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MI6 boss reveals secret service will be hiring a new 'Q' - yawn, I've been waiting for this since 2012

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:47 am
by MercurysBall2
MI6 boss reveals secret service will be hiring a new 'Q' - and it could be you ... e-20463742
The head of MI6 has revealed the service will be taking its lead from fiction - and hiring for someone to fill the role of 'Q'.
Q, as many of those who enjoy the James Bond franchise will know, is the head of Q Branch, the research and development division of MI6.
They told us that they would do this back at the London 2012 Olympics.. that occult ritual. As I've explained before this was the first time, at least at such a global spectacle, that a person with such gravitas took center stage with a fictional character.. James Bond. Daniel Lewis appeared with the Queen, not as himself but as the character James Bond, thereby blurring the line between reality and fantasy. As someone who watches the media closely (and I've had some training), I knew then this was highly significant. 6:15 video *cough*
phpBB [video]
There's a lot of symbology in that video. Examples: the black gloves of the Queen. The Ferris wheel. The people caught in one of it's bubbles, I mean the people waving from one of it's capsules. The Churchill statue. The dome of St Paul's cathedral. The No. 1 Poultry building. At circa 3:30m the BBC commentator says "Well, they're heading East" just as the helicopter flies through Tower Bridge under the Borromeo rings, I mean Olympic rings.

Maybe I'll repeat what we've already written about the ferris wheel, the dome of St Paul's, the No. 1 Poultry building and the Borromeo rings in the comments below but for now I'll just look at the black gloves coz I've just looked that up. ... olors.html
Colors of the SEVENTH CLASS 28 - 30 degrees of the Scottish Rite
These six degrees are the culmination of the "Scottish" system. The first three are related to the Kadosh degree (Knight Kadosh), one of the fundamental Scottish degrees which served for a time as the highest degree of the canon preceding the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. In these degrees no aprons are used. The use of black gloves in the 29° and 30° contrasts with the white gloves used in the next three degrees. The black gloves are related, of course, to the theme of death and vengeance of the Kadosh. The last three Scottish Rite Degrees are known as Administrative Degrees, although this is not entirely correct, since the 32°, Master (or Prince) of the Royal Secret, encompasses the entire Scottish Rite scale of degrees in a coherent and logical system. Again, in these degrees the apron is no longer used, perhaps to indicate that when reaching this level of development, the Mason no longer works physically, but only conceptually.
Knight Kadosh
The Knight Kadosh is a Freemasonic degree or ceremony of initiation performed by certain branches of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (or simply, "Scottish Rite"). It is the Thirtieth Degree of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for the United States of America,[1] and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada.[2] The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, does not confer a degree entitled "Knight Kadosh." Instead its thirtieth degree is entitled "Grand Inspector."

The term "Kadosh" is derived from the Hebrew word "קדוש", which means holy or consecrated.[4] "Kadosh" and "Knight Kadosh" is often abbreviated in masonic documents as "K--H∴"[5] and "K∴K∴D∴H"..

..In 1801, the first and oldest Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite was founded in Charleston, South Carolina. This body adopted many of the degrees of the Council of Emperors of the East and West, including that of "Knight Kadosh." The "Knight Kadosh" degree was adopted as the thirtieth degree and was simply titled "Knight Kadosh."[8][10] The degree received a substantial re-write in the 1850s when Albert Pike was Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. It was further revised in 2000..

The Knight Kadosh degree is occasionally accused of being anti-Catholic. The 1918 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia stated that, in the ceremony in use in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the United States, purported to have been written by Albert Pike, the Papal tiara is trampled during the initiation.[14] This allegation does not appear in any subsequent editions of the Catholic Encyclopedia,[15] although it was repeated by Father William Saunders in the Arlington Catholic Herald in 1996.

Neither the Catholic Encyclopedia's nor Father Saunders' account agrees with Pike's earliest version of the ritual, which includes neither trampling or stabbing a skull and no mention of papal tiaras at all.[17] However, this earliest Pike revision of the Scottish Rite degree rituals, publicly available as "The Magnum Opus or Great Work," was not adopted by the Rite's Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and thus was never practiced in that jurisdiction or any other Scottish Rite jurisdiction recognized by it. Whether these elements are included in the current official version of the ritual or in earlier official versions is not disclosed to non-members.

Pike's book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry does mention hostility to the papal tiara by the historical Knights Templar when discussing the Kadosh degree;[18] however, this is Pike's commentary on the degree and is not part of the degree itself.
Knight of Kadosh, or Knight of the White & Black Eagle - 30TH Masonic Scottish Rite FreeMason 30th Degree Lapel Tie OR Hat Pin
Image Black and white double-headed eagle of the Scottish Rite. Source: ... 16935.html

Things are never black and white, when you're dealing with the Scottish Rite

An old twitter account called Knight Kadosh with 3 followers: connected to the video game Ingress ... xI5oQSVZeA

which I'll explore elsewhere, for now:
Ingress (or Ingress Prime) is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game developed and published by Niantic for Android and iOS devices. The game first released on December 14, 2013 for Android devices and then for iOS devices on July 14, 2014...

Setting and plot
An unknown, transdimensional force called Exotic Matter (XM) was discovered as a byproduct of the Higgs boson research (Large Hadron Collider) by a team of scientists at CERN in Switzerland.[8][9] This substance has been associated with the Shapers, a mysterious phenomenon or alien race.[10]

Within the game, human reactions to this discovery fall into two factions known as the Enlightened and the Resistance. The Enlightened faction embrace the powers of XM to transcend mankind and believe their mission is to assist in the enlightenment of mankind by harnessing this energy. The Resistance faction see XM as a potential threat to humanity and believe their mission is to defend the human race by resisting the effects of those seeking to control others with XM...
John Hanke
..founder and current CEO of Niantic, Inc., a software company spun out of Google and the creator of Pokémon Go. Hanke previously led Google's Geo Product division, which includes Google Earth, Google Maps, StreetView, SketchUp, and Panoramio.

In his first post-college role, he spent four years with the United States Foreign Service in Washington, DC and overseas in Myanmar working on foreign policy issues...

Hanke became the co-founder and CEO of geospatial data visualization firm Keyhole in 2001.[8] Early funding was provided by the corporate venture group within Sony, and the startup was able to garner significant attention from the use of their mapping technology in media reporting overlays during the early parts of the Iraq War.[4] Keyhole's mapping technology was also noted by Google co-founder Sergey Brin, and Google acquired Keyhole in 2004 in a deal worth $35 million in stock...

Hanke joined Google as a part of Keyhole's acquisition, and he became the Vice President of Product Management for Google Geo division.[3] During this period, he oversaw the transformation of Keyhole's technology into Google Earth and Google Maps in 2005. He also negotiated an agreement with Apple to include Google Maps on the iPhone.[9] Other significant products followed, including StreetView, SketchUp, and Panoramio. During this period, he shaped the team he would later use to found Niantic..
On Tuesday (AEST), US news website Gawker alleged [Pokemon Go]'s creator, Niantec, was linked to the CIA. This followed reports spawned by blogger Adam Reeve claiming Pokemon Go commanded a list of intrusive tracking permissions for gameplay. John Hanke is Niantec’s CEO. He created software called Keyhole in 2001 and Gawker based much of its theory on Mr Hanke’s business dealings.

Keyhole was funded by a CIA venture capital firm. Most of the money used to fund Keyhole came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Surprise me not.

Niantic Labs CEO posts a teaser image of some AR glasses ... 10953.html

Augmented reality. That's how they are going to get people to completely lose their minds. MIT Media Lab has been working hard on hyperreality technologies based on what they've learned from psychedelic drug trips.

Re: MI6 boss reveals secret service will be hiring a new 'Q' - yawn, I've been waiting for this since 2012

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 10:19 am
by MercurysBall2
John Hanke's Mobile World Congress 2019 keynote: The biggest paradigm shift in mobile computing
phpBB [video]
He's excited about 5G.

Niantic Inc. and Knight Foundation Host Inaugural Augmenting Cities Conference
At Niantic, we are constantly exploring new and innovative ways to leverage the latest Augmented Reality (AR) technology to positively impact communities. AR is already influencing how people behave and move around their neighborhoods and cities, so we set out to create a discussion around what the future Augmented City will look like, asking, “How can collaboration help us shape the future we want to see?”

Re Knight Foundation:

The Shriners, Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters, the Lucis Trust, the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and Dyncorp
..The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is an initiative proposed by the President of the Government of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, at the 59th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 2005. It was co-sponsored by the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan...

..Mozilla participates in the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations[1] which is run by Islamists.[2][3][4] Mozilla's representative is Sydette Harry of the Coral Project which is an alliance of Mozilla, the Berkman Center, the New York Times, and the Washington Post to "give publishers the ability to better understand their contributors and control the level of discourse on their sites."..

The Coral Project is led by staff from Knight-Mozilla OpenNews, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture
..The Sunlight Foundation's donors include the Open Society Foundations, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Omidyar Network, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation..
The Sunlight Foundation was founded by Ellen S. Miller and Michael R. Klein.. Mr. Klein is also a director of ASTAR Air Cargo, Inc...

CEO of the Knight Foundation Alberto Ibarguen
Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2431
Google went into the Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead UK ...Y Combinator and Google's influence in the education sphere.....

Make School is redesigning college for the 21st century
Make School is funded by Learn Capital, Y Combinator, Mitch Kapor, Alexis Ohanian, Tim Draper and others.
In 1990 with John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore, Mitch Kapor co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation..In 2003, Kapor became the founding chair of the Mozilla Foundation > Sunlight Foundation > Knight Foundation

Stewart Brand, Long Now; Mitch Kapor at THE EDGE SCIENCE DINNER 2003

Re: MI6 boss reveals secret service will be hiring a new 'Q' - yawn, I've been waiting for this since 2012

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 5:44 pm
by TheTruth

Reminder 1 - Knight Foundation was a key partner with Zuckerberg and CTCL to manipulate elections in the key swing states.

Reminder 2 - Racine, Wisconsin was the model pivot district used to get the “Famous Wisconsin Five” districts on board with the election agenda as the model for the other states.

Reminder 3 - The daughter of the founder of the Knight Foundation, James Knight, lives in Racine. Her name is Marjorie Crane.

Reminder 4 - The Knight Foundation helped fund a corrupt alternative news media outlet in Racine called the Racine County Eye.

Reminder 5 - NPR was also established in Racine. Why was Knight Foundation pushing to remove their public funding when they funded NPR multimedia training? How is Knight Foundation connected with other groups including Brookings Institution?

Reminder 6 - What are the “Knight Communities” and where did the Foundation move from and to?

Reminder 7 - George Webb Sweigert is also from Akron, Ohio. What really happened to Jenny Moore and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after they met in Racine? Why would George claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine with Jenny? Why does he continue to refer to her as his partner when only days before she was found dead she proclaimed that she “would never trust George again”?

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.