gary, Judith’s mother. 2/9/1987-3/18/87, Bahamas.

-The Murder: Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Mike Rosenfeld, Edgar Bronfman Jr, Sid Sheinberg (conspirators), Jewish Mafia (carrier, most likely a sect with ties to Bronfmans), Danny Kapon. Jozseph Barsi was an abusive scumbag who deserves to burn in hell, but he was not the killer. He was however, the perfect patsy for the crime. "The most effective lies are based off a truth." The perfect patsy is someone that is already suspect and who's character one would expect to pull off the crime. I suspect between 3 and 4 assailants.

Motive: I suspect it was because whatever programing Pedowood does via sexual abuse didn't take (her heart was too strong) so she had to be silenced. Also I suspect the sickos wanted to harvest the public's emotional energy by triggering a mass grief/despair event (by murdering a child who was so beloved by the country).

Accomplices: LAPD, the media, CAA, Jack Dorsey, David Brock, Ben Collins, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Jonah Peretti, Fredrick Brennan, Kathleen Kennedy.

Timeline of the murder: May 1988. Judith Barsi has a breakdown during a singing audition for All Dogs Go to Heaven. Judith’s fate was basically sealed by that breakdown, for that was the origins of the ensuing murder plan. The abuse and threats at the hands of Josepz Barsi would become tools to carry out the “murder suicide” by enacting the murder plan to match those very words, including burning the house down, using Fatal Vision as a template.

The most likely time of the murder was sometime between 12 AM-4 AM, 7/27/1988 (which would match Grand Climax). The killers broke into the house in 7/25. Since a sacrifice is likely, I believe the family was drugged/sedated for much of 7/26. The culprits killed them via gun shot on 7/27 as per a hollywood hit as part of the "murder suicide" angle that would be sold to the public. The bodies were moved post morteum. The culprits doused gasoline throughout the house starting from Judith’s room and ending at the garage. Since the fire happend on 8:30 AM, this means that its likely that a set up was done. Possibly via a "Ryuguu Gas Bomb". Ie, incendiary bomb involving gasoline, fumes and an ignition source set to go off at a specific time (even an egg timer could be wired as such). Of course the fire destroys the evidence. An autopsy report was never given for Jozesph Barsi.

Murder Weapons: Pistol with silencer, gasoline based incendiary bomb set up.

Post Murder: 7/27/1988. Don Bluth possibly threatened in regards to Judith Barsi’s death?

Re: Judith Barsi Case Part 38: Follow the Wives.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 11:45 am
by MercurysBall2
<..If pedo rings often have a woman as an accomplice, then we may have found the female accomplice to Spielberg’s pedo ring. ..>

I have another candidate for you: Barbara Broccoli.. producer of the Bond films and definitely MI6 connected..
The UK film industry needs more diversity to prevent a skills shortage, says a report backed by Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy and James Bond producer Barbara Broccoli.
Her father was Albert R. Broccoli
Albert Romolo Broccoli (/ˈbrɒk.ə.li/ BROK-ə-lee;[1] April 5, 1909 – June 27, 1996), nicknamed "Cubby", was an American film producer who made more than 40 motion pictures throughout his career. Most of the films were made in the United Kingdom and often filmed at Pinewood Studios. Co-founder of Danjaq, LLC and Eon Productions, Broccoli is most notable as the producer of many of the James Bond films...

Broccoli was born in the borough of Queens, New York City, the younger of two children of immigrants from the Calabria region of Italy, Giovanni Broccoli and Kristina Vence.[2] He acquired his nickname after his cousin, mobster Pat DiCicco, began calling him "Kabibble," after a similarly-named cartoon character. This was eventually shortened to "Kubbie" and adopted by Broccoli as "Cubby."[2] The family later bought a farm in Smithtown, New York, on Long Island,[3] near their relatives the DiCiccos.[4]

The family moved to Florida, and on the death of his father Giovanni, Broccoli moved to live with his grandmother in Astoria, Queens, in New York City. Having worked many jobs, including casket maker, Broccoli then became involved in the film industry. He started at the bottom, working as a gofer on Howard Hughes' The Outlaw (1941), which starred Jane Russell. Here he met his lifelong friend Howard Hughes for the first time, while Hughes was overseeing the movie's production after director Howard Hawks was fired. Broccoli rose quickly to the level of assistant director by the time the U.S. entered World War II...

At the beginning of the 1950s, Broccoli moved once more, this time to London, where the British government provided subsidies to film productions made in the UK with British casts and crews. Together with Irving Allen, Broccoli formed Warwick Films, which made a prolific and successful series of films for Columbia Pictures.
Prince Charles and Barbara Broccoli pictures ... ctures/pro

The Prince Of Wales Visits The James Bond Set - SKYFALL ... s+Bond+Set

Re: Judith Barsi Case Part 38: Follow the Wives.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 12:03 pm
by MercurysBall2
Spielberg had a special relationship with a special part of London. (That's the kind of information that was lost when the David Icke forums were redesigned .. yah know..)

Secrets of the Red Brick House
This converted electricity substation once had a close encounter with Stephen Spielberg. And now the price has dropped by £1m, it looks even more intriguing. Cheryl Markosky investigates..

The Red Brick House looks pretty inconspicuous, tucked down a sleepy mews in Little Venice. From the front, a passer-by might think it is a simple flat or, at most, a humble townhouse. The only hint of grandeur is the arch over the carport and subtle electronic black metal gates that screen "us" from "them"...

In fact, an acclaimed Hollywood name and a prominent businessman have already hidden successfully behind the red-brick walls of the former Marylebone Electrical Supply Company, unnoticed by the public and paparazzi. Director Stephen Spielberg lived here, as did South African gaming entrepreneur Sol Kerzner and his family.

It was Kerzner who converted the industrial space from its working Victorian origins into an exceedingly friendly and spacious family home. "He wanted somewhere to live with his family that was not in the public eye," explains James Simpson from Knight Frank's St John's Wood office, the agent selling this unusual property. "It is quite a trophy house, but also is discreet."

Its novelty value - "there aren't too many converted substations in St John's Wood," Simpson points out - and its size makes the secluded, low-built building an attractive proposition. The current owners - who do not want to be identified - thought it was worth taking a punt and put it on the market initially at £5m. As it has not yet been snapped up by a multi-millionaire, however, they have dropped the price by a cool million. Offers are now invited in the region of £4m.
Re Sol Kerzner

Lord Tim Bell, PR guru of Bell Pottinger, and his propaganda wars. He lived in HAMPSTEAD near THAT school. Guess what he was once arrested for...
The socialite who fell to earth: Stupendously rich after divorcing a billionaire, Heather Kerzner led a gilded life... then Fergie introduced her to the now shamed PR firm Bell Pottinger and it all started going wrong ... wrong.html

The duchess had added two of her friends to the guest list that night: PR company boss James Henderson and Heather Kerzner, vivacious ex-wife of pint-sized South African hotels and casino magnate Sol Kerzner.

Ever since 2010, when her royal life reached its lowest ebb after a newspaper ‘sting’ in which she offered to sell access to Prince Andrew, her ex-husband, in return for £500,000, the Duchess had relied on Henderson, chief executive of world-famous PR firm Bell Pottinger, to rebuild her reputation.

Settling in London soon after their wedding, Heather began rubbing shoulders with an international crowd, ex U.S. president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, South Africa’s former president Nelson Mandela and Hollywood stars like Robert De Niro. The following year, her 41st birthday celebration at Annabel’s nightclub, was notorious for the fracas between actor Hugh Grant and PR man Matthew Freud.

Meanwhile, Heather was soon becoming a familiar figure at Bell Pottinger events. At its summer party in June at Lancaster House, next door to St James’s Palace, Heather glided easily among the guests, including politicians such as David Davies, Nigel Farage and Viscount Astor (Samantha Cameron’s stepfather), media figures like ITV’s Robert Peston and, of course, the Duchess of York.

..Apparently Lord Bell lives in HAMPSTEAD in a flat overlooking the Heath. And, it's very close to the primary school that is/was at the centre of the Hampstead children's case

In 1977 he was arrested for 'exposing' himself :
More about that at this link

nterestingly, he also lives near to a place called Heath Lodge. .. also connected to the Hampstead case and a business which does work for the Royal family and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) :

Hampstead investigators: anyone checked out Santa Fe Relocations Services, London? They work with Homeland Security, witness protection, visas. relevance in the description
School trustee Paul Evans is currently Chairman of Momentous Relocation, for moving fine art around. Under the AGM Group umbrella his businesses have been movers for Prince Charles and Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher.