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Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:32 pm
by MercurysBall2
I was doing some background stuff and came across this old post: Speaking in tongues
Kim Constable has set up a business teaching young children languages through play. She spoke to

It is often repeated that children absorb languages best when they are very young. Research shows that the ability to absorb new languages decreases after the age of three. That’s something Kim Constable wants to capitalise on so she has set up a business which offers language classes to young children in the form of play... She pays a franchise fee to the US company, but is not officially a franchisee.
Her company, Rainbow Garden NI employs MDSes who not only teach languages but also cultural issues since all are native speakers.
That's the Rainbow Garden Northern Ireland.. Kim with friend Allison Mack
Source: ... -workouts/

The two of them on instagram with a comment from Sara Bronfman "Love my girls!" : ... sonmack729

2018 article from the Frank Report : Kim Constable – Irish leader of NXIVM – jokes about working out in prison; shows results of badass workouts ... -workouts/
...For now, let us say hello to Kim. In addition to her NXIVM work, she is a vegan body-builder and sells courses on how to look like her. Her husband is a famous ex-athlete, Ulster rugby player Ryan Constable (46) who owns a sports management company.

They have four children: Corey (12), Kai (11), Miya (8) and Jack (6)... At one time, they all slept in the same 18-foot bed together. I am not clear where the Rainbow nannies slept.
This is Ryan Constable's sports company Esportif
Finance Director is Sam Copeman. He started there in Jan. 2021. Prior to that he was interim CFO at Chorus Intelligence Ltd.

His profile picture shows him being greeted by Queen Elizabeth II
Apparently Chorus Intelligence Ltd are "intelligence experts"

Founder and CEO Boyd Mulvey (& Author at Policing Insight)
Chorus Intelligence was founded in 2011 (then Create Intelligence) to help reduce the amount of manual processing police forces had to go through when analysing digital data such as billing records and ANPR data for an investigation.
Former American Police Chiefs to Help Chorus Deliver the Future of Digital Intelligence and Investigations in the United States Public Safety Market ... 669723.htm

Chorus Intelligence, now established in North America and one of the United Kingdom’s leading public safety digital investigation and intelligence software providers, announced today that Frank Rodgers and Edmund Hartnett have joined Chorus Intelligence’s board of advisors to provide strategic direction in their ambitious growth plans for wider expansion into the United States market. ...Frank Rodgers, an FBI National Academy graduate, is a former Lt. Colonel and Deputy Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police where he led the 900 detectives, analysts and scientists that made up the agency’s Investigations Branch. During his tenure he directed the development of the “Practical Guide to Intelligence Led Policing” which was published by the Center for Policing and Terrorism at the Manhattan Institute and was also recognized as the trooper of the Year for his investigative work. For the past ten years he has led his own law enforcement consulting company known as the Rodgers Group which has been contracted to assist hundreds of agencies across the country update their business practices and policies to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of law enforcement services.
Also on the Esportif team is Peter Kenyon
Peter Kenyon (born 1954 in Stalybridge, Cheshire) is a British businessman who has served as the chief executive of English Premier League football clubs Manchester United and Chelsea, where he has been involved in contentious transfer dealings.
Peter Kenyon: The Most Despicable Man In Football.. ... n-football
Kim Constable's Rainbow Cultural Garden NI Twitter account:
One of her first followers was Edgar Boone. He's been descirbed as the Tony Robbins of Mexico..

So this 2019 article explains Edgar Boone's involvement with NXIVMEdgar Boone – rebuilding Nxivm in Mexico – stands with Keith Raniere – yet lost love of his life, Sara Bronfman, to his pervy Vanguard ... -vanguard/

Of course the Mexico chapter closed down later that year: ... is-vacant/

A 2020 instagram post
"At last report, Edgar Boone is the leader of Nxivm in Mexico, although he is using various aliases to disguise the odious Nxivm name. He is the man that ruined the lives of so many Mexicans. He was the pioneer of all Mexican recruits. He has suffered no punishment for his crimes against humanity, against his country, and to this day he reportedly continues to recruit." -Virgin Cami’ Reportedly Still Under Control of Boone Brothers and Jack Levy
Jack Levy is in the real estate business : Can Real Estate Transform Mexico’s Cities? ... cos-cities

A more recent article from December 2020: Jack Levy delivers support to families in Jalisco ... sco/401973

Isn't that nice of him? Brave too.. considering.. the Jalisco New Generation Cartel ... ion_Cartel
The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (Spanish: Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación) or CJNG, formerly known as Los Mata Zetas,[11][12][13][14] is a semi-militarized Mexican criminal group based in Jalisco which is headed by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes ("El Mencho"), one of the world’s most-wanted drug lords..

..The cartel has also been known to use propaganda. The group tried to show outwardly “altruistic” actions in strategic areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. In June 2020, for example, the group distributed toys to children in communities in Veracruz where it is fighting splinter groups from Los Zetas. Members of the CJNG also delivered boxes of goods in various parts of the country, including Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city..
This tweet: ... 6629991424
Emiliano Salinas along with his partner Alejandro Betancourt and Jalisco real estate businessman Jack Levy were part of the inner circle of Keith Raniere, leader and founder of NXIVM. #AristeguiEnVivo
We have one or two posts on Betancourt.. like this one from @kestrel9 :

Fusion GPS link Derwick Associates: Venezuela's most corrupt criminal gang and multi-billion dollar kickback scheme
Fusion GPS > Derwick Associates...

..There are many things we still don't know about Derwick Associates, but there's one we do know: Alejandro Betancourt (left), Pedro Trebbau and Jeff Canon (right) swindled -at the very least- $70 million USD from the Venezuelan State...

Do readers remember Adam Kaufmann? Former New York's District Attorney's Office über prosecutor cum Derwick Associates lawyer, who went on the record, on the Wall Street Journal no less, saying "We are a transparent company and have nothing to hide"? Well, vindication's a bitch, isn't Adam? As it turns, someone has leaked documents straight from within Derwick Associates' office in Caracas, and what do we find about this "transparent company"? We find a $277 million purchase order from BARIVEN (a PDVSA subsidiary), addressed to Pedro Trebbau (one of Derwick Associates main execs) for a bunch of turbines. We also find a $207 million "Equipment Purchase Agreement" between Alejandro Betancourt (another of Derwick Associates execs) and Jeff Canon from Energy Parts Solution (a division of ProEnergy Services). What else do we find? We find that both documents refer to the same equipment and have the same date: December 30, 2009.

Which means, in Kaufmann's own words, it is "transparent" that in concurrent transactions that took place the same day Derwick Associates stole $70 million from BARIVEN.

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:00 pm
by MercurysBall2
Mike Ashley aware of former Chelsea and Manchester United chief executive Peter Kenyon's interest in taking over at Newcastle ... astle.html
Newcastle owner Mike Ashley is aware of reported interest linking Peter Kenyon with a takeover of the club...

It is reported that Kenyon is working with New York firm Rockefeller Capital Management as he attempts to secure the finances to launch a takeover bid.

..Financier Amanda Staveley attempted to attract similar investment last year but Ashley dismissed her takeover bid as a waste of time.
Who are Rockefeller Capital Management? The major players behind Peter Kenyon's bid to buy Newcastle ... r-15544278
For a start, RCM isn’t just borrowing the name of John D Rockefeller – the US’ first billionaire, who made his fortune in the oil industry. Instead has direct links to the family with David Rockefeller Jr also serving on the board. And a hedge fund – Viking Global Investors – has invested serious money in the group and hold a majority stake.

And if you look hard enough there are links to both sports teams and the UK among the people who work for the group.

Back in November 2017 RCM appointed Greg Fleming – a 55-year-old Wall Street veteran – as Chief Executive Officer a year ago as part of an ambitious five-year plans to grow their assets to $100billion. And Fleming, who has been namechecked in well-sourced reports about Kenyon’s plans for Newcastle, is an intriguing character with a long history on Wall Street. He has recent history of buying sports teams too: he was an advisor for baseball star Derek Jeter in his successful bid to buy MLB side the Miami Marlins.

According to a report in The Street, he is widely known as “Derek Jeter’s Banker” for his work on the purchase – and he holds a small stake in the team as part of the deal.

Another name linked to the group with UK ties is Lord Paul Myners – a former Treasury Minister in the Gordon Brown government.

He joined as a director in March 2018 and is understood to have played a part in RCM’s dealings with United – which are now shrouded in secrecy, partly because of the Non Disclosure Agreement signed by all interested parties.

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:28 pm
by MercurysBall2
Re Lord Myners:

9 yrs ago FT Flickr photo: Vanessa Friedman, Adrianne Shapira (Goldman Sachs) and Susan Lyne (Gilt Groupe)

In comments:

The following sent to ----312 Lords.------- House of Lords.( inc. Lord Myners.)
The following sent to ----649.M.P’s--------House of Commons.

Full story plus all documentation sent to
640.M.P’s ------- House of Commons.
460. Lords.-------House Of Lords.


Pictet & Cie Bank.

Ivan Pictet.
Nicolas Pictet.
Charles Pictet.
Jacques de Saussure.
Jean – Francois Demole.
Renaud de Planta.
Philippe Bertherat..

Pictet & Cie.- claim they are the “Rolls Royce”of Swiss banks.

Swiss Banks or more correctly Swizz banks.

Swizz. ---- “ a great disappointment.” or a “ fraud.”

Fraud. ---“ an intentional deception or dishonesty.”— “a crime.”

Serious Crimes .
Conspiring to pervert the Course of Justice.
Perverting the Course of Justice.
Contempt of Court.

Pictet & Cie Bank –Partners –(1996—2012 )- guilty.
Peters &Peters – Partners.— (1999---2012 )- guilty.

The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld crucial documents requested under a High Court order. The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld evidence from the Police, and one of it’s account managers Susan Broadhead gave a false witness statement .
Another one of it’s managers Nicholas Campiche ( Now Head of Pictet – Alternative Investments.) concocted a letter pretending to be a client and closed his account. The senior partner (Ivan Pictet.) sought to have numerous documents destroyed,along with those copies held in their London office’s of Pictet Asset Management. Initially stating that they were forgeries then their lawyers Peters & Peters – Monty Raphael .Q.C.–and the barrister Charles Flint.Q.C. later had to admit in Court that the documents were genuine.

Crime. ---“ an act committed or omitted in violation of a law.”


•Ivan Pictet. Announces stepping down from Pictet & Cie. 5th Feb 2010.
June 2010 – stepping down as president. Geneva. Financial Centre.
•Monty Raphael. Steps down as head .( Peters and Peters ) May. 2009.

*** We note that there has been a sharp increase in Peters & Peters partners leaving to go to other practices. Moving does not alleviate them of any responsibility from any illegalities that may have occurred at Peters & Peters during their partnership tenure. From 1999 onwards.

*** Were currently waiting to see if the West Yorkshire Police :-
(1)Chief Constable ---- Sir Norman Bettison.
(2)Forces Solicitor ---- Mike Percival.
(3)Head of Economic Crimes Unit.--- Det. Chief Inspector Steven Taylor.

-- continue to attempt to cover this case up like their F.S.A. Counterparts.
If they do “ watch this space”)

We have recently been informed that due to pressure from our M.P. that the Ministry of Justice had asked Lord Myners to investigate our claims that the F.S.A. covered up the illegal activities of Pictet Asset Management. London. They might as well have asked Ivan Pictet to investigate .or Friends Reunited.

Lady Myners on Prix Pictet board.

The consensus of opinion is the Pictet & Cie should be prosecuted , and that their banking licence’s should be taken away in the U.K. ( and fined.)
Their solicitors at Peters & Peters --- struck off and prosecuted..
In America they would have all been in prison for the last seven years.


We note that Det. Chief Inspector Steven Taylor has been removed as the Head of Economic Crime Unit and demoted to Det. Inspector. ( One down two to go).
Both DCI Taylor and the Forces Solicitor Mike Percival continue to blatantly lie to investigating Solicitors and M.P.’s.

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:50 pm
by MercurysBall2
Prix Pictet - The global award in photography and sustainability
Prix Pictet is proud to launch an interactive exhibition of Confinement....


The ninth theme is Fire ..Prix Pictet announces ‘Fire’ as the theme for the ninth cycle of the award. As Chair Stephen Barber explains, the choice of theme is timely.

"Fire has hardly been out of the news since the inferno that consumed Notre Dame in Paris in early 2019. We have seen record rainforest blazes in the Amazon, forest and bush fires in Australia and conflagrations in California. It is the fourth element. Fire destroys and it renews. Fire means survival, renewal, and economic prosperity. Yet our abuse of this most capricious of elements is the source of most of our environmental woes.”

Over the coming months the Prix Pictet’s global network of over 300 nominators will identify portfolios of work that align with the ninth theme. These portfolios will be reviewed by the independent Jury chaired by Sir David King. The Fire shortlist will be presented at the Rencontres d’Arles in July 2021. ..

The Hope exhibition featuring the work of 12 artists shortlisted for the eighth cycle, Hope, was shown at EPFL ArtLab in Lausanne, Switzerland in September. The exhibition will travel to Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona, International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York, Galleria Carla Sozzani in Milan, the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv and a major museum in Shanghai over the next 12 months.
God it reeks...

Advisory Board
Lionel Barber - Editor, Financial Times

Sir Peter Bazalgette - Chair, ITV plc Chair, Arts Council England 2013–17

Marcus Brauchli - Former Editor, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal

Christopher Brown - Director, Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology, Oxford 1998–2014

Melanie Clore - Founder, Clore Wyndham Fine Art Former Sotheby’s Chairman of Europe and Former Co-Chairman of Impressionist and Modern Art Worldwide

Régis Durand
Writer and Art Critic

Lady Foster
Founder and CEO, Ivorypress

Francis Hodgson
Professor in the Culture of Photography University of Brighton

Maja Hoffmann
Founder, Luma Foundation

Baroness Kennedy QC
Principal, Mansfield College University of Oxford 2011–18

Dr Henry S. Kim
Director, Aga Khan Museum, Toronto

Fatima Maleki

Richard Misrach

Lady Myners
Chair, Royal Academy Trust, London Chair, Institute of Contemporary Arts London

Sandy Nairne CBE
Director, National Portrait Gallery London 2002–15

Fumio Nanjo
Director, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo

Michael Nyman CBE
Composer and Artist

Lord Palumbo obvious link back to NXIVM and the Parvati Foundation...
Art Collector and Trustee

Ivan Pictet
Chairman Former Senior Managing Partner Pictet Group

Nigel Pleming QC

Thaddaeus Ropac
Owner, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris & Salzburg

Ralph Rugoff
Director, Hayward Gallery, London

Dr Charles Saumarez Smith CBE
Senior Director, Blain|Southern, Former Secretary & Chief Executive Royal Academy of Arts, London

Princess Marianne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn

Olga Sviblova
Director and Founder, Multimedia Art Museum Moscow

Sir John Tusa
Trustee, Co-Chair, European Union Youth Orchestra Former Chairman, University of the Arts, London

Roxane Zand
Senior Director, Deputy Chairman, Sotheby’s Middle East and Gulf Region London

Slavoj Žižek
International Director, Birkbeck College University of London

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 2:51 pm
by MercurysBall2
Look what I found while I was looking for stuff on Sir David King.. ... A5%BF.html
Many others expressed how they missed master ching hai s elegant demeanor and compassionate heart and also extended their best wishes to her, including peter nygard, model and actress anna nicole smith, and actors david carradine, kevin mccarthy, henry silva and vincent schiavelli. Other well-wishers included buzz aldrin, first astronaut on the moon, and his wife lois, and ken huthmaker of entertainment sports today. Many of these superstars admire and hope to once again meet with supreme master ching hai.
US President Bush made an inspection in New Orleans, Louisiana, on the Gulf Coast of Mexico on Tuesday to commemorate the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina is the most destructive hurricane in American history.

The violence and frequency of hurricanes will increase with global warming the government's chief scientific adviser warned today. Sir david king issued his warning as hurricane rita menaced america' s gulf coast and the heart of the us oil-refining industry hard on the heels of hurricane katrina which devastated the city of new orleans and surrounding areas.

According to a report by the British Daily Mail on September 23, Hurricane Katrina had just hit the city of New Orleans and its surrounding areas in the United States. The heartland faces severe threats.
Some of the growing list of Supreme Master Ching Hai posts: ... um=on&b=on

More Supreme Master references from that website: ... B8%AB.html
Of peace through music ", is still resounding in the ears of all those who attended and continues to be a hot conversation piece among many people, who cannot stop discussing their experience at this memorable event. Even the national vice president of st. Jude children s research hospital in tennessee, jerry chipman, said he had heard many great things about the concert and the wonderful contribution of supreme master ching hai to the children. Not only did audience members enjoy the grandness of the event, they were deeply touched by master s love, grace and generous contribution to the two children s charities, saint jude children s research hospital and starlight children s foundation.

The melody of the Los Angeles Voice of Peace-Universal One Heart Charity Concert still echoes in every audience’s ears. This unforgettable event has always been a popular topic among the public. Many people talked about the scene again and again, even in Tennessee. Jerry Gapman, National Vice President of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, also said that he heard a lot of good reviews about the concert and Supreme Master Ching Hai ’s contributions to children. I was moved by the kindness and generosity of St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Starlight Children’s Foundation.


...On march 13 , 2004 , cotonou, a beautiful, sunny resort city blessed with sparkling beaches, became even brighter when the benin center hosted a video conference featuring the teachings of supreme master ching hai in a vegetarian restaurant owned by a fellow practitioner.

Kotunnu is a holiday resort with bright sunny beaches. On March 13, 2004, when fellow initiates from Benin held a video lecture introducing Supreme Master Ching Hai’s teachings at a vegetarian restaurant run by fellow initiates in Kotunnu ..

Then, what was even more surprising was that the composer and conductor Peter Bowie happily shook Supreme Master’s hand and asked for a short improvisation. The hostess Debbie Reynolds was even more inviting, and Supreme Master Ching Hai was here. ... ation.html
Starlight children s foundation, presided by mr. Marc cohen, received 100 , 000. Ms. Shoshana grammer and mr. Mike driebe, representatives from st. Jude children s research hospital, accepted on behalf of their organization a 150 , 000 contribution from the supreme master ching hai
More here: ... 08/l-1.htm
...On October 28, 1999, the 15th anniversary gala, "The Magic of Starlight," was held at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, USA. Oscar-winning actress Kim Basinger (L. A. Confidential, The Natural, Batman) and President of CBS Television, Les Moonves, co-chaired the event...

Mr. Marc Cohen led Supreme Master Ching Hai upstairs to enjoy the top tier Rose reception party in Le Trianon at the Regent before being seated at the Head Table with his wife, Starlight Board member Kathryn Cohen and himself, popular Hollywood actor Martin Sheen and his wife Janet Sheen, President of CBS Television, Mr. Les Moonves and award-winning actress Swoozie Kurtz. Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening, Swoozie Kurtz (Citizen Ruth, Liar, Liar, Dangerous Liaisons, Bright Lights, Big City), began the program by welcoming all the guests who had come to support the noble work of serving the needs of children. She then introduced award-winning singer and actor, Davis Gaines, who performed a beautiful vocal in his strong, operatic voice. Gaines has performed the title role in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera" more than 2,000 times...

Starlight President Marc Cohen then came to the stage to thank all of the guests and new friends of the Starlight Foundation. He had also written an introduction for the program booklet, in which he especially thanked Supreme Master Ching Hai and reserved a whole dedication page that included a picture of Master presenting Her contribution to the Starlight Foundation at the benefit concert, "One World... of Peace Through Music."

The evening's entertainment proceeded with a splendid musical performance by multi-Grammy winner Sheryl Crow..The two designers, Pericles Rellas and Mitchell Edwards, of the new star pin for the Starlight Foundation were so fascinated by Supreme Master Ching Hai's "Ancient Beauty" jewelry collection that they came over to Her table to have a closer look...

Among the other guests who had the good fortune to meet Supreme Master Ching Hai were Julie Warner, star of CBS' "Family Law," Starlight Board member Bernie Sharf, Starlight Board member Kathryn Cohen, Dee Slattery of Nautica International, Inc., and Steve Webster, Director of Public Relations for Fox Sports Network.
Marc Cohen
Marc Cohen is an American radio personality who has spent over 30 years as a prominent Southern California announcer. He has performed on both television and radio and has a long running technology show, which is not only well respected, it is one of the most listened to shows on technology in the country. He has made many keynote speeches at technology conferences and he is called upon by the top technology companies like Microsoft, Sony and Gateway, Inc. to do early technology testing. In addition, he has been a judge for the Codie award judging the top software in the country.

His daughter Allison is a psychotherapist and his son Darryl is a Managing Director at a leading financial institution. Marc was formerly President of the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation and a current board member of NAAAA, the National Association of African American Athletes... Marc's show airs weekly on with co-host Marsha Collier author of eBay for Dummies.
Disney and Starlight
Since 2001, The Walt Disney Company and Starlight Children’s Foundation have partnered to deliver happiness to seriously ill children and their families.
Marsha Collier .. She and her Google Glass wedding is a whole other story ... s-wedding/ Just noting for now her cousin is British Army Colonel Simon Goldstein MBE

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:31 pm
by MercurysBall2
More on the Supreme Master Ching Hai: ... ernor.html
Governor shirak s. Petrossyan and mayor michael vardanyan of gjumry warmly greeted the representatives of the supreme master ching hai international association, who then presented them with a check. Mayor vardanyan and governor petrossyan then accompanied master to the orphanage and elderly homes, where members of the supreme master ching hai international association awaited to distribute the gifts that they had arranged, including clothing, toiletries, blankets, candies and crackers.

Master also gave them an additional us 10 , 000 in cash. However, mayor vardanyan and governor petrossyan asked for master s permission to divide the amount and give us 5 , 000 to the orphanage home of gjumry and the other us 5 , 000 to the elderly home and internet of gjumry. Master visits the orphanage home of gjumry. Master then presented them with a 24 k gold lighter and a surprise contribution of us 100 , 000 to the city. Overwhelmed by the generous contribution, mayor vardanyan and governor petrossyan repeatedly thanked master for her kindness and benevolence to the citizens of gjumry, who have suffered for the last ten years due to the tragic 1988 disaster.

On behalf of the city of gjumry, governor petrossyan and mayor vardanyan, with their deepest gratitude, thanked master and promised that her contribution would be used to construct 70-75 factories to help the poor and needy have a chance to work and provide for a better future for themselves. In addition, they said the money would be used to construct two new schools, one to be named the supreme master ching hai high school.
SMCH's visit to Armenia by brother initiate Anthony Cordova, Los Angeles, U.S.A. ... 4/e-1b.htm
...During the live interview, Ms. Mouradyan shared with viewers the humanitarian trip that Supreme Master Ching Hai had taken the previous day and the contributions that She had made to Armenian charitable foundations. ..After the live TV broadcast, Master was escorted to the Children's House of Yerevan, where the resident orphans range from one to six years of age.
I can only assume that article was written by Anthony Cordova, Entertainment Relations & Business Development Executive, Los Gatos CA From his linkedin page:
Seasoned artist / charity relations / business development executive with over 20 years experience. Proven revenue generator and builder of inspired, dynamic teams. A believer in win-win contract negotiation. Deep charity relationships with Born This Way Foundation, ASPCA, GRAMMY Foundation, Red Cross, Humane Society, Community Links, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, ACLU and other blue chip organizations. with Katy Perry / Humane Society check presentation at Staples Center
[well Russell Brand provides the link between her, Prince Charles, Parvati Foundation, NXIVM..]
This is so reminiscent of Ricky Dearman's involvement with them..

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:43 pm
by brwn
Please don’t write in yellow or green because
I can’t read it. A cult like this doesn’t disband
Just cuz their leaders went to prison. Look
At Warren Jeff’s. These cults exist because
The girls have something missing in their soul.
They have a low self esteem.
Btw any org called “Rainbow” says a lot 🤮

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:59 pm
by MercurysBall2
brwn wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 4:43 pm Please don’t write in yellow or green because
I can’t read it.
I didn't realize that some of the colours could be problematic for some. I'll try and cut down on that.

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 5:21 pm
by MercurysBall2
Getting back to Pictet:
The Pictet Group, known as Pictet, is a Swiss multinational private bank and financial services company founded in Switzerland. Headquartered in Geneva, it is one of the largest Swiss banks and primarily offers services in wealth management, asset management and asset servicing, to private clients and institutions.

The Pictet Group employs around 4,600 people, including 900 investment managers.[3][4] It has a network of 28 offices in financial services centres, including registered banks in Geneva, Luxembourg, Nassau, Hong Kong and Singapore.

..In 2008, Pictet launched the Prix Pictet, an award for photography highlighting societal interactions and problems.[19] Each year, nominated photographers are invited to submit a series of pictures on a chosen theme, such as "Water" (2008) and "Space" (2017).[20][21] The winner is selected by an independent jury led by Sir David King.[22] Kofi Annan was president of the Prix Pictet from its founding in 2008 until his death in 2018.
A lot of things happened in 2008 I'm finding.

Their advisory board:

Lionel Barber:

Leonard A. Lauder, Chairman Emeritus, The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. and Lionel Barber, ediitor, Financial Times attend Financial Times Business of Luxury Summit cocktail reception on June 13, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California.
who else was at the event?

Diane von Furstenberg ... =2048x2048

Lionel Barber, Editor, Financial Times and Bryan Lourd, Managing Partner, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) ... =2048x2048

Re: Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:01 am
by carmencita
Babel is an arm of Rainbow Cultural Garden. I have even seen an ad on tv for them. Scared me. When researching it before I found that Barbara Bush had ties to London RCG. It’s been scrubbed. She died not long after. I remember reading a specialist interviewed the Children in the programs and he said the words came out as Gibberish. Frightening. These people should be hung at the soonest possible hour IMO. Thank you for looking into this♥️