Peter Thiel-Backed Psychedelics Firm Buys Majority of Brain-Control Interface Firm

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Peter Thiel-Backed Psychedelics Firm Buys Majority of Brain-Control Interface Firm

Post by TFS »

ATAI Life Sciences, a biosciences company backed by venture capitalist and freedom-loving [sarc] billionaire Peter Thiel that specializes in experimental treatment of mental disorders with psychedelic drugs, has bought out a majority stake in a company working to meld the mind with machines.

The Berlin-based ATAI has purchased a controlling percentage of Psyber, one of several firms working on brain-computer interface technology that could theoretically one day allow humans to plug themselves into a smart toaster (or something more interesting, like a robot tank). This may seem a curious pairing at face value, as the first connection between psychedelics and transhumanism that may come to mind is that those on the former tend to talk a lot about the latter.

But ATAI told CNBC that Psyber’s early-stage research into electrical activity in the brain, the first step towards translating neural activity into machine language and vice versa, will also be useful in the development of psychedelic therapies. The same data that Psyber is analyzing could also yield insights into how psychedelic drugs produce their subjective effects and improve their safety and efficacy, according to ATAI. The company also suggested that brain-control interfaces could one day play a role in psychedelic therapy itself. ... nt=gizmodo

Peter Thiel's connection to Jeffrey Epstein and Israeli military intelligence:

Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances came under scrutiny, it was revealed that the Israeli company Carbyne911 had received substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein as well as Epstein’s close associate and former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist and prominent Trump backer Peter Thiel.

Carbyne911, or simply Carbyne, develops call-handling and identification capabilities for emergency response services in countries around the world, including the United States, where it has already been implemented in several U.S. counties and has partnered with major U.S. tech companies like Google. It specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing U.S. gun laws.

Yet, Carbyne is no ordinary tech company, as it is deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, whose “alumni” often go on to create tech companies — Carbyne among them — that frequently maintain their ties to Israeli intelligence and, according to Israeli media reports and former employees, often “blur the line” between their service to Israel’s defense/intelligence apparatus and their commercial activity. As this report will reveal, Carbyne is but one of several Israeli tech companies marketing themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings that has direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies.

In each case, these companies’ products are built in such a way that they can easily be used to illegally surveil the governments, institutions and civilians that use them, a troubling fact given Unit 8200’s documented prowess in surveillance as a means of obtaining blackmail and Israel’s history of using tech companies to aggressively spy on the U.S. government. This is further compounded by the fact that Unit 8200-linked tech companies have previously received U.S. government contracts to place “backdoors” into the U.S.’ entire telecommunications system as well as into the popular products of major American tech companies including Google, Microsoft and Facebook, many of whose key managers and executives are now former Unit 8200 officers.

Another funder of Carbyne, Peter Thiel, has his own company that, like Carbyne, is set to profit from the Trump administration’s proposed hi-tech solutions to mass shootings. Indeed, after the recent shooting in El Paso, Texas, President Trump — who received political donations from and has been advised by Thiel following his election — asked tech companies to “detect mass shooters before they strike,” a service already perfected by Thiel’s company Palantir, which has developed “pre-crime software” already in use throughout the country. Palantir is also a contractor for the U.S. intelligence community and also has a branch based in Israel. ... re/261692/

Epstein was also a funder of this type of research, this is from 2013:

Science Funder Jeffrey Epstein Launches Radical Emotional Software For The Gaming Industry:

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) group in Hong Kong behind this new emotive software is called Open Cog. As an open-source foundation, Open Cog (‘Cognition for All’) lead by co-founder Ben Goertzel, develops a programming language for the AI community to share, in what is still a very fragmented field. However, in efforts to map the architecture of the human mind, Open Cog also programmed three game characters, a ghost, a robot and a girl that push past traditional gaming algorithms:

Each character has programmed into them a database called an AtomSpace. AtomSpace consists of hundreds of ‘atoms’ which are knowledge concepts such as objects (chair, table, shelf), actions (sitting, running, singing) and feelings (anger, joy, fear). Every time an algorithm, called MindAgents, leads a character to more than one an atom, the associative link gets stronger, influencing the characters’ future pathway choices. In this sense, a character builds and incorporates associative memory. At the same time, links can decay over time if not used by algorithms, weakening a character’s memory.

Ed. note: Yuri Milner who is an Israeli-Russian engineer is also linked to Hong Kong with Ben Goertzel’s OpenCog research group. Interesting enough, Yuri Milner is invested in Jared Kushner’s real estate firm Cadre. Milner had “sizeable early stakes” in early investments in both Facebook and Twitter. All these people including Jeffery Epstein, Peter Thiel, Ben Goertzel, and Yuri Milner are connected in some way through the development of artificial intelligence and private equity firms that are invested in the technology. All this is being built on private networks so these people can share “stuff” with private equity firms keeping where they invest money pretty much under tight wraps.

In a paper “Atlantis Thinking Machines Volume 5” written by Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin and Nil Geisweiller in the section titled “Engineering General Intelligence, Part 1: A Path to Advanced AGI via Embodied Learning and Cognitive Synergy with contributions by the OpenCog Team”, in the Acknowledgements on page xi, Goertzel thanks Jeffery Epstein for his “visionary funding:

“Two degrees of separation between Peter Thiel and Jeffrey Epstein, who was an important financier of transhumanist research. Thiel is on the advisory board of the The Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), whose Director of Research was Humanity+ board member Ben Goertzel, an advocate of psychedelics, who is also on the Advisory Board of the Timothy Leary Archive maintained by Michael Horowitz, father of Wynona Ryder.” ... tB4q_v8iaM

"Paypal founder Peter Thiel has a gruesome plan to achieve eternal life – by injecting the blood of teenagers.The practice, known as parabiosis, is not as impossible as it seems – in 2016, a start up firm called Ambrosia started offering transfusions of “young plasma” for £6,000 a time.
The billionaire mogul, 53, has said: “I’m looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found it had a massive rejuvenating effect.” ... tay-young/
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